🕸️ Pip 🕷️

@🕸️ Pip 🕷️@slrpnk.net
0 Post – 36 Comments
Joined 9 months ago

Moderator of !culinary_cultures@slrpnk.net

🏴 Tactical Solarpunk

Some more of my stuff ➡️ https://linksta.cc/@pip

If you have money to spend (and THAT much), you can still pirate, but if you pirate without trying to fund the source of your art and tools, you're a mega asshole. Especially if you have as much money as this dude claims to have. You can find the creators of your games online, find their ko-fis, their patreons. Where there's a will there's a way

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You could look into getting a second hand Thinkpad on ebay

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So one summer while me and my cousin were broke and bored, we decided to pimp out her feet as she has crazy long toes and apparently some foot fetish dudes enjoy that niche.

I set up an Instagram, we decided that I would be the manager and media representative (AKA answer the messages on the account for her) and she would provide the goods (long toes)

One dude started messaging the account praising her toes and I would of course be as courteous as possible. Soon enough we got him to place an order. Only problem was, he only used cashapp to send money, something not available in our country, which should have stopped us initially but we tried finding a workaround.

Where we (or I) fucked up? He said he wanted to see the video before sending any money.

I, a dumbass, sent the video.

Never heard back from him.

Thankfully the video wasn't even of significant production value (very clearly an amateur job) and the only thing sacrificed was the dignity of my cousin's toes.

Safe to say that discouraged us and we haven't attempted to do that again since.

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I knew this girl once whose surname was Δρακοπούλου (Drakopulu) that means "daughter of the dragon"

I think that's pretty fire idk about you guys

Is that relevant to my comment? I said support the creators directly, not the corporations and explained with examples. That reply was suspicious and arrogant asf if you ask me. I never said spend 60$ for the game, I said support the creators directly, even through smaller amounts. Even a euro from a person who can is enough. You cracked the game, you liked it, why not do that bare minimum if you legit have that money + a lot more?

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ΝΑΙ ΓΑΜΩ. Even though my family works in the tourism industry (because my island literally only has that. Any sort of local economy was eradicated and everything is incredibly overpriced and imported), I have felt the negative effects deep in my soul, so much so I wish it would just dissolve even if that means they need to find another way to make a living. I'll be damned if I ever willingly work for traditional tourism (ecotourism I will consider)

Well that depends, what causes this difficulty in reading and how far does it extend? Is it dyslexia? Do they have issues memorizing things? Are they completely beyond learning a fixed action?

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Ouu, fairphone earbuds? Slayy

Malthus is that you???

I never said it wasn't, but that was an extreme anecdote first of all, and second, I have re-iterated that this doesn't apply to people who don't have such disposable income. Relative to their cost of living, always. Pirating is a lifestyle, stealing from poor creators when you make a substantial amount of money is not. What you sent was enough, more than enough. The dev in question sounds like a jackass and unfortunately he wouldn't be the first with how many indie and major game devs turn out to be horrible people.

Hmm... Then CEO of Twitter? Oh wait nvm you said it should not be detrimental...

On a more serious note though, uhhh I guess this person would do better in a job revolving something they genuinely have an interest in. The stubbornness to ignore information they don't find relevant will probably affect them negatively in the long run when it comes to dealing with criticism and learning from their mistakes but I guess they can keep trying things out until they find something that sticks. And for the love of fuck keep innocent workers out of their shenanigans 🙃

Rly depends, there's plenty of models out there. Search for one that has all your absolutely non-negotiable specs and stay grounded to your budget. I usually start by making a minimum desired spec list and a maximum budget. Go on ebay, look for currently listed ThinkPads and look through their specs and pricing, find something that isn't too expensive but is quality enough for you.

What's wrong babe? 😥 You haven't done your bi-weekly coffee enema yet

I meant that about what I said. That it's mainly appearance-based

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One might say both. They may be useful for skin breathability reasons, but even if their purpose is aesthetic, an aesthetic outfit can really get you in the mood and motivated to work out. The purpose will be served regardless 😌

So when it was a little too young, I slept in the same room with my grandmother during the summer and she would like to watch TV very late at night, even while she slept. Because of that, i would sometimes happen to come across some of the more mature movies that they would be airing. This is a little too specific, but one night they were airing Superhero Movie 2008. I don't remember if I was paying attention or not, but when my grandmother put the channel with this movie on, it was around the funeral scene.

Yeahhhh my young ass was traumatized. Necrophilia is a no no.

I'm gen z :[ ouch. To be fair though yeah, not that many gen z actually have digital literacy. I need to help my friends the same age as me with things boomers would also ask me for help with. It's kind of sad having a very surface-level consumer relationship with the wonderful world of the internet and tech

This might not work for everyone but this is honestly what I did:

  • I made sure my health was in check. Were my Hashimoto's medications up to date? Did I have any deficiencies? etc

  • Started eating filling food, without calorie counting. Both when I cooked and when I ate out I picked options that used nutritious ingredients and a variety of food groups, but also weren't absolutely fucking dreadful to consume. Getting rid of enjoyment from your diet completely is the fastest way to relapse into binge-eating and just generally isn't helpful.

  • Started not just exercising, but also moving around more. Either alone to run errands or just with friends, we can just walk around and talk, see where the road takes us. (I understand this might be difficult for suburbia Americans though)

  • Understood my goals. I wasn't sure initially if I wanted to just lose weight or gain muscle. I had some not-so-great experiences with the scale when I was an athlete that I only just started overcoming. I wanted to decrease my overall volume so I stopped looking towards the scale and just made sure to do the workout exercises that catered to my body's needs and checked for progress in the clothes that stopped fitting me.

Hope this helps! I've been a lot healthier and happier since taking my health into my hands and staying away from the disordered habits of my gymrat family 🫡

Good Omens by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman. I don't know how to explain exactly why this has changed me, all I could really do is mention the existential crisis it gave me, but also immense enjoyment and appreciation of transcendent relationships and love for humanity.

Neil Gaiman, fuck you, you're the best.

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This sounds a tad vain, however, it would probably depend on how you dress (and act)

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How do you find communities to join on element?

It's completely safe, making an account isn't even necessary. I made an account so I can sync all of my progress and libraries across all of my devices and TV, and set up my debrid etc. But yes, it is completely safe

The mastodon feed I've painstakingly curated for myself

Most places in the south

How dare you. Her toes are so long I've mistaken them for fingers in some weirdly posed pictures

Also- White Snow 👀👈👈

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Hooooly shit you just took me back

To be fair, we both never saw a cent 😔

I thought the golden rule was about threesomes?

I would hope not. It gave me an existential crisis under very specific parameters of my fucked up brain so it probably won't affect you as much, especially if you don't watch the show, but I do recommend reading it, it's an incredible piece of bible fanfiction

100 Mbps, 30€/month, fiber optic cable, no data cap 👌

Then go ahead, be my guest! Just answering, y'know, the question of the post mainly.

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I've been able to use xiaomi's mi boxes with Stremio pretty well

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Oh. My. Fucking. God. Eve's White Snow

It might also be an affordable option to get a Chromecast too. Very lightweight, honestly pretty cheap, and even if it's a Google device, you have to log into Google accounts on all the other options anyways so the trade-off isn't massive. Pretty sure you can load stremio onto it too

For apps you could try Aptoide ig. Idk the state of the app currently but you can look up what people are saying about it in terms of safety etc