
0 Post – 16 Comments
Joined 9 months ago

They want to ruin public education and have it pay for private school so no one's child might learn anything they seem progressive. That's been the game plan, that's what DeVos was working on - underpaid teachers and a stifling censorship environment causing teachers and students to leave public Ed is by design.

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Being in my 40s, I am relieved to say that I keep finding women attractive that are my age, and I look at people in their 20s as, well, kids. Even in my porn, I keep looking for women more my age.

That's true physically, but also emotionally. There is a humbling nearly all decent people seem to go through in their late 20s to 30s that at this point is a necessary point of bonding for me.

Skydiving, once, in my 20s. Not sure if the chute was on wrong, being slightly over the weight limit was a factor, or if it was just genetics, but when the chute opened, the jerk caused a loud enough pop that my instructor asked if I was okay.

I lied of course, the adrenaline kept me from knowing the deal, anyway.

The first time I threw my back out, after, it was from picking up a piece of paper. These days, when I have the least pain I can still tell my back muscles are as tight as a garage spring.

I had never known a moment of back pain before that day, and I don't know what it's like to walk a mile without back pain now.

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Sunbird worked - I was in the beta - but it turned out to have no encryption whatsoever. I am skeptical.

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Found your alt account, Elon, nice try.


It is.

I mean... Bank drive thru, too?

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Considering how each generation of Boston Dynamics robots becomes more and more graceful, I don't see how the problems you suggested won't be non-issues incredibly fast.

Also, unrelated to your comment, people are delusional if they don't think this is the ultimate goal, right? Amazon's reassurances are bunk - if they could eliminate people they would, they just can't do without them yet.

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I think it's obvious that his parents were mentally damaged and traumatized the boy, nevermind the neglect and tacit encouragement at the end.

Everyone is so hell bent on retribution, no matter the cost. What we want is someone who won't assault or murder others, owns their actions, and repays society to whatever degree possible - zero of those things are developed in prison.

I can't believe in 2023 we are still in the position of having the only convenient capable way of incapacitating someone from a distance being to destroy their body.

I'm not trying to sound super anti-gun, it just seems like it's not the right tool for the job most of the time, and it sucks that that is the choice we have to make.

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Do you feel like your job is on the whole fair? I have often wondered if claims investigators either come to believe most claimants are lying or, conversely, that insurance companies are exploiting people.

Jump Man, Space Taxi, and Ghostbusters on Commodore 64. I was using that version of the Ghostbusters song as my ringtone for years, back when I got phone calls ;)

I'd like to yarr, especially anything no longer available via any streaming, but I'm well past my Napster days and pretty positive I'll screw it up, either privacy wise or safety wise.

I do know how to avoid keywords after that ISP-reddit court debacle, tho...

Who, with sufficient expertise, is willing to participate in creating this? Maybe they're out there, but I think this incompetence is perhaps the best they could find.

Tragic on many levels.

It's been a long time since I've gone sailing. I do have Plex running but I don't want to unsafely sail. I see some folks do alternate streaming but I'm sick of relying on a service that will yank things away, I want to store stuff.

This is the sort of thing a person rattles off on gut alone. "Artistic freedom" is not legally defensible - if your work isn't entirely unique, you need to fit within Fair Use in the US.

If you're in many places outside the US (like Japan) there is NO Fair Use carve-out to copyright (which is why Palworld may be more fucked than if they were a US company.)