8 Post – 142 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

What difference would it even make?

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Dumbasses who unironically defend Stalin and Mao. Left authoritarians basically

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Why isn't there a feature to allow individuals to block whole instances?

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Lol welp, guess who just switched to Firefox

See, here's one of them

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No it won't. It'll just fork the internet.

Yeah, pretty much. Those idiots are going to help spark a civil war and it's clear that's what they want. They never stopped being genocidal against the Black community, they just learned how to hide it.

🤔 So what does that say about the actual homeless communities in the U.S.?

No slave ever learned anything beneficial by being a slave. Those skills became non beneficial simply by virtue of how they were forced on them. Even shit like farming cotton now leaves a bad taste in people's mouths because it is tainted by that trauma. And the machinery required to render hand labor for it redundant was invented around the Civil War anyway, rendering any such skills anachronistic and obsolete.

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Mid. Even if they did, you'd find some other reason to undermine the victim or defend the bigots like people like you always do.

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They were both pretty good. I just did a Barbenheimer, it is very much worth it to watch both.

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People have been doing that for years and it's obvious to anyone with any insight that they won't listen and don't care.

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Lol die mad bro, you're racist and got called out. Nothing's going to save you from your terrible stances except you. Go to a log cabin in the woods and go meditate on how it is you got to the point where you're openly defending blatant racism. But don't cry to me when you're told the truth.

Sweet tea is fucking disgusting and anyone who drinks that shit ought to be ashamed of themselves.

There were reports a month ago stating Russian troops rigged some of the cooling ponds inside the plant with explosives, so... yeah. The pro-Russia concern trolls in here trying to drum this drone attack up as an excuse to undermine Ukraine when they don't want anyone to acknowledge that Putin's actions on the nuclear front literally justify doing anything, up to and including the sane atrocities he inflicted on Ukraine if not more, simply to get rid of him and prevent a nuclear disaster.

It's like those trolls simply do not get it's not just about Ukraine but quite literally life on the Earth.

It did stop it. You're just more interested in ensuring the left, minorities, women and other vulnerable groups stay vulnerable by taking away the only option they have left, because you're just a shill who cares more about stymieing the left via nonviolence than you do about their lives, or the lives of women, minorities, or any vulnerable group.

It’s almost as if you are more interested in ideating about committing violence than actually solving the problem.

Violence is never going to be immoral in this context no matter how much you want it to be, grow the fuck up. And I AM going to focus on it as a meaningful solution because it IS a vitally important one, because the bigots turning the legal system against their victims in the U.S. WON'T listen, and you're not going to shame me or make me feel guilty or afraid for saying so.

You're running the same old playbook, exploiting fears I used to have of losing your approval or your moral blessing, of you turning other people against me, or convincing others to not like me, or depriving me of social standing, or telling me off and humiliating me as scumfucks like you did my entire life for every dumbass reason under the sun and like you did EVERY time I tried to tell you we needed to solve these problems violently on Reddit, and you didn't listen back then, so here we are. You're STILL playing by the same miserable, cynical, manipulative, cruel and twisted playbook, still repeating the same talking points thinking you're going to convince me and the left violence is immoral and we cannot do it while bigots use it non-stop as they please and you do not bat an eye, because you care more about guaranteeing left nonviolence than you do about solving the problem and saving their lives.

Well, guess what buttercup, it's a new age and you can't dominate political discussion or completely shut down debate on the use of violence to stop fascists anymore. And you can't bully me using words anymore; my stance by its nature means I don't have to listen to you anymore, and the defederated web means I don't have to fear getting banned anymore for telling the truth.

You can't silence me, or censor me, or intimidate me by using your pathetic manipulative tricks and you can't do that to the rest of the left anymore, and I'll make sure you can't.

And that's the end of the "debate".

They don't care.

Ba dum, tssh

Wait until they program the devices to lock down until you pay a fee to turn them on.

They're too busy fellating each other after manipulating/bribing more Lemmy instance admins to federate with them

That's what makes it especially insidious. We want entertainment made by people, for people, not by AIs for corporations and their pockets.

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I'll bring marshmallows

The word "colored" shouldn't be used in a race context at all.

Still waiting for the ability to block instances as a user.

I remember back when the rich hid in their bunkers in New Zealand during the lockdowns. That revealed a lot about how humanity truly is.

That type of "same-as" fallaciousness does not work among a generation that knows better and you'll find no quarter here with it. Russia is NEVER going to be the victim in this and nothing Ukraine does will EVER be morally equivalent simply because Russia is the aggressor slinging around nuclear threats to try to commit genocide. Drones attacking some buildings will never be that.

Ukraine could (and probably should) flat-out invade Russia and they still will always hold the moral high ground simply because of the circumstances.

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They do stupid shit like that because eating burgers and driving trucks is part of their subculture and they feel attacked, so their natural response is to lash out and be defiant, which is understandable. I don't really eat burgers like that or beef in general, but if someone was openly criticizing my food preferences, I'd eat that exact same food in front of them to spite them.

Actually the left needs to be more openly spiteful to y the right in a lot of facets in life. It would improve things, even if it just scored moral victories. Like why don't we openly complain about circumstances to their faces after they try to shame us into stopping, or openly wear pride shirts around them while open carrying or something?

I'm sorry but I'm not about to hold people accountable for dumb things they said as a teen.

Fascism isn't a legitimate political ideology so there's nothing to tolerate. It's just genocide in fancy window dressing.

I have a conspiracy theory about Reddit and social media in general:

I think its algorithm not only puts up links but users and their comments in their view that are more likely to piss you off, and they measure this based on observing your post and comment history. I believe they categorize users by political affiliation and moral outlook by this method, and use that info to purposefully expose you to people who will cause you conflict to drive up engagement and therefore ad dollars.

I believe they also use chat bots to argue with people for that purpose.

Do you understand how art works at all?

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🤔 So what do we do? I am de-googlefying as we speak, but collectively, we really need to organize and build workarounds.

TPTB that are pulling the strings of the right-wing puppet show are doing it deliberately, because they want genocide.

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Oh shit, I didn't know Alan made it to the real world too

No one wants you alt-right dipshits around and you need to get over it

Oh my god, we found that douchebag American tourist other countries complain about

I am stubborn enough to put my foot down with shills and bigots from other instances, so I'd be happy to help out with yours.

Then start shaming and banishing the racist whites.

Seriously people, stop being afraid of them and combat them. It doesn't even really matter how, what matters is not taking their bullshit lying down.

Well, we'll take being called childish over enabling nuclear genocide.

Out of the mouths of babes comes wisdom.

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That's what's gonna end up happening anyway whether it's Trump or DeSantis, or anyone sufficiently power hungry. The idea that any system we build can protect us from people like that is a fucking joke and needs to be abandoned.