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Joined 5 days ago

The 1920's were starting to become enlightened... which only fueled the facists hate. Were currently in that same situation, but this time we must let the facists know they are weak and wont hurt anymore people this time.

Also... the rich were the caused the great depression.

Ok... if i give up my phone, i feed a family for a week. If bezo gives up a yacht, he feeds 1,000 familes for life. See the problem here?

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It makes sense because servers are expensive to operate. The real scam is nintendo where you pay for P2P multiplayer...

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At this point, it'll be easier to count the games that wouldnt work on the steam deck.

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Yes, which is why step taxation was implemented... the richer you are the more you're expected to return back to society.

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What they give back is miniscule in what they take.

What is the point you're trying to make?

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Web servers are different from game servers. You need a lot of performance and fast low latency servers to keep up with realtime game play. Webservers however dont need that and can benefit of load balancing accross multiple servers. Scale of economy helps a lot, but with game servers the cost doesnt change much because a session has to be on a single machine.

As for distribution costs, most of the cost is manufacturing and physical distribution of discs. So yeah, they are making a killing by continuing to take a a huge cut from game sales when most of their distribution is online.

I always found it strange... insurances offer a "free" annual exam, but if you need additional testing and care, you get fucked. Youd think snipping health problems in the butt as they prop up would be an incentive to reducing costs. But it just shows how corporations give zero thought to actually care and is more incentivized for people to keep paying insurances and never use it except when they are likely to expire...

The deck can run windows, so if it didnt run in compatability mode in linux itll work in native windows. Now if you were to put a limitation that it must acheive 30fps in any game, you might have a point, but... thats really grasping for straws.

So what would hold that title?

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Did you just repeat your comment? Maybe you should get your handler to spend more money on your LLM model.