7 Post – 278 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I thought "where the hell does Twitch keep coming up with these absurd sex-related things to ban?" and it turns out it's just this one lady and inventing them is her shtick and she's single-handedly keeping like five journalists employed.

Call your lawyer and sue the shit out of those raccoons. I hear they're rich.

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Check to see if there is a power differential here.

Are you an established adult with a Real Job and a nice apartment while she is struggling to figure out how to get out from under the thumb of her controlling family? Or is she happily making her own way in the world as a small farmer or boat salesperson or something while you have been futzing around painting skateboards and playing in a minor punk band?

Older people dating younger people can be wrong because it is easy for the older person to have too much power in the relationship. If you have something she really wants or needs that you can provide or withdraw at will or as a condition of the relationship, you should not date.

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Check to make sure that the HOA actually has the power to do this. As a land owner you are bound to follow the covenants that run with the land, but you are only actually bound to follow those covenants. You don't have to do random stuff just because the HOA board or even a majority of the HOA voters say so, you only actually have to do what's in the covenants.

Unless the covenants say that you agree to follow a bunch of dog-related rules to be defined later, you almost certainly are allowed to park your dog in your own front yard or in that of any consenting neighbor.

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Defederating instances on ideological grounds isn't a bad idea IMHO, and I can see why people might not want their feeds to end up full of people who just sort of assume that what we're here to do is use facts and logic to destroy western propaganda, with the goal of bringing about the downfall of the International Monetary Fund. That sounds like an extremely tiring project to be involved in; you wouldn't want to hang out with somebody who does that in every thread.

But I think it's important for the reason here to be that Hexbear is embarking on a project of ideological warfare. Not that the community consensus there is that the IMF is a bad idea. A load of communists is probably fine, while a load of evangelical communists determined to exactly follow the letter of every rule while maximizing the amount that they can evangelize is probably not fine.

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Smartphones are great. Apps are user-hostile malware. Online spaces are, in the majority, traps. If every time you drove downtown you ended up in a corporate police state designed to play you and your friends off each other and make you all miserable so you look at more advertisements for shampoo, you would conclude that getting in the car is bad for you.

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I'm going to go with "be normal".

Linux is unusual in a way that Windows is not. In a lot of areas (games, interfacing with weird hardware), Linux uses up one of your three innovation tokens in a way that Windows doesn't. You are likely to be the only person or one of a very few people trying to do what you are doing or encountering the problem you are having on Linux, whereas there is often a much larger community of like-minded people to work with who are using Windows.

Sometimes the reverse is true: have fun being the only person trying to use a new CS algorithm released as a .c and a Makefile on Windows proper without WSL.

But that's kind of why we have Wine and WSL: it's often easier to pretend to be normal than to convince people to accommodate you.

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The crack might not actually be protected by copyright, unless there's substantial new code added.

  • A lot of people do not actually understand the tool, they think there is a rational computer in there with a more or less hand-crafted world model and its own live access to the Internet and maybe the phone system. So training it to say "As a large language model, I cannot order you pizza" instead of "yes sir, pizza ordered" is going to save a lot of people from waiting for their phantom pizza.
  • One of the best ways to get the model to not do a thing is to get its character to know that they can't do it. If it never says "The recipe for napalm is", and always says "As a large language model, I cannot", then the recipe for napalm comes out a lot less, because it is way more likely to follow the first construction than it is to follow the second.
  • The manufacturers want to be seen by the feds as doing all that could be expected of them to stop people doing Bad Stuff. It doesn't matter how much Bad Stuff actually happens, only that what does happen is convincingly someone else's fault. Instead of the headline "AI teaches children to make napalm", the news has to run "Children hack AI to extract recipe for napalm", which is a marginally better headline if you sell AI.

The death of the device and the return of the system.

A device is a sealed thing provided on a take it or leave it basis, often designed to oppose the interests of the person using it. Like hybrid corn, a device is infertile by design: you cannot use a device to develop, test, and program more devices.

A system is a curated collection of interchangeable hardware and software parts. Some parts are only compatible with certain other parts, but there is no part that cannot be replaced with an alternative from a different manufacturer. Like heirloom seeds, systems are fertile: systems can be used to design and program both other systems and devices.

A system is a liberatory technology for manipulating information, while a device is a carceral technology for manipulating people.

Why does Lemmy even ship its own image host? There are plenty of places to upload images you want to post that are already good at hosting images, arguably better than pictrs is for some applications. Running your own opens up whole categories of new problems like this that are inessential to running a federated link aggregator. People selfhost Lemmy and turn around and dump the images for "their" image host in S3 anyway.

We should all get out of the image hosting business unless we really want to be there.

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Love to ship every icon in 1080p and a JITing Javascript VM that runs on top of a JITIng Java VM and also the code to collect all this data and the APIs of thirty ad networks to send it to. Also a complete reimplementation of buttons, can't be caught dead using the buttons the system provides.

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It cheeses my beans so goram much that they took a perfectly good web site and made it terrible so they could sell it to "the public", notionally the same people who were using the site!!!

I can only conclude that this is some kind of scam and actually most of the thing is going to end up owned by deliberately nebulous "institutional investors" and not the community members who constitute and deserve ownership of the community. Or even the people at Reddit Inc. who did the work of making the thing.

DAE socialism?

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Do they "give high rankings" to CloudFlare sites because they just boost up whoever is behind CloudFlare, or because the sites happen to be good search hits, maybe that load quickly, and they don't go in and penalize them for... telling CloudFlare that you would like them to send you the page when you go to the site?

Counting the number of times results for different links are clicked is expected search engine behavior. Recording what search strings are sent from results pages for what other search strings is also probably fine, and because of the way forms and referrers work (the URL of the page you searched from has the old query in it) the page's query will be sent in the referrer by all browsers by default even if the site neither wanted it nor intends to record it. Recording what text is highlighted is weird, but probably not a genuine threat.

The remote favicon fetch design in their browser app was fixed like 4 years ago.

The "accusation" of "fingerprinting" was along the lines of "their site called a canvas function oh no". It's not "fingerprinting" every time someone tries to use a canvas tag.

What exactly is "all data available in my session" when I click on an ad? Is it basically the stuff a site I go to can see anyway? Sounds like it's nothing exciting or some exciting pieces of data would be listed.

This analysis misses the important point that none of this stuff is getting cross-linked to user identities or profiles. The problem with Google isn't that they examine how their search results pages are interacted with in general or that they count Linux users, it's that they keep a log of what everyone individually is searching, specifically. Not doing that sounds "anonymous" to me, even if it isn't Tor-strength anonymity that's resistant to wiretaps.

There's an important difference between "we're trying to not do surveillance capitalism but as a centralized service data still comes to our servers to actually do the service, and we don't boycott all of CloudFlare, AWS, Microsoft, Verizon, and Yahoo", as opposed to "we're building shadow profiles of everyone for us and our 1,437 partners". And I feel like you shouldn't take privacy advice from someone who hosts it unencrypted.

Sitewide Discontent is my new OC name.

It does sound like they are selling 128G of flash storage at a weirdly high cost.

I think "44GB of apps" might be part of your problem though. There's no legit reason for them to be that big, they're all just shipping their own 4k prerendered buttons, full copies of React Native and half of the Node package ecosystem, and the same fifty tracking SDKs. 128G was a perfectly reasonable size for a pocket computer, until people decide you need to ship like a whole OS in every app and you need an app for like every store you go to and your messenger needs motion graphics for every emoji in Unicode.

I guess you could try offloading photos to another computer for archival storage? Keeping every photo you ever took on the camera is going to use a lot of space.

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Pretty good bird, kind of overdoing it on the color based naming scheme, 7/10 would bird again.

Unfortunately as far as I know it is pretty standard for monkeys used to test brain interfaces to eventually get infected because of it and have to be put down.

I'm not sure whether the same problems are as common in humans; humans are much less likely to e.g. yank on the implant, especially if the reason they have an implant is to work around some kind of paralysis. And humans are allowed drugs that animals are not.

How much of this is "the model can read ASCII art", and how much of this is "the model knows exactly what word ought to go where [MASK] is because it is a guess-the-word-based computing paradigm"?

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I think if you want to write a fake story, you need to make sure that by the end of it people realize they've been had. A high-effort troll is entertaining. A person who writes a story that just happens to not be true is just wasting everybody's time.

EDIT: What if OP wasn't a Reddit story faker? 😮

You probably want to run the command as nobody, the special system user who daemons become when they don't want to have root permissions.

Hello I am writing the firmware for MotherBoard 2021, a definitely completely different product than MotherBoard 2020, I am going to ship in in 2 weeks for Christmas, and I am going to write an image decoder on top of bare metal, and it is "not" going to let you hack the pants off the computer.

Said no one ever.

Some TLDs that aren't country codes but also aren't very useful or popular will sometimes be blanket blocked by institutions, on the theory that there's so many more garbage malware C&Cs or whatever than actual useful sites that it makes sense to ban the whole thing. So you might not want to go with .bingo or .rest or anything with no perceivable use.

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Honestly? Stargate SG1. One of my favorite shows.

The whole theme of the first seven or so seasons was teching up and gathering allies to say "you're not my real dad/god" to the evil sufficiently advanced aliens.

But then having reached the end of that arc and wanting to keep the show going, they introduced some even more godly evil aliens who weren't just sufficiently advanced but were actual magic. I felt it deflated the point made in the whole first arc, that there ain't nobody better then you, to then trot out some evil canonically supernatural entities.

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Gotta be worth at lest ten credits.

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C++ is a worse idea, it is not a good web backend language.

C# is pretty easy. As long as your boss doesn't expect you to magically already be good at the thing they refused to allocate time for you to train in, you probably can just start trying to glue bits of C# web API examples together as your first project.

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I think it is currently growing, as in more people will visit tomorrow than did today, but also it has shrank since a couple weeks ago when everyone was hyping it up as a reddit alternative and trying it out. Not everyone who came to try it has stayed.

I think it benefits the distro maintainers. They can vet and ship version 0.13.1 of some multi-player video game, and support that for two years without bothering to package multiple backward-incompatible releases from the game developers. People won't come demanding that they break their distro's stable version no major version upgrades rule because everyone actually playing the game can just use the snap/flatpak published by the developers.

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It delivers water faster than shower does, but at about the same low level of plant bothering.

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Getting stuff onto F-Droid is hard; you have to design for their build system.

Google Play has a thing where if you design for their build system, they will do all the builds and hold the signing keys. So then you don't have to worry about keeping a signing key safe from various malicious government agencies.

Just because you had aliens last week doesn't mean that you can have Bigfoot this week. Blurry photos and poorly substantiated ravings don't become good evidence of things until you get a lot more genre savvy.

And just because the thing you have matches Bigfoot on points one, five, and six doesn't necessarily mean it's going to be like Bigfoot on points two through four. Especially if there's not a unifying theory of Bigfootness behind them and they're just a list of aforesaid poorly substantiated ravings.

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Hacker News has an RSS feed at They have a tag in the main page to point to it but browsers don't really surface that anymore I guess?

They also have like different filtered feeds for things with like a certain number of votes or something, which I have seen people using.

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You have a device not made in China?

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But now the windows one is getting scrapped whereas Waydroid is presumably sticking around.

They love to publish drivers that worked with like 1 release of X 5 years ago when the card came out and never update them.

Except when they update them and it breaks X.

It is much better at agreeing with your boss than you are.

On desktop: animations tied to scrolling.

Hello and welcome to our scroll wheel powered video presentation.

Watch TikTok's US operation get sold not to the highest bidder, but to the American entity most intent on using it to destabilize society.

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Linux hobbyists

Who else has opinions on snaps vs. flatpacks? Are they distinct to the "Linux professional" somehow?