1 Post – 34 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

7 Days To Die. It may have taken them 10 years, but the game is pretty solid now. This release has a huge number of quality of life changes, fixes and is extremely performant compared to many previous alphas. Great fun with friends.

"You guys wanna go see a dead body?"


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The queue times in this game are bad enough as it is. To make people who've ONLY paid $50 wait longer than others, is completely unforgivable.

Absolute misguided greed.

More often than not, adverts are about brand awareness. You might not buy that car based off that advert right now, but when you do decide to buy a car, you'll remember that brand name and they become a consideration.

I hate adverts.

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He is the nerdiest of the nerds, but I wouldn't call him a neckbeard.

I met him once. Very nice guy.

This caught me. I had to restore my instance from backup yesterday after loading the app and it not working. I use the fdroid version and it won't be updated for a while...

Remember, always backup you data, kids.

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Excited for this and perfect for the Steam Deck, but I doubt I'll get it yet. The early access aspect is putting me off, and I'd rather play the full game.

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Not the game I ever would recommend

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They were saying a few years ago that they were never doing another Witcher game. Now look at them :) Not complaining tho...

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I'll keep it short and sweet.

I've been using Manjaro for about 6 years now.

When I had an Nvidia GPU, it would break after quite a few updates and need a rollback.

Then I moved to an AMD card, and I haven't had any issues at all. all.

The End.

I'm 9 hours in now and loving the game. The environment is superbly designed and the puzzle are just on the right side of too difficult.

I would LOVE to see this game in VR. Walking around the megastructures would blow people's minds.

Saying that, my performance isn't great, but playable. Let's hope for some optimisation patches.

You may have seen this already, but on the GloriousEggroll Github it mentions not having V-sync set to "Auto"

I have this and use it everyday. I use Beets to give the files metadata (using Musicbrainz and the Discogs plugin as a fallback). I then host Navidrome as a music server and connect it to Once you have all that in place, find a client that does Radio or Instant mixes and it works like a charm. The two clients I use the most for this are SonixD on PC, and Symfonium on Android. If you're feeling adventurous, then host a VPN at home and connect into your Navidrome server using your phone client, and you have mixes on the go! :)

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I was talking about my rug...

Yep. When I first set up my instance, I couldn't believe how slow it was. I set up redis using the Nextcloud documentation and its like butter now.

Is this only with Warframe? Do you use X11? If so, could it be defaulting to a lower Hz second monitor or something? I suffered with this for years until I swapped to Wayland. Just a thought.

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Exceptional soundtrack to an exceptional game

I have this HBA in my homelab server and was surprised to find it has two SAS controller in it. I can't remember exactly what I had to do to flash it, but I needed to flash both controllers using an EFI prompt so they became one controller. It took an afternoon of research, but I eventually flashed both of them to IT mode and it worked as expected. I'm pretty sure this thread helped me at the time:

Good luck!

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Excellent video. Thanks for sharing

Hey, if it works.

I was in your position a few years back. I missed MediaMonkey when shifting to Linux.

I found Tauon media player was a pretty solid replacement for playing local and network files, but ultimately settled on running Navidrome server and Feishin as a desktop client. I haven't looked back.

For organising your collection, I'd look at using either Musicbrainz Picard (GUI based) or Beets (CLI, and it's a little complicated at first). I generally use Beets with Musicbrainz database, and the Discog plugin for anything not found by MB.

I haven't found anything that is a complete package like MediaMonkey, but with a bit of effort and once the parts are set up, it's so much better.

That's what I was referring to, but yeah, maybe it was just that they couldn't carry on with the same storyline.

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If by locally you mean all on the same PC, then absolutely. Anything can be a server. Look into running docker on your PC, and then running a Navidrome container on that. There is a bit of a learning curve, but it's nothing a YouTube video couldn't teach you (pay attention to anything about persistent storage). Once you have it running, connect to it with (localhost) using a browser, scan your media, and then connect your clients to it with too. Good luck :)

Minishoot Adventures. A cross between Zelda and a Bullet Hell. Honestly, great fun and perfect for the Steam Deck. I've had a hard time putting it down. Shame about the name tho :)

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I've been using a Zidoo Z9X for streaming local media. Not cheap, but very powerful and has a huge amount of features. It'll play just about anything you throw at it, all locally.

I had a similar problem a while back and it turned out to be my Asus motherboard's "AI" frequency control hard locking the system. Took me days of troubleshooting and headaches to figure this out. Ended up switching it off in BIOS and everything is stable now. Just my 2c.

Thanks for the suggestion. This does work. You can force the dock to a specific screen, but then it doesn't autohide (dodge) as it still thinks the other random screen is the primary and only triggers off that. Still, this may be the answer if nobody can suggest an alternative.

The HBA can definitely handle hot swapping, but I'm pretty sure you need a backplane for it to work. If I remember correctly, it needs the capacitors on the backplane's PCB to allow for the power drain. I'm not sure those cables alone will do.

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Sker Ritual has been taking up my time. It's basically CoD Zombies with another name and different aesthetic. Great fun, and even better as co-op with friends.

Yep, Hellda!

I honestly don't know what would happen, but I wouldn't try it. Hard disks are sensitive things.

KDE Plasma

Not seen this before, I'll give it a go. Thanks for the suggestion.