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Joined 12 months ago

Drops in profits can mean investments, new hires and a myriad of other stuff. No meaning in the headline whatsoever. Profits are not revenue.

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I don't think you should have your license if you don't know that steering with the back wheels gives you much finer control in you maneuver...

Those are genZers but agree

Exactly. An idiot like this should never be enrolled in a technical university.

I remember when thunderf00t dunked on this idiocy like, 10 years ago or something.

"Galileo too was ostracized for his beliefs, but he was right"

Yeah but he did science, not that new age bullshit you think are an expert in.

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Because solar panel efficiency is already pretty low so it's best to put them in the areas and in the orientation in which they will receive the most light

Gotta love anti nuclear activists getting more and more desperate. You're being decarbonised. Please do not resist.

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You guys are as unbearable as door to door evangelists

And fell on deaf years until now. Way too many local admins splurged millions for "developing" this lunacy.

Bitch those companies are emitting to subsidize your fucking lifestyle.

That's a great plan to never actually decarbonize

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Those companies are emitting to subsidize your lifestyle.

It's mostly because of the child munching I'd say

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I don't think you understand what the alternatives are

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Don't you already need to unlock the phone to change USB protocol?

Well joke's on them as now I find my email experience so unbearable I barely open it at the cost of missing important stuff :p

Pretty sure that's the law actually

Custom roms for them absolutely slap. Posting this from a still perfectly functional mi9 with Android 14.

I like how governments are supposed to shit their money out of the window to support renewables with billions in incentives but when the matter is investment in nuclear power suddenly it's unsustainable economics. Let's ask Germany how their 600+ billion euro "energiewende" is going shall we?

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Right now the comparison between France (61 GWs of installed nuclear) and Germany (130+ -!!!- GWs of installed renewables) is disastrous. Their choice to phase out their remaining plants was criminal but the policy is dumb in general, tying themselves to coal and gas power for the realistic future. I'm very curious to see when (or if) they'll ever get to the same emission levels and how much time and money they'll have wasted by then.

BTW. Nuclear Power Plants pay themselves up in decades of operation. Of course a privateer is not extremely keen in this kind of investment. That is exactly why countries are supposed to invest in strategic infrastructure, which are partly indirectly financed by privateers through treasury bonds.

The VP has to be confirmed by congress so the vacancy could be a long one.

Lemy has such a hard on against nuclear. I'm seeing reports by antinuclear think tank grifters shoved in my face almost daily...

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Absolutely, and it's by design by candid admission of environmentalist organizations and green parties. Their objective was over regulating the industry beyond any rationality and they succeeded.

You got the point exactly. Thing is, hydro and geothermal power are not scalable. Thinking one can decarbonize Germany or the US with renewables alone is a pipe dream unfounded in reality.

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Hi, thanks for the post. I migrated here immediately after Boost started not working well any more.

Give me an example of an industrialized country which runs on wind and solar without gas or coal backup plants.

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Yes, this is literally what happens. If you're too stupid to see that it's not my problem lol

Let me know when renewables reach the stage where they don't have to be backed up by coal and gas plants.

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I'm sure plenty of golden retrievers don't have responsible owners, yet I don't really hear of children mauled by them on the regular.

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Lol nice scouring job 😂 now go ahead and tell me with a straight face it's the same frequency and severity with pitbulls

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Keep telling that to yourself until they kill the nex...oh nvm it already happened 🤡

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Amazing, somebody should tell Germany about it.

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Woa bro I was saying hard on but this is a full on raging erection maybe you should deal with your frustrations


Boi you're the proverbial pigeon shitting on a chessboard.