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You could argue that’s precisely why Republicans did fuck all to “fix” the “border crisis” they incessantly bang on about, when they were in power. Every time they were in power. Plus by doing nothing, they get to dehumanise migrants and use them as a weapon to terrify idiots into continuing to vote against their own interests.

It will not become law as long as Democrats hold control of the Senate and/or White House. It’s simply a placeholder for things to come in the event Republicans regain control.

This bill and those like are objectively problematic for anyone who believes healthcare is a right, not a privilege. It’s also problematic for anyone who currently benefits from protections in the ACA, which is a majority of working class Americans (and a large portion of the Republican voting base). Hence why Republicans won’t tell you what it does, only what they want you to think it does. Cue dog whistle buzzwords like “freedom”, “socialism” and “Obama” to be used incessantly in its marketing to voters.

So basically they were fine with breaking the law when it came to forging elector certificates, but doing it in a waffle house was a legal line even they wouldn’t cross 😂

I give it 5 minutes before conservatives get mad and start trying to convince themselves freezing a good thing cos something something freedom.