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Joined 3 months ago

Example from Sweden

A good article on the general topic

I can't find the one about the US I read, but here's a similar one in terms of burglary.

And an anime? Dude. What the fuck is wrong with you?

There is nothing glorious,nothing anime-worthy about these cases. There are victims on both sides - the crime victim of course,but also the child murderers are often somewhat a victim. They are not old enough to grasp the full concept of what they are up against, they are often first tricked and then coerced/forced, often come from a destitute family and economical situation and there have been cases when they disappear afterwards. A murder is a murder,but often they don't know what they get themselves into.

The only winners are the cartel/gang bosses. As usual.

Hahaha, basically came here to tell a very similar story.

Came out of a bar with a bunch of paramedics, ED docs, nurses and even our medical director.

Waiting for the subway an older woman collapses, straight into cardiac arrest. CPR(chest compressions)started within seconds, AED (automatic external defibrillator)on within minutes, ROSC(return of spontaneous circulation) before the first ambulance crew arrived.

Pretty funny overall, especially as none was really that sober anymore. Props to the guy trying to shove our medical director away saying "Let me pass through,I have a first aid course." Our med.director only responded with a "and I studied medicine."

Depends on who you know.

If you are well connected to a cartel or a similar crime organisation or at least in good standing with them: No, it's not that difficult, sadly.

If you are not, thankfully it's hard.

Why? Because it's illegal and that is a problem for the buyer in that case. Why? Because if you hire someone he can simply fuck off with the money. Now what do you do now? You can't go to the police or sue him. You can of course hire another hitman and try to kill the first hitman . But who guarantees that this hitman is not also fucking off with the money? (There was literally a case when this happened).

So unless you have some kind of "society net" behind you, that protects you from this, either via coercion ("Pablo will kill your family if you fuck off with his money, the buyer is his veterinarian!") or other guarantees ("You are no longer welcome with lemmafia, you screwed over one of us!") you are likely fucked.

And if you would,you would not ask that here.

Which is good.

The old school hitman that worked for a higher up in a syndicate has nearly disappeared these days at least in the industrial nations. DNA based investigation techniques are fairly common these days and it is nearly impossible to be certain that you left no traces. And these can fuck you over 20 years later. So it's not a long term career these days as people don't want to risk being caught for drunk driving 20 years later and now have a murder case brought up against them all of a sudden. Additionally these kind of people are a liability - they can connect someone who does not want to be connected to a crime to one. Which makes them very interesting witnesses.

Even the crime cartels often use kids/minors as hitman these days - sometimes even brought in from South America,etc. just for the crime. They have very little risk of detection as they won't be in any databases, they don't care if they get their DNA on something when they disappear into a slum (or worse) afterwards anyway and if caught they won't get harsh sentences most of the time.

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It's not that new, actually.

Mossad killed Mahmoud Hamshari, a leader of the terrorist cell that kidnapped and killed Israeli athletes during the Munich Olympics with a bomb in his (non mobile) phone. They called him, confirmed he was on the phone and blew him up.

Yahya Ayyash the chief bomb maker of the Hamas was also killed by an exploding mobile phone in 1996.

The size of the operation here is truly impressive,but it's hardly new - and nothing another bad faith state level actor couldn't do. There is a good reason proper governments control incoming shipments of communication devices for their officials and security services very closely.

You don't give your friend a thing, you give his poor wife something. A bidet goes so long and pregnancy itself is hard.

Seriously: Offer her to do some chores like shopping, gift them some take-away gift cards,etc. The situation will put a serious strain on their relationship,

Saw a mid size clinic where the server was also the personal desktop of the boss - who also used the domain admin user as his main user account. His reasoning was that he needed to see "everything" his employees did and that none must come "above him" IT wise.

And before I forget it:The machine was in his office where he still was seeing patients and where often patients were left unattended - without him locking the machine.

Yeah. Came here to write exactly this.

What OP misunderstood is the old tale of mortality vs. lethality.

In a simplified explanation: Mortality defines the percentage of deaths in a population by a cause.

Lethality is the percentage of deaths of people suffering from a cause.

In our case:

  • Smokers might only get hit by a bus slightly less often or slightly more often(1) (Mortality)

  • But they have a far greater chance of dying from it when they get hit. The same can be said for being shot,etc. Being a smoker always reduces your statistical chances.

(1:Actually quite fascinating - there is conflicting evidence on that one, as smoking is often statistically associated with substance abuse and bad health - which increases the likelihood of major trauma events, but on the other hand smokers die earlier,leaving more old people to walk in front of vehicles due to reduced cognitive abilities)

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No biggie.

Hopefully the mother is insured with a proper assistance company,for them that's actually daily business. I had multiple calls when we were tasked with flying home a mom and preterm babies or two. One with neither mom and dad knowing beforehand a pregnancy existed.(that was kind of funny, though,as both had a medical background and were pretty cool about it)

From the document side of things for the industrial nations and the more developed destinations it is usually also no problem - first a local certificate of the birth is required,the closest embassy/consulate is contacted and emergency travel documents are created. As the old children's passport have been phased out by virtually all countries are regular provisionary passport is granted (that is not printed abroad but filled out by the embassy/consulate) and you are ready to go.

Only intermittent stops/layovers can be a problem sometimes, especially in some countries (US....) so with a professional assistance company one takes care to avoid these. Furthermore some countries do not trust birth certificates from some countries (e.g. due to a high number of surrogate motherhoods) and may demand further proof of the motherhood - e.g. medical records from antenatal care back home or a medical certificate of a recent birth by one of the embassies trusted doctors. But these problems can usually be solved easily.

Got myself a cheap Chinese programmable foot switch with three switches that enables me to do exactly that without fucking up my normal layout. And it can be switched to other things depending on the application as well. Very useful.

A Chinese low cost manufacturer from Shenzhen. Their parent company is actually one of the Top 5 manufacturers - but none in the North/West has heard of them.

They were specifically founded to provide smartphones for low and medium income markets like Africa, India, etc. Meanwhile they also manufacture phones there.

Their parent company holds almost 50% of the African market share.

They are actually producing decent phones by now - had the chance to take a look of one of their most recent phones a few weeks back. 5G, dual SIM, dedicated microSD slot, headphones jack (yes Lemmy!) and a big battery - but the camera and display were mediocre. Overall still a decent phone for a good price, even though they don't sell them everywhere and I would be weary of the updates issue.

You know when a scientist/expert warns people about a disaster and they don't believe him and a short time later they actually suffer from that disaster?

Well. I was that expert. I do disaster response planning for a living.Told a large public company that they are at risk of a certain scenario. They told me that they don't believe it would apply to them and basically kicked me out.

Two weeks later they were on national news for it.

Not that it would have changed a thing - projects we do take months and do not prevent a disaster, just deal with the risk much better.

But still. Felt surreal.

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A independent car shop I know has created a small "Coworking space" along the usual waiting area. If you bring your car for a half/full day repair you can book one of these spaces for a small fee (5 or 10 bucks). (he even offers them for a small price for external customers if he has capacity).

It includes small offices (full wall,not cubicles), Wifi with a fiber uplink, etc. and works really well for him - a few major companies around here switched towards his shop for their fleet.

We sadly can't use him, as we have a long term rental/lease and that requires a network shop of the brand.

The bad parents as in "not caring" aren't the worst ones, at least for me (not a doctor, paramedic with former leadership/admin roles including in a hospital like environment)- the ones who think they care but really don't are the ones that get most of my colleagues and me far more. Because for "simply not caring" parents you can at least inform the proper authorities and at least here they are actually fairly good at dealing with them.

But there are so many "bad faith" parents out there meanwhile - intentionally withholding Information from both the healthcare providers as well as the children, withholding care, working against the best interest of their child.

Just to put themselves and their beliefs first. It's a huge crowd these days:

  • The alt-righters who think that their children will get nanobot vaccines and that that modern medicine is against them anyway.

  • The alternative medicine idiots who believe in homeopathy and crystals

  • The religious numbnuts who think that their God gave them a prayer as universal treatment - and not modern medicine.

  • The instagramers. The ones who either need their sick child as a way to gain sympathy or even money in social media, to exclude themselves from other obligations of adult life (that borders on Münchhausen by proxy often). And the ones who blindly follow some influencer and their "new nutrition supplements" that helps against everything.

  • The know it all's. The ones who think a quick google search can actually replace a multi year medical training and specialisation and the four buzzwords they just googled in the elevator make them the new noble price winner. There are actually two types of these people: The diagnosers and the undiagnosers. The first ones have already diagnosed themselves and will jump from hospital to hospital,from doctor to doctor until they finally find someone who gives them the diagnosis they already had in mind four years ago. The undiagnosers are always three steps ahead of you and you can always count in them to bring in another rare disease that needs to be checked out.

People can belong to multiple of these categories. And parents are especially bad at it - I get it, it's your child - but after working in healthcare on 4 continents for 20 years now it feels like these people spin faster and faster down their rabbit holes today.

Just to give you a few examples(not all directly from me,some from colleagues I know):

  • The mother who replaced the "Chemo" for her deadly sick child with saline in an unobserved moment. The twist: It wasn't even a chemotherapy drug,it was an immunoglobulin, 10k per session. Kid nearly died as a result and will be disabled for life.

  • Parents who withhold cancer care for their daughter, daughter suffers immensely and dies. They thought prayer would be enough.

  • A mother faking vacation certificate so her kid could attend kindergarden. A few months later the kid showed measles symptoms in the kindergarden and was sent home. The mother faked a doctor's certificate that the kid was well and non-contagious so the kid could attend an event there. The event was also attended by other parents and the younger siblings. Multiple kids still too young to vaccinate got infected and one kid died.

And a few more recent ones:

  • Parents brought their lawyer to the ED when they attended it for a broken arm.

  • Parents demand a hymen-repair surgery at 4am on a Sunday for their 17 year old daughter.

  • Parent told me the 6 year old kid with diarrhoea and fatigue (at 2am at night) surely had pellagra. Dumbfounded I asked how much corn or sorghum they eat. None,the children don't like either.

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That is a reason why it is a systemic problem - because crowd panic and situative anticipation is not trained enough.

There is a reason police training in basically all industrial nations takes multiple years. One would expect the US with a dangerous environment to even take longer... instead it is smaller than it is in most developing nations.


Not even 48h ago. Well in the end I involuntarily admitted the offender to hospital.

Worked on the ambulance. Basically got stopped by a member of the public and informed a guy acting strange in front of a shop. Had a look, got called a few very nasty slurs, called for police backup. Clearly the patient was of unsound mind, not orientated, etc. After some more talking the cops restrained him upon my advice and he got admitted to a somatic(normal) hospital. Whole trip was full of slurs towards everyone, even random passerbys.

Somatic hospital checked him throughly and then transferred him to a psychiatric hospital.

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Or pirate radio it and make people think it's a new number station. Then someone will surely put it on YouTube so you can listen to it there.

Kind of. I am a CEO (that's the easy part) of a small consulting company in healthcare.

The hard part is to explain what we actually do: We do consult organisations about (healthcare related) disaster preparedness/risk management and contingency planning. So you call us if you want to have proper plans in case your hospital catches fire, COVID and monkey pox have baby or if you are a city and need to know how to plan for "the day X". But as we work mainly on a systemic level you can also call us if you need a more intelligence focused plan e.g. "I am going to South Sudan, what do I do if I have an accident?".

Additionally we also consult for ambulance services, e.g. how to plan vehicle allocation, etc.

Self compiled Linux distribution for a phone you soldered together yourself - what else?

I hate that you people are even allowed on the internet.

  • Send from a PDP11-

Jerry had the orb once and that is enough to know about it.. I mean....Jerry!

Is there a difference?

(And if it's not DNS it's NTP oh yeeh) (But that kills the Haiku)

Unlike posted here multiple times already tea does indeed release most flavouring agents in cold water as well - but it takes much longer and the actual boiling process wouldn't help a bit. There are even speciality types which require cold preparation.

Nevertheless: Tea is never,never and under no circumstances prepared with boiling water or worse, directly boiled! That ruins it totally as it will release various agents that will make it bitter (and can actually it is unhealthy as it increases the release of some insecticides/pesticides it might contain). 90° C/194° F for black tea, 80°C/175°F for green tea is a good upper(!) limit. Some teas require far lower temperatures, though.

It always pains me when people douse (often rather expensive/good) tea with actual boiling water.

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I am an expert on disaster response preplanning for hospitals and have basically read every English, German and Italian publication on that matter. Sadly that does not pay well...

Yes and no. I generally don't care what consenting adults do between each other no matter if there is money involved.

BUT: I have also seen the ugly side of sex work due to working as paramedic in some not so nice areas. Very often sex work is not really consensual and very often people are forced into it one way or another. We have to definitely handle this situation as a society. This includes more accessible social welfare (and yet we are miles ahead of the US here), very rigid surveillance of the situation and prosecution of people exploiting sex workers.

Funnily enough I think porn by now is far worse than sex work - while someone can get past sex work somewhat easily (I know a consultant doctor who is a former sex worker) by simply changing the environment it is almost impossible with porn. The internet does not forget and while you can always deny doing sex work for porn there is physical evidence that people did that. Add the upcoming AI fakes and it becomes even more of a problem.

Tbh,I have no idea how we should tackle that problem.

Sorry, it would be easy to identify the customer then, so sadly I can't.

I had my fair share of health problems,from a major motor vehicle accident with a broken spine,burns,ruptured nerves, etc. to a stroke, a dislocated shoulder and knee, etc.

But the worst one? By far?

A fucking kidney stone. It literally redefined my 10/10 pain level.

sighs Oh god. No, it wouldn't. Here we go.

The name pressure headaches come from the feeling of pressure,not from actual pressure - actually most pressure headaches are not caused by a process within the cerebral cavity at all. Most are related to sinuses, especially the frontal sinuses, teeth, the middle ear/auris media, tension headaches(which are usually cervical/muscular). Only migraines as a cause for pressure headaches are actually within the cerebral cavity but have nothing to do with actual pressure. (Okay, actually we don't really know how they start - but we are really sure it's not the pressure)

As the brain matter itself has no pain receptors it does not actually feel pain - but the root of nerves like the Trigeminus, Occipitalis and the layers of tissue covering the brain (Meninges) as well as the vessels can absolutely feel pain. A lot of pain.

Cerebral bleeds, post aneurysm or trauma, usually happen in a very acute form or very slowly - with patients suffering from minutes to month from occasional headaches,often rather mild and not "pressure" headaches. Often after an initial knockout punch. (And at that point I must remind people that someone who has been knocked out needs a brain scan urgently. It's NOT something to joke about and feel ultra manly,eh, toxic masculinity, about)

The acute form is totally different though - it's one of the nastiest ways to go. Patients have a sudden onset of massive,life-changing pain, described by survivors as a catastrophic, sharp(*), pain associated with a fast onset of other neurological symptoms.

Another misconception is the fact that the cerebral cavity has no openings - it has quite a few and when the pressure within the skull is increased by a pathologic event like a cerebral bleed or the swelling of the brain the brain gets pushed in these holes - mainly the hole connecting to the spinal column. Which is why cerebral bleeds are so deadly - because the brain goes "stem first" through there - and it's too small even for the brain stem. And the stem is what regulates breathing,etc.
Other nerves get simply sheered off/cut by the pressure. (This is part of the pain mentioned above - Large nerves being cut by your own blood pressure)

Nevertheless even in these cases the removal of large parts of the skull as it is done by neurosurgeons does not alleviate the pain - the damage to tissue, nerves, etc. is done. The goal is to give the brain room and stop the bleeding. But thankfully we have good options for pain relief these days and these patients are in a very deep sedation/coma for a good reason.

(There are of course rare special cases like hydrocephalus cases, but that's a bit far fetched here)

So no, it would not help a bit painwise ,even in the most extreme situations.

So as a healthcare professional I generally would advise against drilling into one's head. It will make a lot my colleagues very angry.

And if you really feel you must do that please consult the nearest psychiatrist first. And if you then still feel like you must do that, make sure to do it during business hours, make also sure you livestream a video of it for the loolz of a lot of HCPs around the world, get a testimony recorded so your next of kin can sue the earlier mentioned shrink that he did not admit you to a closed ward and most importantly get a organ donor registration.

And due to a call a decade back I might also add: DO NOT drill into your own Sinuses as well,even if they are clogged up. Even if you are a doctor. You might accidentally (almost) lobotomize yourself.

Source: Am a paramedic. Seen shit. Seen people do shit that started as an internet hoax.

Cloudron is also an option. More polished than Yunohost, created by a German company. Very low rate of admin interaction required. But not for free if you need more than two Apps.

As someone doing systemic healthcare management for a living (and for research purposes) I might be a bit biased, but basically there is no other way than socialized healthcare. Healthcare is not a market that is open - a patient that needs healthcare is in almost all cases not able to shop freely - unlike a regular economic market you are unable to hold back your healthcare needs (normally).

Additionally society pays massively when healthcare needs are not met - crime goes up, long term healthcare costs rise, the pressure on emergency services increases.

Indeed is major trauma (which getting run over by a bus is a euphemism for) a much overlooked concern for older people (especially "the younger" old people, which are between 60-75).

Bring neighbours together. One step at a time.

The problem with a lot of small projects in towns is that they cater to a certain crowd - but there are often not enough people to sustain that momentum for a longer period of time. And it's sometimes used to keep people away. (Aka the soccer fans go to their club, the old folks to bingo, the Christians to their "clubhouse", the D&D to theirs. And in the end small bubbles form)

So organise something that caters to "basically everyone".

I once lived in a neighbourhood that suffered from exactly this problem until a few people (one had actually a research background in this matters) started a small initiative which did exactly this: bring the neighbours together with some things people hardly can be opposed to. First they rented a proper Pizza oven and did a "pizza festival". They "sold" the dough,tomato sauce and baked the pizza, but you had to bring your own toppings (saved them from the ongoing debate about that). Someone volunteered to get the older folks to the location (a cul de sac). Proceedings did not go to any cause beside the festival itself, they only covered their cost.

Next time they organised a outdoor movie night with a -intentionally non-confrontational- movie from the 80ies.

Etc. Etc. Other neighbourhood followed with similar concepts.

Now multiple neighbourhood bought a mobile pizza oven together and gifted it to the city so that it can be used by every neighbourhood. Etc.

But this was their way to bring people together beyond their interests/hobbies.

And it worked.

Yes,we know about your small population,but just because Karl uses Linux now,does that really matter?

I must actually revoke my statement,it seems like it is now being revived and is developed again, at a much slower pace,though.

But much better than nothing and at least security updates seem to be working.

Sorry for the misinformation, my bad, the different sources are quite misleading sometimes.

Still waiting for it to get better ten years later.

And yes,I had world class treatment with no financial limits.

Stay away from the combo units. They are shit. And the reduced throughput is a major issue.

A tower design has to have the washer below the dryer, as the washer is creating more vibrations and simply weighs more.

Not all manufacturers allow a dryer to be placed upon their washers and not all washers have a big enough top.

Some (Bosch-Siemens-Appliances does i.e.) do offer specialised "tops" that you can use and that are working quite well. (Example

Personally I would put another lashing strap around the combination, though,just to be extra safe, especially if you have children or pets.

Other than that the combination works without a problem,we have been using that for around 15 years by now, only interrupted by our experiments with combo machines.

Learn ondsel (which is basically a freecad fork) first and then transfer to FreeCAD later. It's easier to learn at first but for true woodworking FreeCAD is better - but only after you know the basics.

Sadly neither of them is remotely efficient at all when it comes to woodworking. But if you don't care for the time it takes too much it is something to work with.

Pellagra usually comes from eating a high corn/sorghum diet without proper nixtamaliziation (I really hope I spelt that correctly), the alkalisation of the food before cooking. While some chronic digestive diseases, alcoholism and a few other causes can also lead to it, malnutrition is the main cause and neither of these causes come upon an otherwise healthy looking child overnight. While I might not rule out that someone is idiotic enough to feed their kid only corn and sorghum it is rather unlikely and diarrhoea is one of the rather late symptoms.

(I transferred a five year old with major liver and some cerebral damage after the parents kept the poor kiddo on a "barley, corn, yeast, self produced apple juice and full grain" only diet for a can imagine what that leads to)

Both MasterCard and Visa now have ways for companies to ascertain if a card is a single use/prepaid card and block these from being used for recurring payments.

You won't be able to even use a single use Revolut for this.

You can, without much work actually, remove the brain through the cervical hole (the hole the spine is "connected" to)

Damn. That sounds a lot like my own former workplaces.

Do you by any chance work for the MRI/RDI?