2 Post – 196 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I wish someone would do a NoClip-esque documentary on Sierra. That studio seems amazing and Roberta Williams was a crazy good game designer.

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"My team will get to the bottom of how this clandestine network of clinics has subjected children to puberty blockers and irreversible surgery, often without parental consent,” he wrote in a statement.

Ffs, he makes it sound like toddlers are getting snatched off the streets to get "trans'ed".

Give me one fucking case anywhere in this state where a minor was given surgery without parental consent. Go ahead, I'll wait.

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I started a new position in my company in February 2020, just weeks before the lock down. Since then I've been almost entirely working from home, coming into the office maybe 10 days over the past 4 years.

During that time I've been promoted, gotten a separate pay raise to a new band, helped onboard the entire rest of my team (two of whom are completely remote).

I've done nothing but prove over and over again that I am excelling at my job remotely.

They are still pushing for me to come back to a "hybrid" 3 day a week schedule. Madness.

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Man, Trump has made his point - he convinced me! I'm not going to be voting for Biden in this election.

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As god intended! /s

By all means, let's force people through the trauma of knowing their kid will only live at most 16-18 months and will probably bankrupt the family with medical bills.

The cruelty here is off the charts (as the gop intended).

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This Mastodon thread was particularly enlightening on Musk's love affair with the "X" brand.

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Cripes. Why did anyone think this was necessary.

By all means, let's vote for the eloquent Trump instead. /S

At least Biden won't gaffe his way into outlawing BIPOC from existing or inspire domestic terrorism with his words.

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I would be happy with just one loss that actually sticks.

I feel like all I read is, "Trump is really in trouble this time!" - but all I actually hear is Waylon Jennings saying, "Boy that Donald sure is in a heap ah trouble."

But on the other hand, if we don't do that, we can have a whole new level of industrial espionage where Hyundai targets Toyota vehicles to make them seem less safe and take over a wider market share.

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I'm fairly certain something like that has already happened with Canadian Airlines. A person asked about bereavement travel and the AI chat bot claimed one thing and the company refused to honor it. IIRC, the court said the company had to abide by what the chatbot said.

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I'm not going to down vote you - some people do like the social experience at work. I just respectfully disagree. I'm at work to make money and to keep my skills sharp - I don't (and have never really) enjoy hanging out with coworkers outside of the normal work related areas.

As a mostly introverted person, work from home has been a godsend. I can focus on communicating with my manager and coworkers in ways that are more comfortable for me - and thus result in a more positive experience for everyone.

Plus the amount of work I get done at home is easily double what I was doing when working from the office 5 days a week.

It doesn't matter. He can hold off on liquidation until November and if he wins, (which would mean there's a strong chance the Senate flips), have his cronies pass a, " lol god emperors don't pay for summary judgements" bill.

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If he runs again and loses, I'm not confident that we still won't be fucked. The flat out refusal to recognize losing at all levels will start one hell of a wave of stochastic terrorism.

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Well, it's a ROG laptop, and they can go for north of $1000 USD fairly easily.

What I'm curious about is why does her law firm do byod? You'd want client files locked down with whole disk encryption - and probably domain joined. It's much more likely that you get a Thinkpad or Dell something.

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Man, the Republicans have done it again! This Biden fellow sounds like bad news, I don't think I'll be voting for him in November. /s

On a more serious note, was shitting on Biden their only strategy to get Trump reelected? 100% of their effort seems to have gone towards smearing Biden, but now that Kamala has entered the race they cannot pivot at all. (Not that I want them to pivot, please by all means, continue to beat a dead horse)

The one good thing about Google's Social media experiment was that guy who reviewed USBC cables to see if they actually adhered to the standards.

It's shocking how many didn't have the proper resistors or components to properly handle data and charging.

Sure, go for it and watch the American agriculture industry suffer. The immigrants (illegal or otherwise) are willing to do the incredibly difficult jobs of working the fields, harvesting difficult food, and so on. Here's a Newsweek article from 2021 that suggests 49% of the agricultural workforce is illegal immigrants [source.].

Those companies make bank by paying their workers under the table and under minimum wage. Maybe we should crack down on the companies hiring illegal immigrants instead of the actual workers?

But, oh right, this is just another case of the GOP looking to hate on the Other and rile up their base

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  • Step 1: download deb
  • Step 2: open a terminal
  • Step 3: sudo dpkg -i /path/to/yourde.deb

Now whether or not all the packages are fubared at this point is unknown, but that's how to install a deb file.

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I wasn't sure about the Steam Deck, but my god man - it truly is the best of all worlds.

  • [x] Playing games in bed with instant suspend/resume
  • [x] Easy emulation of old (and new) consoles
  • [x] Supports and excels at playing the vast majority of my old Steam games
  • [ ] Makes me snacks when I'm hungry.

I've played Chronotrigger on here, Skies of Arcadia, and Civ3. Lately I've been going through the Yakuza series for the first time.

I will say that I'm always a little tempted to get a console for the exclusive new titles, but I can never justify the price when I have such a big backlog of games already.

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There's a question that has always bothered me. Wtf do you do now that you have an obviously stolen, used catalytic converter? Find an unscrupulous junk yard? Take it to a pawn shop?

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Do you have any persistent pain or discomfort when doing things? Get that checked out.

Another +1 for colonoscopy.

Also if there's a family history of anything nasty, see if there's a test for it my maybe? (E.g. heart attacks, get blood work done for cholesterol).

Get a full physical including blood work.

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Do you really believe fucking Trump as president will be better for Palestine? At least Biden (unsuccessfully) tried to get a cease fire going. Trump would probably nuke Palestine himself.

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Hey! It could totally be some other nation state that has strong, documented ties to the party running against Harris!


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Jeff Geerling consistently has the most compatible, tested, updated, and well documented Ansible rolls out there. If I need to get some niche software installed and there is a geerlingguy role for it - I breathe a sigh of relief.

If he is considering stopping support for RedHat and it's various distros - that is massive.

Nobody showed up because there wasn't a remotely organized attempt to get people to travel across the country to show up. January 6th was planned (or at least in the rough outline stages in November 2020 when Facebook removed the Stop The Steal group.

The Miami case was solidified on June 9th with formal charges and the arraignment followed 4 days later.

I won't disagree that if he goes to jail he'll further fall from the spotlight, but that's an awful big if given timelines and our justice system.

Here's my problem with Biden stepping aside...

Who takes his place? The Dems have had zero primaries with strong contenders, there are few people with name recognition that would do a decent job/have the broad support to beat Trump.

What are you going to do, put up Kamala? Do you know how much that world get the rage vote turnout from the racist and misogynist Republicans?

There's just no good alternatives that I can see.

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Plus oh-my-zsh and the powerline 10k theme - this is my go-to shell.

I mean, that fox host came real close with "colored" when he referred to one of the historic black fraternities/sororities.

Give it time.

My dude. They are not only aware, they are hoping for their own version to happen.

I can weigh in on this - I've been using my Steam Deck docked and in desktop mode for about 6 months. The os is read-only, but you can switch it to RW... but that's the beginning of your troubles.

  1. The Steam repo mirror is woefully out of date, and occasionally while installing packages with AUR/pacman there will be an untrusted key (untrusted because it's outdated) that prevents the package from being installed (or prerequisites from being installed)
  2. The base OS+games rapidly consumes the NVMe. You can get a 1 or 2TB replacement for hundreds of dollars, but that's basically your only good option.
  3. Every so often, they'll push an update that breaks your customizations - the OS goes RO again, your installed packages are deleted (but configuration files remain), meaning you have to do manual clean up before reinstalling.

The latter got so bad, I ended up writing an Ansible playbook to make my recovery from upgrade easier:

That's not including the annoyance of finding a monitor and dock (and charger) that will properly work with the deck.

TL;DR - you can use the steam deck as a workstation, but it's painful.

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Unfortunately, dental is typically separate from health care in the US. (It's stupid).

Don't think for a second they're not coming (pun intended) for your porn.

If the Republicans have their way, everyone would be governed by their conservative "morals".

Hell, the speaker of the house even has a weird porn checker app that he shares with his "accountability partner" - his son. Source

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I follow a few lawyers on Mastodon - the general consensus is that the prosecutor jumped a few steps by going directly to SCOTUS and they told him, "Nope, do this the right way via appeals first".

It was unanimous from the court, and I get that this needs to be by the book, but it sure feels like it fits with the Trump effort to delay, delay, delay.

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Well they passed the border bill, securing our borders and providing much needed support for Ukraine all while forcing the Dems to give up nearly everything they stand for.... Oh wait, that deal is basically dead now because it would help Biden.

What a load of fucking morons.

How long before companies start using this as an excuse for return to office?

Sure, you've been working here since before the pandemic, but maybe now you're a North Korean spy! The only way to be sure is for you to come into the office and average 4 days a week.

I agree that 99.999% uptime is a pipedream for most home labs, but I personally think a UPS is worth it, if only to give yourself the option to gracefully shut down systems in the event of a power outage.

Eventually, I'll get a working script that checks the battery backup for mains power loss and handle the graceful shutdown for me, but right now that extra 10-15 minutes of battery backup is enough for a manual effort.

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By the way, I use Arch

Oh! I can participate!

Everything I have/configure is 100% in Ansible. I learned the hard way that rebuilding a workstation from scratch sucks if I only depend on my brain to remember things.

It takes some effort to keep it updated - if I'm trying out a new app, I have to remember to add it to my config.

The other thing that I've started doing is using Restic for file level backups. That's relatively easy to set up, it supports a multitude of backend storage, and works well with a cron job for braindead backups.