i could never understand your pain.
talking about alien bussy got me suspended for a week in reddit I was joking about the aliens that's all
are they sharp ? or not
I'm gonna stop smoking because I got copd and I think in fked if I smoke
what a weird tasting fruit , fuck this plant species get this mf out the gene pool
old age water melons looks like the devil fruit ,, look for them through yandex search engine and not the google , google blocks them
you mean aliens 😯 no way , let me get my tin foile hat , alien intervention equals humanity ? coincidence ? hmmmmm
links to pirate pretty much anything
seem that it work now
even after deleting everything every post they still have it on reddit then it's b.s
idk ,but i think it's because of programmers are mostly furrys
video never doesn't load
it works now idk why
Japan got fucked pretty bad I meanon jan1 f in the chat
for anime ,
i think they have backed up all the subs and accounts , illegally too
quality over quantity