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Joined 10 months ago

You literally listed off everything Israel is doing. Good job.

Israel's killed over 11k civilians since Oct 7th.

Israel's bombed over 20 hospitals.

Israel refused to take their hostages back even when Hamas offered them in exchange for the Palestinians hostages Israel has. Then bombed the locations they know hostages were at.

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The only sources that the hospital was being used for military operations was the IDF who is known for lying. They even showed pictures of metal objects in the same room as an MRI. Literally something you would never do because an MRI will destroy anything metal.




All they do is lie


They said a calendar was a "terrorist list". A literal calendar.


They even higher actors


Israel is not allowing anyone to to conduct outside verification, and hasn't for literal years. They deny UN workers visas, disallow any humanitarian worker from entering or leaving Gaza ( https://www.hrw.org/report/2017/04/03/unwilling-or-unable/israeli-restrictions-access-and-gaza-human-rights-workers)

but Hamas is not fighting outside verification. The UN has also repeatedly verified hamas' death counts in previous instances.

That alone should tell you whose statistic you should be more trusting of, and it's not israels.

From Vaxry's response:

opinion - has no place in a serious blogpost

Sir, what do you think a BLOG is for?

A lot of those enterprise solutions like crowdstrike are a pain in the ass because they use a binary kernel module that supports like 5 kernels at most too

Even on windows S0ix is garbage

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Since version 4.0 the version numbers have nothing to do with changes and are strictly time based. Linux 5.0 happened after Linux 4.20 because Linus "ran out of hands and toes to count on", same thing with 6.0 after 5.19

And also really not that bad for what it is. I quite enjoyed my time with it actually. It's most egregious crimes are that Google makes it and privacy issues.

Ubuntu themselves package ROS, it's a little out of date from the latest (1.16 vs 1.18) https://packages.ubuntu.com/jammy/ros-desktop

Try apt update && apt install ros-desktop

Is that a Wayland issue? Lots of modern laptops have suspend issues (broken S0ix sleep, missing S3, bios declaring wrong states, etc)

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FYI fwupd also works on windows

There's an MSI in the releases https://github.com/fwupd/fwupd/releases

I thought I read somewhere that windows update would eventually pull from lvfs but I can't find a source for that


They probably won't replace it past warranty but it's always worth a shot

It's also $12 a year ($15 normally).

It's a small price to pay to ensure everything on your Plex server has subtitles. Subtitling stuff and hosting it isn't free.

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And aptitude tests themselves are flawed and usually only measure certain quantities or qualities of intelligence, and are not really a great marker for general intelligence (this is including IQ tests which have a very racist origin and history)

Vaxry's themselves does this all the time. He's an asshole. Like I get OSS developers don't owe anyone anything, but some people think that means they can be an asshole to their users for no reason too.

Just look at this for example. Someone asked a clarifying question and Vaxry basically said "stop making noise". Ironically producing more noise instead of just, idk, answering them? https://github.com/hyprwm/Hyprland/issues/1817

Afaik there is no way to view usage for nouveau yet

If you use this software, You will likely come across the community, in at least a passive way. as this is a piece of software with extensive manual configuration. Most people will be reading blogs and forums to figure out their configuration.

I get better compression ratio with xz than zstd, both at highest. When building an Ubuntu squashFS

Zstd is way faster though

Never too old

Switch out the swap file for zram

Lead dev is a pompous asshole who gets offended by clarifying questions, doesn't even take long to find an example


Os on the fastest drive, one large partition + efi partition unless you have a need for separate /boot.

I use /boot on ext4 and / on btrfs with /home being a separate subvolume.

/boot is ext4 because grub has issues booting to btrfs when using ubiquity auto installer. Why? I do not know.

Ooms are much less necessary with MGLRU if they keep to a new kernel

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Afaik Lxd doesn't do live migration of lxc, only vms

Same as proxmox

Kubuntu with the ubiquity installer will install onto btrfs. Flatpack is easy to add.

Add in system76 scheduler and an up to date kernel like xanmod and youve got 90% of what gaming distros will do.

If you're using flatpak you don't have to worry that the host system has old mesa.

This sort of setup is probably trivial to do in arch as well.


It's not just startup time, it's startup time with heavy background I/O

Firefox can edit PDFs , although I wouldn't be surprised if it's not in depth

I really enjoy the "maximize windows go to their own workspace" thing that macOS does, it combines really nice with swiping workspaces with the trackpad.

There's a gnome extension that mimics this but it's kinda buggy and feels like a hack.

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If it's like reddit sync you'll need to patch it with revanced

while I still use ohmyzsh, a lot of it's opponents make it's slowness one of its complaints. You don't need ohmyzsh to have fancy things, it's just makes setting it all up a little easier.

Dracula for shell/wm theme and papirus-dark for icons

What hardware is your Thinkpad? Is it amd?

Looks nice, what's the advantage over something like rofi?

People were already giving money before this change....

America's basically never had public utilities to begin with. If you're not at the whims of the electric company, you're at the whims of the gas company. Which is sometimes the same one.

Try out zram instead of the SD card swap

Full screen mode kicks ass on a laptop.

Swiping between all full screen with trackpad gestures is the workflow on macOS I really like

Yes an option is best! Currently I have it with an extension although it's kinda broken

I know not everyone likes it either. I only like it on my laptop, where I use the trackpad to switch between workspaces. It's more clunky on a desktop