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Joined 1 years ago

Amazed. So realistic. Can we see this theme in full action with taskbar, icons...?

rust is really great but rust foundation's mistakes kinda killing it :/

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I agree. :) I kinda marked "bad decisions to screw community" thingy.

I assume it is not a full transition to cloud, instead they are adding 'Cloud Computing to Windows' and integrating with system.

I absolutely could tell this is a VM. What computer in the world uses i5-7400 with 2 gigs of RAM?

Ah, I do not think it's really overblown... It's really a mistake that needs to be fixed up and people screaming to let them know. That is what we should do and it is great!

Agree by the way, its really hard to kill but i think can be killed if same mistakes happens over and over. Rust is an awesome language, I do not want foundation to overrun it. We should be talking about awesome crates, not an idiot decision made by foundation...

Ah, I see this post and remember that I was a HUGE CLI fan, that I converted every single tool I use to CLI. Which was insane and clearly not usable, I learned how to use them properly but yeah didn't work. I guess I love WM's but not converting anything to CLI just to adjust my theme.

Rocks. 🥳

Nice. As an alternative, ytfzf is awesome.

Yeah, it is so unpleasant... But I am another type of perfectionist so unless I properly configured and got rid of all the trash, I can't use it.

Didn't thought like "unpleasant" so yeah unpleasant would be more fitting then unusable. Agree with you. 👍

I agree! Microsoft services fits nice with stock. But still doesn't change stock is bad. But most of my friends and relatives (who use Windows) doesn't use Microsoft products (except core products like calculator) because they do not need it. The stock just comes with so many bloat, bad taskbar, telemetries etc... Some of them don't know how to debloat and tinker with system so they can't mess with it and leave it at stock, some of them knows and does every single step to go far away from stock.

Tiny10 compromise was a hearsay then. Thanks for your info.

I didn't understand what you mean by LTSC will depend on your usage. Can you explain it more?

How it is dramatic? You are the one who took offense... It's not hard to just understand defaults are bad.

Tiny10 was infected IIRC, LTSC is not for me since it requires more tinkering than default Windows.

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Calling windows unusable because of a tiny window appearing on the bottom right corner is just being dramatic.

Do you really think just because of that? You guys are dramatizing a lot than me. I just say that is annoying, defaults are not fine. Tweaking it consumes my time a lot. Don't miss the whole point. It's just a tiny tiny little bit example of how awful and annoying defaults are.

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Pop ups?

That is not the case. Default builds of Windows 10 & 11 can send annoying notifications like "Scanned your computer blah blah...". And I assume there are lot more. I mean if it isn't popup, then what it is? I mostly disable notifications completely by the way. Probably there are more than that, idk.

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If you call popups, annoying apps "usable" then it is.

I at least spend a day to make it less annoying.

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