2 Post – 46 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Another part of the transcript reads: "Mainly I'm going to slave these bitches […] I'm going to make them work even more hours and hours and hours.. I work these bitches like slaves. […] SLAVE work. Minimum 10 or 12 hours a day."

Pieces of shit deserve to rot in jail. I hope he does for a long time and doesn't end up back on YouTube and social media otherwise his braindead fans will say see he was innocent that's why he's back.

The world is burning but no one gives a shit.. i don't think anyone will until literally their house is on fire.

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Rich people travel 1000+ kilometres to gather around and pretend to be not rich and just like common folks! This is my understanding as someone who isn't american.

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What stockholm syndrome does to a mf..

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He was just 62.. That's still early ☹️

rest in peace

Because they feel valueless, helpless and can't see a purpose to going on.

I strongly believe this has nothing to do with feminism and is just a problem of the capitalist society we live in that only treats labour and hardwork like shit unless it can generate 1000x profits year on year. Building and serving a community isn't rewarded. Everything is about greed and more profits. Feminism can't solve capitalism. It can't stop people from feeling it's fucked up consequences like loneliness, feeling unvalued and committing suicide.

Woke moralist. The destroyer of Jordan Peterson.

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Most of my friends who have tried therapy just leave after a session or two and claim their problems have gone away, dodge further sessions and never actually gave it a real try. Then a week later they will go through the same issues again. It sucks to see them this way.. I've tried to help them to go to therapy consistently but very few actually do.

You can't solve 20 years worth of emotional issues in a few sessions.. it takes years of therapy to actually get better. Not to mention societal stigma against going to therapy makes it even harder.

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stupid question but I've seen in American tv shows that the wife asks the husband to sleep on the couch when she's not happy with him.. is that a stereotype or does it really happen?

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Java is a great language but since most people work with it and most people don't give a shit about best practices, we see messy java code everywhere. It's an easy language to write shit code in.

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As long as Netflix doesn't do 1080p on Firefox and reduces their price considerably and gets rid of stupid limitations on account sharing and ads, I'm never paying for it. Same for games with DRM. I'm not suffering from DRM bs when I can pirate the same without DRM. Why should i pay these asshole companies more and be more restricted than a pirate lol.

Man all this money in the bank and still ranting like a loser. Mfer his company steals all product ideas from other companies right from VR headsets to features from Android and then he says this. Innovate harder bitch 🤣🤣

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This is great news. Reduce e-waste by using your phone until it gives up.

If anyone's looking for a free and open source option, Bitwarden is also great.

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Fuck! Now it makes sense to me. I thought it literally meant an interface. Thanks a lot for clarifying!

Should've pointed at fossil fuel companies.. replace the sun by their logos lol

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I know. Sorry English is not my first language but i meant everything i said.

Can someone please explain a bit what is included as part of a "unique identifier".. does it mean the app sends Google what communities you're visiting or content you're consuming, so they can advertise to you personally?

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I have to agree with you on the over engineering and layers of abstraction which stop making sense over time. At the same time I've seen people abusing the application context and try to reinvent the wheel in a worse way rather than using easy to read annotations. People care less about doing it the right way. Many who care about doing it the right way but don't understand things well, go so far off the deep end that we end up with unnecessary abstractions.

love the ui! great work. wanted to ask if there is a way to enable seeing nsfw posts without the blur in the feed?

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Selling drugs can and should in some cases be illegal though

This still doesn't help. If you make weed illegal to sell but legal to consume, soon you'll have poor people selling weed and rich folks buying. Guess who ends up in jail though?

I think government should sell all kinds of drug, even hard drugs to addicts. In that process identify these hard drug addicts and help them transition to a life without these drugs through rehabilitation. This will also help pull away the drug money from gangs.

I think you misunderstood us lol.. we're not saying your password will not get leaked by the app.. we're saying it's gonna be unique and random bullshit generated so the hacker won't be able to get to your other accounts since passwords are different.

I don't mean to come across as insensitive to your issues. I just wanted to say that ugly is not objective truth and it shouldn't hold you back from finding people in your life. Plenty of similar looking or even different looking people are there who will not discriminate against you. For social awkwardness, it goes away with time as you interact more in real life with people.

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With capitalists squeezing labour more, it's only a matter of time before unions become even more stronger. Their fairy tale chatgpt and boston dynamics aren't gonna solve real world problems. They just keep saying it will to devalue our morals and so we accept a shit contract and shit pay.

My answer is going to be a bit different but this is what worked for me. I tried many courses, reading books, trying to code etc but never quite understood data structures. I used to get bored halfway.

What worked for me is literally solving problems. I would pickup a data structure. Implement it in Java on my own with help from internet. Then i would solve 10 problems on it. Then move to next data structure. Once you have familiarity with most used data structures like stack, queue, maps, linked lists, arrays, trees, etc. then it's time to move to algorithms like graphs, better sorting techniques, etc.

As someone who actually lives here.

Good things include: nice food, diverse places to travel to, socialist programmes to support poor people so they don't die of hunger, simple lifestyle, fast internet connection, okayish job market.

Bad things: a huge population means lots of criminals as well, politicians here loot the poor, the cities are fucked with lots of people, little space to hangout, public transport sucks, culturally regressive society in regards to individual, women and trans rights, people are becoming more violent, Hindu vs Muslim bullshit rather than focus on making things better.

I rate 2.7/5.

I own a MacBook Air now but prior to that I've used thinkpad, dell xps, Asus zenbook and hp envy lineups.

If i were to ditch MacBook I'd have picked up a zenbook since they're budget friendly, great oled screen, long battery life, lightweight and good build quality. You can even do casual gaming on it.

The biggest thing i miss switching to mac has been losing my steam library and unable to play games with my friends.

not in india. most companies treat you like trash because it's so easy to replace you here with some other poor dude who is ready to take it. good programmers demand a good salary and most orgs dont offer that.. that's why most software developed here is trash.

Wow. I feel the same. For me school was always a place of competition. There was just studying and rarely did we get the time to play together with classmates. It was full of fucking idiot teachers who lacked basic humanity and would start beating you up if you failed to solve the questions they asked or make you kneel down for 40+ minutes on the floor. So yeah school was nothing to long for. Btw this was in India.

I agree but this is very location dependent. I live in India and an hour of therapy session costs around 15$(average bill if two people eat at a normal restaurant to put things into perspective).

If you can't afford that, don't worry as many not for profit organisations exist which will help you with free therapy. But this comes at the cost of therapists who themselves are paid like shit. But none of this applies to my friends because their job is ready to pay(your boss can't find out you go to therapy btw) in case they want therapy but they still are hesitant. It's more to do with how people will perceive you if they hear you're going to therapy.

Wow.. that was quick! Thanks! ❤️

I could be smart or I could just be surrounded by a lot of dumb people leading me to think I'm smart 🤔

With most Android tablet apps being literally the same as mobile, I see no reason to get s9 and not iPad pro which is a more polished experience. Hopefully s9 would be a better buy next year when they slash the price by 40%.

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Are these interactions with the people you know and are close to you? Because these are not constructive criticisms of you.. it would be far more helpful if someone who personally knows you and is trustworthy tells you if there are things that you might be unaware of.. i can't imagine why would being quiet be taken as creepy. I wouldn't be giving much value to these incidents since they have no basis.

I'm sorry to hear that. If I'm assuming correctly and you are a woman, then i just want to say that woman are judged much more harshly than men based on looks since the fucked up expectations are they should look "cute" and girly and a bunch of other things as well. But still, it's very sad to hear that other woman are also avoiding you.

If it's truly a behaviour problem from your side, do you have anyone in your life who you trust who can share an honest feedback with you regarding what might be going wrong in these interactions you have with others? That might help you work with what's going wrong.

But if it's not a personality problem and just a looks problem, then maybe it's still worth a shot trying to find like minded folks. I've been alone at times in life and sympathize with your situation. For me what worked was I had a supportive family who I could still call even when i was not feeling great and a bunch of new friends who actually cared about me because I had previously helped them a lot with things without any expectations from them. What i mean to say is that I felt that I'll be alone always at many times in my life but with time and much effort and luck, that's not the case and I have a good support system in place. I hope you can get find a way around this and wish you best of luck as well friend!

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It's really interesting.. i gave it a shot a few days back. You've to follow stuff or hashtags you're interested in for things to show up.. after that take it slow and follow more things.. I've found some really good music playlists, art, programming discussions on there. There's also an explore section which shows trending topics and posts. I can recommend it as the users are mature and in my experience not toxic.

What's revanced extended? Did the original revanced stop working!

The AI would have cried if it could, after being interrogated that hard lol

Can confirm. With rcs on I get more messages from fucking insurance companies than my own people. Fuck Google and fuck their products.