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Joined 1 years ago

There's nothing wrong with solid old file systems; ext4 is almost 17 and no one complains about it,

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It can be easy to be nose-blind to your own smell, trust me its easy to stink enough to be offensive to others but not notice yourself.

They're doing you a favor by letting you know. Just take the extra moment and put some on in the morning. Just don't overdo it and douse yourself in body spray; too much body spray is nasty too.

lemmy can run on a decent variety of hardware, just has to be some thing left on 24/7 and exposed to the internet (be careful, the internet is a hostile place... mine was getting scanned and poked constantly until I put it behind cloudflare and then locked the firewall down to just let in cloudflare), and of course more users take more powerful hardware.

For my personal just me instance though, I'm just running it on a Raspberry Pi 4 I run some other stuff on. Uses less than a gig of memory.

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some instances let anyone create their own community (lemmy equivalent of subreddit)

I'd recommend tech experience before setting up your own lemmy server ( instance); the internet is a hostile place with random pcs poking servers 24/7

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My home room in middle school was one of the few classrooms that had windows pcs. They used deepfreeze to reset them daily, but I found some program that actually disabled it. I think I just installed firefox or chrome and then ran windows updates because they always had the annoying yellow shield system tray icon for windows updates needed.

in some ways: they now sanitize input so things like the xss attack a while ago is much much harder.

will it solve the ddos attacks they're experiencing? nope.

don't worry, its already fixed. should be in the next release.

On my personal instance I'm running a build with that and its properly giving nice recent posts ( including the OP)

first I've heard of it, but I'm skeptical of their claim to deliver security fixes faster than firefox.

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why did you link to a kbin view of another post right here on ! ?

I want the ability to sideload, Apple is very much a walled garden.

I enjoy having the ability to use custom roms.

I've been generally happy with all the android phones I've used in the past and see no reason to change that.

dnf is to apt as rpm is to dpkg.

The first pair are the nice user friendly front ends that pull things in and install from the repos.

The latter are the guts that directly handle the raw packages and are used by the frontends.

I recommend avoiding political communities in general. too many extremists on either side of the political spectrum.

all you need to do is refresh the page after the error message appears and you're golden, no big deal

The closed source ones were good enough for quite a while; it was amd's closed source ones that were mediocre.

Course now that wayland is around Nvidia bungled their support for it ( trying to force their standard rather than what had been accepted by others), and Amd's open drivers have been solid the entire time afaik.

It has the power to run a one user instance, I'm sure it would run into issues trying to squeeze a normal amount of people onto it, but a handful sure.

I run everything off an external hard drive

the thing is right now lemmy by defaultNEVER expires the tokens... oops. Right now servers are manually expiring all their user's tokens by changing the secret in the database because of this attack.

I still use X11 because one of my necessary voip apps (mumble) doesn't yet support wayland's method of global hotkeys.

Otherwise I don't particularly care one way or the other.

its the internet, they are. Putting it behind cloudflare and locking down the firewall to only allow their ips has filtered out pretty much everything. its free and pretty straight forward if you own your own domain.

check your nginx access logs, I'm sure they're full of people poking it. - - [22/Jul/2023:07:45:28 -0500] "\x00\x00\x00\xB2\x9A\xD6\x8E\xCF.\x22\x83\xA9\xBF2\xBA|ro\xAE_\x95\xEC\x80\xE4\xE9n\x82q\x9E\xC6\xA9\x8F\xF5" 400 157 "-" "-"

and all kinds of other obvious incorrect stuff when a normal request looks like

2001:19f0:5c01:dd3:5400:2ff:feba:75b - - [27/Jul/2023:07:21:25 -0500] "GET /comment/165203 HTTP/2.0" 200 953 "-" "Lemmy/unknown version; +"


thats what their site says, at least when ran through google translate

package myself; I chose Gentoo (and previously Arch) in part because its reasonably easy to package things there.

Most build systems are covered by eclasses ( libraries) that handle the repetitive minutia every package that build system needs.

Here's the tuba ebuild for example (from GURU, the Gentoo equivalent of the AUR), 90% of it is just listing the dependencies and telling it to use a few eclasses to handle everything else.

Oh, and here's the lemmy back end ebuild, the giant wall of crates is automatically generated/updated from a tool that reads the cargo files. (needed because Gentoo doesn't allow internet access during the build for normal packages so crates are downloaded ahead of time)

looks like the devs are on it.

After that commit my database dump went from around 1.1G to 260M

its not bad at all, just the rust based backend and the nodejs based ui and it only needs postgres and a reverse proxy like nginx to send traffic to the right place.

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its more that with more existing users its more likely any particular community will have already been pulled into that instance by someone else already.

I run my own instance so there's nothing on my all feed outside of communities I already sub to because there are no others on my instance.

As a reminder, instances only get content from a community when someone on that instance is subscribed to it ( so to get it in in the first place they'd search !community@instance then subscribe to it). can be used for any instance, its just that the people put up their own copy but in single instance mode. The site is ran by the developers of the theme from what I can tell ( its linked to from their github page)

since is your home instance thats what you'd enter there on that first page

I mostly stick to things in the repos, if theres something I want that's not yet packaged I package it myself because Gentoo packages are fancy bash scripts with libraries (eclasses) to handle the normal make && make install sort of things for most build systems

they moved away from the allowlist and now only block some. federation with my own instance just worked after I got updated to 0.18.1 and adjusted my nginx config

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Yep, there's just a couple communities stuck on Reddit that I still look at, but overall I'm around 80% Lemmy 20% Reddit now.

excellent, glad they're about ready to try again! I remember watching their last attempt and being disappointed alongside them.

theres a couple communities stuck on there I still check on, but no longer casually browse.

itl only search within communities at least one person on your instance is subbed to yes. and subbing doesn't pull in hardly any previous posts, mostly just new ones from that point on

use something like this to help find communities, and perhaps retry searching on the home instance of a relevant community to search its entire history

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actually, it looks like theres some issue keeping federating properly with atm. I saw another post mentioning it and checked myself. shows the most recent post as 2 days ago when there was really a post around 4 hours ago.

that'd certainly keep new communities from getting pulled in.

neither server has defederated with the other, so don't expect it to be a permanent issue

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kubuntu is already literally just a package.

if you just install kubuntu-desktop (or something similar) from any buntu flavor you get it.

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I'm generally fine with it besides aggressive spawn camping

not in a shooter, but one of my favorite past times is chilling out camping a route between places with friends and "guild" mates in an mmo and just chatting and drinking while we wait for someone to stumble in. Sometimes people bring enough friends or heavy equipment to make it a fight. Its chill.

you're probably looking for getopt/getopts. one big difference between them is getopt handles --long options while getopt doesn't.

other example

3G generally refers to the 3rd generation of cellular communication (the frequencies and ways a phone communicates with cell phone towers). Phones can't really be updated between them, the modems in them are made to support what they support and thats it.

3G is being shutdown gradually world wide to make room for better 5G speed and coverage. 5G is the newest generation of cell communication.

3G networks debut in 2001 and 2002. 5G networks started being deployed in 2019.

one of the reasons I love gentoo is how easy it is to package things for it.

You know how for pkgbuilds you have to explictly write out the whole configure make make install stuff that pretty much every package uses some variation on? Gentoo abstracts that out to libraries (eclasses) that handle that sort of thing for each build system so you can focus down on anything unique to the package, like build system options.

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I'm rocking a pixel 6 pro. I like having the option of being able to unlock the bootloader and install custom roms, and the easy access to reflash the official os with just adb/fastboot as opposed to other androids requiring extra tools. Getting updates every month is also important to me.

What would you do with that much storage?

they're too busy throwing shit at each other (ai debate that's too real) to govern anything.

part the difference is that instances only get posts for remote communities where they have at least one local subscriber