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Not really. It was always her tactic to make him go nuts. Provoking him into shouting over her would have gone along with that and just made him look bad.

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Her stepkids call her Mamala.

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There are some people who actively try to make you feel like politics in the US is hopelessly broken and you might as well just give up. There are many, many people who just want to make things better, whether that's at the federal, state, local, or hyperlocal level. They might disagree on how to do it, and the best ones are the ones that know how to come up with a reasonable compromise when disagreements arise. If you're interested, always look for opportunities.

But that's been retconned to have nothing to do with Trump now that it turns out to be so unpopular. Come on, keep up with the reeducation plan. Oceania was at war with Eastasia.

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As long your strings aren’t null terminated

What kind of monstrous bug prone language would do that?

I found one tweet where she talked about the need to have trans actors play trans roles. I don't think that would even occur to many TERFs.

Not as much as it used to. There's some very good vegan ice cream out there. Just expect to pay more and have less selection.

There is the Logan Act, but he likely would not be prosecuted under it, let alone convicted. From Wikipedia:

Only two people have ever been indicted on charges of violating the Act, one in 1802 and the other in 1852. Neither was convicted.

The Logan Act gets talked about much more than it has ever been used. There's also a debate as to whether the Logan Act is even unconstitutional.

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Depreciation of assets are tax write-offs, I think.

This is under French law, though, and it's cyberbullying law instead of defamation.

Well Mr. Trump, if you hadn't dragged your heels for years, this wouldn't still be going during the election.

Car prices: supply is constrained because of supply chain issues where often just a small handful of the myriad of chips in the car are unavailable.

Housing: supply is artificially constrained by various laws, often of the NIMBY type.

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Yup, that's the point. The journalist who wrote OP's article should know better. The Logan Act is functionally dead. As much as I hate Trump, it would be a bad thing if he was prosecuted under it because it would clearly be a case of selective prosecution.

Among us bicyclists, they're called niceholes. They're just trying to be nice to the bicyclist, but we would rather they just follow the traffic law so that they're predictable.

The right has its persecution complex narrative. Better to not play into that and just get him unlimited rope to hang himself with. Which he promptly did and has continued to do. Republicans have been trying to crack the Black vote for decades and Trump lost any hope of that this cycle.

So I started actually looking up numbers and they indeed look good from certain sources, but I'm still giving them the side eye. For instance, the CDC shows Mississippi as having the #1 murder rate among the states in 2022.

Nothing says sleeping to the top like prominent posts that I just heard about today such as the California State Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board and the California Medical Assistance Commission.

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This isn't necessarily a bad thing for some people. Sometimes people get stuck somewhere away from support networks without enough money to get back. As long as there is due diligence to ensure that there's someone suitable on the other end of the bus ride, it can be a win-win for everyone involved. Where it gets problematic is when communities harass homeless people into taking the bus tickets and make them someone else's problem.

Homelessness is a complex problem. There is never going to be just one solution. It needs to be addressed with a variety of solutions that can address individual needs.

Yeah, that definition of "master" is different than master/slave from what I can tell. Think the master copy of an audio recording. There are plenty of perfectly legit uses of "master," but there's no reason to use master/slave in this day and age. It was stupid to start doing so to begin with.

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Because we are in the weirdest timeline.

Oh certificate, I thought you meant mark.

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Hermione got involved in house-elf welfare as an adult and was successful. I am not sure where that is covered, I think maybe Cursed Child? I don't know much about what happens after the series is over, so I can't speak to that in detail.

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Or they ain't so gud at countin'.

you can’t shout fire in a crowded theater if there is no fire

This SCOTUS case has been largely overturned. It's from Schenck v. United States, a case involving people distributing fliers to draft age men during WW1 encouraging them to resist the draft. The ruling was narrowed in Brandenburg v. Ohio (1969) to only allow free speech restrictions based on imminent harm, not just making the government a little uncomfortable.

The specific example of causing a stampede in a crowded theater could be criminalized as imminent harm. Speaking of that specific scenario, apparently it had come up because there had been multiple deadly stampedes in crowded theaters from false alarms. I wonder if now we would not have that. People have been trained from childhood to evacuate a building in an orderly fashion.

I'm not too surprised. It must be quite unpleasant working around a noisy piece of machinery like that.

You get a lèse-majesté and you get a lèse-majesté!

On the plus side, they don't send people to prison over having walkie-talkies like in Myanmar, so... win?

I hated that attack line so much. It was about an optional benefit that my representative wanted to add for Medicare recipients, a voluntary consultation on living wills. This had been requested by the AARP. Sarah Palin latched onto it, lied that it would press people into ending their lives, lied that it would be mandatory, lied, lied, lied, and lied some more. It really demonstrates how much Sarah Palin was a large part of the Republican Party's descent into Trumpism, though you could also trace that back to Reagan's lies about "welfare queens".

Merry Christmas!

No. Don't go. Please.


Who knows, maybe if you had a chance to chat with her over a nice meal of spicy food, you could find some common ground (besides the food). Or if nothing else, she has some interesting stories. Like, when she was starting out she worked as a civil rights activist in Alabama proving that "segregation academies" were discriminating against Black applicants in violation of the law. They openly assured her that they would not let Black students in. More broadly, this proved that the Nixon administration was not enforcing the law.

Health care, I'm sure she has plenty to say that is far more nuanced than the sound bites that get posted to social media. Social mobility, educational opportunity, racial justice, the justice system, foreign policy. I would love to hear her thoughts, even if I don't agree with everything.

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First, the definition of appeal to authority, since it's one of the most misunderstood fallacies. Citing someone based on their area of expertise is not appeal to authority. The problem is when you cite the stated opinion of someone, but their area of expertise is not directly relevant to that opinion. I'm a software developer, I could give you an expert opinion on various topics in that area. But outside of topics I am an export on, appeal to authority.

I didn't say he's necessarily wrong. But at the same time, he got his Nobel prize by being an economist who made a substantial contribution to economics. He is not an expert on fascism. His expert opinions in economics often run counter to many other credible expert economists, so you should consider those other expert opinions as well and not just listen to the person who tells you want you want to hear. That's certainly not anti-intellectual.

Experts and intellectuals should absolutely be considered to better understand a subject, but they're not some infallible oracle of truth. They contradict each other, are often limited by an ivory tower environment, and operating in the same societal context as everyone else.

He tried to edit Wikipedia to insert his ideology. Wikipedia editors delivered the "science not nonsense" and "WP:NPOV" smackdown. Conservapedia is the result, written by and for ultra right wing home school students.

I think that might just be the limit for campaign contributions. Not sure.

For the record, Portland's water supply comes from the Bull Run Watershed. The sewer system is a combined sewer system, so if someone does poop down a storm sewer inlet, it goes to the same water treatment system as everyone else's poop.

That said, people pooping on the sidewalk is a legit problem. I've had to report a couple of poops that were pretty clearly human.

Plenty of activists, even those with radical opinions, take that approach. They have a long term goal in mind, but to get to that goal they try to make incremental changes with the power they have.

I'm just migrating from A couple of downvotes is a nice upgrade from the atmosphere over there.

I interacted with them a bit when the site was starting out. You're being quite generous. Bunch of nutters.

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Largely written by and for right wing angry fundie home schoolers. You're not wrong.