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Joined 12 months ago

I have it working with LaCP'd 4gb networking for the transfers. Five nodes. I agree though, It's a beast on RAM.

I have tried a couple of Proxmox clusters, one with overkill specs and one with little Mini PCs. Proxmox does eat up a fair amount of memory, but I have used it with Ceph for live migrations. Its really useful to me to be able to power off a machine, work on it, then bring it back up, and have no interruptions in my services. That said, my Mini PCs always seemed to be hurting for RAM. So that's my pros and cons.

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I have tinnitus and it sounds just like power supplies, except it comes from nowhere. So, when I hear the squeal, I turn my head. If the squeal noise follows the movement of my head, tinnitus. If it stays put, power supply!

It's like skunk and pot! (I'm in Canada, it's legal and everywhere.) If I smell it, I look around. If I see a burrow, skunk! If I see a dozy looking dude with red eyes...

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This is such a short, sweet game, runs on everything: Portal. Even my mom likes it!

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I used to work in a call center and had a notably irate customer named Mrs. Bitschy. I tried pronouncing it like "Beeshy", and she immediately snapped "It's Bitchy! Got a problem with that!?" Oof.

A Fraudian Slip! Do I get Dad Joke points?

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A cure to whatever the heck is wrong with me! Hell, even a diagnosis would be nice...

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Save 15%. Even if it absolutely sucks to do so. If you have to dip in to the 15%, it better be for life or death. Skip meals to save that 15%.

1$ saved at 20 is like 20$ saved at 40.

Also, don't cash advance from a credit card, ever, for any reason. I once bought a 6$ taco at age 18 on cash advance, and once I finally cleared it off, that taco had cost me almost 500$. I did the math.

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A schooner is a sailboat!

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Oh, self-hosted would be another good place to ask.

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I, for one, try real hard. But thanks!

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One of my favorite things about Linux is this: you can try it. Get a thumb drive, get Rufus or Etcher. Download Mint, Ubuntu, something with a "Live Linux". Boot from the thumb drive, spend an hour or two surfing, clicking around, seeing if things work. 2018, you had like an 80% chance of a flawless experience. 2024, it's way higher! Plus, the alternatives have gotten slower, more bloated, more interested in monetizing you than serving you, so even if it feels strange, and you have to relearn some stuff, more than ever, it might be worth it.

Even if it didn't work quite right, keep the thumb drive around. The number of times I've rescued an important file off of a messed up system using a thumb drive with Mint on it? You'd be surprised.

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I have an x86 proxmox setup. I stuck a kill-o-watt on it. Keep your pi setup if it does what you want, and realize that there's someone out there who is jealous of your power bill.

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I had a work laptop and did the "external USB" thing. One day, at work, I'm messing with my Linux on a public wifi, having unplugged from the corporate LAN.

A co-worker walks by, sees the Network cord unplugged, plugs it in. I am oblivious in the washroom.

Corporate security got to my laptop before I did.

I didn't get fired.

I don't work there anymore, though.

Old Man's War! Pretty green people fighting aliens! What's not to like?

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It's slangy, for sure. It's said in a way where the rest of the sentence is not explicitly stated but implied. Like, "Now I put the cheese... " (On the burger), and then I put the bun. (Again, on the burger.) It's not terribly uncommon, but it does happen.

I don't know if this will show up or is already in the list, but: Rufus. I burn all my thumb drives for os installs with Rufus. It also lets me bypass a lot of the windows garbage that they've tracked on to the installer, like making you sign in to a Microsoft account to install. Also, Ventoy. It's a multiple OS installer, so one big thumb drive lets me install any number of OSes from it.

While I'm setting up those OSes, ninite gets me my windows programs, and Snappy Driver Installer Origin gets me my drivers. No more laptops with pre-installed bloat for me!

It's funny, I had a horrible toxic job for way longer than any sane person should ever have to deal with, and one aspect of it was dangerous noise levels. We complained, and the company always sent "independent" inspectors who always found that the noise levels were juuuust inside the legal safe limit. Even when they added enough equipment to double the volume! Funny that... Anyways, I am now over six months gone from that job, and I just realized that my tinnitus is way better than it was! Ditto my mental health... Now I just need a winning lottery ticket or a not-soul-sucking job...

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There are a lot of good sellers of corporate leasebacks out there... A five year old ThinkPad is going to kick butt over anything new with a Celeron. I'm a student, and I got an MSI workstation with an i7-9750H, 16GB RAM, 256GB NVME, and a garbage battery for 250$ CAD. That's less than 200$ USD.

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I'm about to start school again after 20 years away... A bit nervous. Still, my job was slowly killing me, and I really feel like I can do this.

Also, I accomplished a nerd thing which I am proud of.

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To quit vim is simple!

Just get a second computer, network with the first one, SSH into the first one, find the process ID of vim, and pkill! Easy as pie!

Mine is misreading usernames and thinking someone who posted this was an insane carp or cod.

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I feel like I should throw in a good word for Fedora. I run a combination of dnf and flatpak, and have a grand time, and am doing an IT diploma program aimed very solidly at Windows under Fedora. I've used Ubuntu, Mint, and Manjaro, and landed on Fedora for my desktop experience.

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I second the proxmox nomination! I use a fair amount of Ubuntu and Fedora, and with Proxmox, you just spin up whatever you want, whenever you want it. I currently have a machine with a few % of your machine's specs, and I'm running WordPress, jellyfin, pihole, LMDE, and a couple Ubuntu desktops (Mate and Gnome) on different VMs, all at once, like they're running on bare metal.

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Monster Hunter World. 80$, 1600 hours and counting. I'll finish it one day. Yes, I know I'm playing it wrong.

Wait... New answer! I'd give them to the first guy who replied to me on Lemmy! He would be very appreciative.

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It is unseasonably warm in Calgary at the moment. That was last week!

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I second this. I help people at the library with their computer stuff, and it gets me out of the house and makes me feel like I am contributing. Much underrated feeling.

Fun fact: one of the symptoms I get of migraine is the inability to ignore smells. At all. Cat owners? Your house smells like ammonia. Cologne wearers? You still stink underneath the cloying odor. Cleaning products? Smell forever. I get to choose between smelling my own halitosis or the unbearable mint odor for hours on end.

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And...! You can sync multiple devices across NextCloud! Tablet and phone? Synced!

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I'm old. Mint 15 XFCE, I burnt an installed copy onto a thumb drive, and ran into a weird grub glitch. Asked on a Mint forum, and Clem himself (maker of Mint) wrote me a detailed how-to-fix. Warm fuzzy feelings for Mint.

Possibly dumb question, but... can Windows pipe things? Like, can I pipe a grep to a text file, or send stdout to a text? Or, like, tee a command onto the end of a config? I don't use this a lot in Linux, but I have never done in Windows and literally don't know if it can be.

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Loving Lemmy! Never felt like it was worth posting on Reddit, this place feels like some weird, dysfunctional, extended family.

If you ever run a "mostly server", where you are mostly in the command line but sometimes want to pop into a GUI for whatever reason, XFCE. I have a computer from 2000 with Ubuntu server plus XFCE after the fact, and it runs great. Still.

That sounds like a student project if I've ever heard one... What's the FOSS project?

Well, if he's from Canada (as I am, no hate!), the answer is "We get like 4 hours of sunlight per day here." I wear shades to block the glare of my own reflection in the snow.

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I would haunt eBay for an old file bay, such as an HP Proliant or a NetApp, then get an HBA card, and hope there is a spot in my house that isn't going to be bothered by the noise. There's a seller called theartofserver on eBay that repurposes old enterprise grade stuff for self hosting use, and I got a card that connected a NetApp file bay to my old 4th gen gaming rig, and that's where all my files live now. I've lost a few drives over the years, but no files.

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There's a series of Lemmy posts called the Linux upskill challenge that goes step by step through setting up and using Linux. I tried self hosting and jumping straight in too, and it sucked.

What worked for me:

  1. Start using open source versions of stuff, like switching from Chrome to Firefox, Office to Libre Office.
  2. Set up Virtual Box, and practice running server apps on Linux on virtual machines, until you've done a few Linux VMs and gotten used to the interfaces and commands.
  3. Dual boot a laptop or desktop, one by one getting your daily use apps working in Linux.
  4. Distro hop a bit. I never thought I'd land on Fedora, but here I am.
  5. Get used to running and configuring servers from the command line.
  6. Host some stuff with VMs and get used to the networking and bridging and stuff.
  7. Containers!

I'm still in the middle of 6+7. Not super comfy with Docker quite yet, but getting there. I really do love having my stuff self-hosted though. Well worth the effort.

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My friends bought me a litter robot, too. I have mixed feelings. I seem to have to reset and fiddle with the thing too often, but when it works, it's really good for keeping the smell down. My guys use it more often than the other two old school boxes, so I guess two paws up from them?

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