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Yeah but you guys still have the guillotines in storage or something though, right? Might be time to dust them off.

We could die a little faster if it helps.

Because every time the US elite needs to distract the crazies they whip out the UFO circuses and the rubes lap that shit up. Honestly it's getting embarrassing for all parties involved.

You wanna know why aliens don't visit this planet?

** Gestures broadly in the direction of entire planet ***

Yeah but who cares? Twitter was dead the second Elon bought it and we all knew it.

$250,000 a seat tourist submarine... The ocean can have them.

I get your point, but I think the image you have in your head of rustic countryside life, hard work and an honest living isn't the reality these child slaves are part of.

Seems a bit less terrible when you inherit the farm at some point, for one. Second, one would assume your parents would take steps to prioritize their child's health and safety and wow do they not do that on industrial farms. And third, can't be an honest living if you're not actually being paid, you know, a living.

I don't think both sides are experiencing cognitive dissonance. In practice, they both appear to be working against the interests of the working class.


So full economic collapse then...


No because AI doesn't exist.

Why are so many leaders in the USA not just evil, but like cartoonishly evil? Like bond villain level evil. If this is the result of a free and fair democracy then maybe democracies are overrated. It is basically a popularity contest, which when you think about it, basic means who ever has the most money is probably going to win.

That's not a plug for any other "-ism" btw so all you tankies can settle the f*** down.

It's just that you never just see a normal Joe on the podium. They're always the same kind of person. The same wide smile, charm, and smooth talk. I'm starting to think that we as a species need to evolve to the point where we savagely kill people like that on the spot.

That's obviously a joke, but also, why are humans so bad at spotting the most egregious grifters? Why are we so compelled to follow a "leader" anyway? Do we actually need one or is this just a hangover from the last few thousand years of monarchism? Maybe we're not as creative as we think.

People sometimes say that democracy is a bad system, it's just that all the other ones are worse. I think that's convenient for those people because you don't have to think any further than that. If you do, you start to wonder... Semi-modern humans have been around for a few hundred thousand years at least... And during that period there have been some very clever humans, surely many that aren't in the historical record... Is this really the best idea we have on how to get large groups of humans to work together toward common goals?

I don't buy it. Look I'm not saying I have the answer. But this has all gotten so ridiculous. America, please get your shit together. If you haven't noticed it's getting a bit hot in here and we have some very real common goals (like not going extinct) that we need to address, and like soonish m'kay.

PS. Gay people exist. Trans people exist. It's fine. The bible is just a book. All your politicians serve one master: money. It isn't a conspiracy, they're pretty open about it. The earth is round. Water is wet. Reality is here folks, it's all around you. Put down your phone and go outside.

So until ~2030 then? 😅

No it can't

They don't seem to be coping so well with a non-AI-saturated 'post truth world'.

Well just air drop them a good indica and we'll have this whole thing sorted in a week.

Kinda hilarious that Butler thought everyone would lose their homes to drugged up pyromaniacs rather than the reality: the homes will still exist just no one will be able to afford to live in them. Maybe she figured that this would be too unbelievable for readers to engage with.

I suspect the US's path might be like Parable, with a big spoonful of The Water Knife and a dash of Ministry of the Future.

Oh and potato chips? Forget about it. Dill pickle, salt and vinegar, ketchup... We can't be expected to go on without ketchup chips. Looks like big red has got us this time boys. 😋