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If she’s been like this before she underwent all this, then she was already treating you very badly and recent events only made it worse. I’m not any kind of doctor so I won’t throw around diagnoses, but I recognize these behaviors from other people describing what they’ve experienced from people who were emotionally and physically abusing them. I’ve also experienced some myself from being emotionally abused and neglected.

This sounds like abuse to me. You are being abused and manipulated maliciously and therapy can help you get through this. I was diagnosed with cPTSD, complex post traumatic stress disorder, which is PTSD that happens after long term trauma (especially in childhood, which is mine). Years with an abusive partner could definitely affect you this way.

You deserve a life of happiness. The sooner you get into therapy, the sooner you can get to happiness, or at least away from abuse. You are not going to change her.

I went through menopause just a few years ago. It threw everything into an upheaval. Thank goodness I didn’t have a partner to be like this to, but therapy definitely helped. She is absolutely going through a lot, physically and mentally, and will be for years. I still have hot flash episodes for weeks at a time and it’s always different.

Your feelings are valid. You have every right to them. Just because someone is going through chemical changes in their body doesn’t mean they can abuse you like this. Telling you that you have no right to your feelings is emotional abuse and she has no right to do that to you. You both need help to get through this, whether separate or together, but this is all new and for you to be told to sit down and shut up is just heartbreaking. Everything happening to her is also happening to you because it seems to me that she’s taking it all out on you and yeah, that affects you.

You are not dumb or stupid. You are caring and sympathetic to what she’s going through, and she reacts to this with hostility and arrogance. I can’t imagine anyone is obligated to put up with that from anyone, for any reason. It might change in time, but not if she never acknowledges the validity of your feelings and your right to have them.

I’m so sorry this is happening to you.

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Not who you’re replying to, but definitely. I manage several Instagram accounts that aren’t my personal accounts and the algorithm feeds me things I’d expect in my personal while I’m in one of the others. One of them I’m only logged into so it’s not as much, but the other is attached to me more because I created it, I guess, and even though I’ve curated a much different following list, and do entirely different things on that account, it still shows me more personal things.

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I heard it called that back around 1985.

They’re turning down the free steak because the [insert ethnicity/whatever difference here] person might get one too.

Working to rid yourself of those biases is absolutely good and worth it. I commend you.


There’s a fantastic book series based on exactly this: The Change Series. This is a double storyline with the Emberverse series in which the present time beginning in March 1998 loses electricity and “most forms of high-energy-density technology” due to "The Change", which occurs at 6:15 p.m. Pacific Standard Time, March 17, 1998.

The companion series, which was written first, is the Nantucket Series, in which the island of Nantucket is transported back in time to 1250 BC due to something called "The Event", the same Event that caused The Change. But— they got to keep all their physics intact.

My boss, along with thousands of other people, was in his car commuting between VA and DC on the 14th street bridge. The plane went right over that bridge to crash into the pentagon. Thousands of cars on the surface streets around the pentagon. Thousands of people in the mid-rise buildings in Crystal City and surrounding areas saw the plane. Everyone driving that morning saw the plane. You cannot discount a plane when so many actually saw it, just because you didn’t.

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Edit: speaking from US banking, I think it’s probably different in other countries with updated banking practices.

Recruitment scams tend to involve the hirer sending you a large check to cover office setup purchases from the hirer’s “trusted vendor” and you keep the excess as your first paycheck. Unfortunately, the check is fake and the vendor is just the hirer behind a fake website. But the check “clears” in a couple of days, so you think you have the money, and you spend that money in the fake website, then your bank lets you know the check was fake and takes all the money back.

I’m sure there are other scenarios but they all involve a fake payment that eventually gets taken back. Glad you weren’t taken in.

“Nazi punks fuck off”

This is a great one: https://youtu.be/hLHi3wiSuWc?si=jIksepNQ6Wh-OZHe

Add It Up by the Violent Femmes

He also wrote Stranger in a Strange Land and The Moon is a Harsh Mistress. Taken all together, these three works and all the rest of his bibliography, saying he had an authoritarian streak is as valid as saying he had a hippie streak or a libertarian streak.

His writing asks questions, he doesn’t preach. Some of his characters preach, but that isn’t necessarily him speaking. It’s him asking questions and spurring discussion.

The problem with this is that reading the generated HTML behind a page that has been served to your browser does not prove that data was stored in an HTML source file. The data is inserted into the page while it’s being served to the browser. That’s what the JavaScript does after it requests the data from the backend code, which gets the data from the database (or whatever storage is being used) and sends it back to the JavaScript, which puts it in the page.

Saving data in source HTML files would mean every possible combination of data anyone might request must be saved in its own separate file, which is definitely not how web development is done. Laws should not be made by people who don’t know what they’re talking about.

Commenting from Lemmy.world where I saw it in my feed. Not sure if that’s helpful.

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Wax and Wayne is now four books. Wayne is probably my favorite of his characters. I love Mat and Nynaeve, too- Robert Jordan’s Wheel of Time (for those who may not know).

Edit to add link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mistborn:_The_Lost_Metal

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Everything after the final slash is data. This data is stored in key/value pairs, where the key is a variable name that is expected in the server’s code and the characters following the “=“ is the encrypted value. Each pair is separated by an encrypted “&”, or “&”. Many times this string of values begins with a “?”.


So we can maybe guess what the values might be but only if we know what the keys mean, and then we’d have to give exactly the right data for each key (id, name, xyz). For all we know the most important piece of data in that string is xyz and it may be required, but we don’t know that so we strip the whole query string off and now have a useless URL.

Mostly, stripping off the query string should be fine if the path to the item you’re looking for is enough. Like the amazon example in the other comment. Other times, not so much.

Sorry for the novel, I can explain more if you’d like.

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Interesting, because I thought Nynaeve had some of the most and best character growth in the series. But differences make the world go round, IDIC and all. :)

Thank you for that, what a neat idea.

You assuming there was a mountain of video evidence. Not my word, all those people who saw it happen.

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Very helpful, thanks. Had the update this morning and there it was. It’s off now.

Yup. I’m copying some Audible links now and the ampersand isn’t encrypted and the query string starts after the ? instead of the last slash, so there are different ways of doing it. We couldn’t guess at that, though! :)

These are probably too progressive for your school but I highly recommend them to anyone outside of school.

Ibram X. Kendi, Stamped From The Beginning and How To Be An Antiracist are incredible books.



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Dr. Kendi is at the forefront of antiracism and many (if not most) American conservatives see antiracism as actual racism and propaganda to make white people feel bad. Having read these I can definitely say that’s not what Dr. Kendi is about. Your students are old enough to learn the truth about this and I’m so happy you are able to teach them about this subject. There are a couple of other books he has written and contributed to for younger people, too.

These are books that would be banned from many schools in conservative America. I’m so glad you may be able to offer them to your students!

I bit the bullet in 2017 and got a Stearns and Foster mattress set. I think it was less than $2k for the set, queen size, at City Mattress, and they had a “zero percent interest for a year” thing going on. It’s one of the best purchases I’ve ever made.

You’ll find them for much higher prices online, it was going to the store that got me the deal. Find a mattress store near you that carries that brand and you may find a deal, too. It’ll save your back and you’ll sleep so much better.

That’s true, but we always prefer clean hair otherwise ;)

I thought you probably weren’t! :D

Because we want it wet. Spraying with water usually isn’t enough. Besides, most folks enjoy the scalp massage.

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You seem to be saying that you don’t believe anyone saw it? I’m telling you how crowded it is around the pentagon at the time the plane hit. Late morning rush hour at that spot is packed with cars, and the area is surrounded by mid-rise offices and apartments. It’s impossible that nobody saw it happen. Yeah, I can say I know a guy, but he was traumatized by what he saw. I worked in Crystal City at the time, that day was hell. Just getting out of there took over four hours.

Don’t you think there would have been a lot of pushback from witnesses if the government actually said it wasn’t a plane? Don’t you think there would be actual witnesses coming forward to say that it wasn’t a plane if it really wasn’t? And where did the people on the plane who were killed go? They just disappear?

Others have mentioned Caravaggio so I’ll add Fragonard. I love his style and I also love how mischievous his subjects can be. For instance, Progress of Love.