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I think the larger a community becomes, the more likely that will happen.

Maybe with any Iuck it will kill /r/place for good. It’s overrun by bots, just like the rest of reddit

I think the worst part is they are retroactively removing awards. If I spent money on a useless virtual award, I'd want it to stay there in perpetuity.

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More than likely costs for storage and what not. Everything points to reddit being out of money

I think in almost all cases it is just used to reward (or more likely) punish employees through pay or continued employment. I don’t think they actually care to improve their products, processes, etc.

TLDR if you don’t give all 10s the employee gets in trouble and eventually fired, even for things not in their control

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There are a few staying like narwhal. Really strange to cut off access during negotiations but reddit is a dumpster fire so no surprise

I wouldn’t think it would have to be biodegradable, just inert and non-poisonous

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Wow how far he has fallen and what a way to ruin your legacy

Well I live in a state where the government has to try to dictate everything they can about healthcare (without paying for anything), and thus you aren't allowed to make your own decisions about "controlled substances". The doctor and pharmacist must do all the thinking for you. And so heaven forbid you should take the prescription out of the hands of one pharmacist and drive across the street and give it to another. That just isn't tolerated

I really don’t care about how people feel about something I drink and I don’t care what they drink. I think coffee tastes nasty so I stick to sodas and tea for breakfast

Controlled substances can’t be transferred and require new Rx

Also it’s all electronic, no paper prescriptions anymore

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Shame none of these support 2FA yet

This is true but you can always order photos online from Shutterfly, etc. or go to local drug store

That’s fine by me. Let the ignorant masses stay on Reddit and enjoy their memes and reposts

I got a color brother laser and am loving it. No regrets and it was affordable. When the drum, etc. reaches end of life i will have to decide if it’s worth repairing or just getting another printer. Also changing 4 toners is expensive but probably less than the ink carts since you don’t do it very often. Also never have to worry about the ink drying out, cleaning printer heads, etc.

two months is an eternity for reddit management

Back when I tried it you had to go offline on one of the computers for that to work

The McDonalds near me hasn’t had ice cream in a year. I reported them to corporate and they had ice cream again for like two weeks until they claimed their machine was broke again

I’m kind of surprised they just didn’t remove the usb port entirely

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Yeah but they could save 50 cents a printer, how can they just pass up those savings?

Yeah I never do time is worth something and they aren’t paying