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Whooshing noises

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Let’s all guess until we get it. I’ll start: American Airlines

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If this dude thinks trump was the best president in the 20th century why is he running against trump?

This question is not my own but it is a great point lol

Nah doesn’t sleep in the gutter.

He sleeps in his multimillion dollar bunker


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Poppin off for real!

“Hey bros wanna see me light $40 billion on fire?”

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Damn that senile Biden, he’s controlling everything with his senility/mastermind!

What’s your bank account info? I can confirm your identity that way.

I just showed you!

Hello sir or ma’am. I’m from the brightside corporation - can I interest you in owning a slice of paradise? Where you say? The moon!

He also did nothing to stop the insurrection while it was happening - he could’ve easily given the order for the military or national guard to intervene and he did no such thing. In fact he watched it all go down on tv and did NOTHING. That is a failure to uphold his oath to protect and defend the constitution.

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What would stop him from appointing a democrat who changed parties to be a republican?

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If Al qaeda was based in Canada and they attacked the U.S. should the U.S. continue providing water and electricity to them? What other country bites the hand that feeds and then expects the status quo to remain. Think about that for a minute.

Why didn’t Hamas, instead of building rockets, build a new power plant and water treatment facilities with the millions of not billions of aid that the international community has given in aid to Gaza?

Despite all that guess what -

Ah yes democrats are abrasive. Not the party that has white supremacists as part of its voting block.

That’s impossible. I know it can’t be the real Obama since he said he only uses Tildes.

How is that a reach? His job is literally to protect our country from all enemies foreign and domestic - he literally did not do that.

Such a great point. See for example the whole supposed precedent of not letting a president appoint a new justice to the Supreme Court in the last year of their presidency. Republicans loved tossing that one out during Obamas final year but when RBG passed away just a month or so before the election they rushed Amy Coney Barett through confirmation.

Republican elected officials, when given the chance to play dirty, always do. Regardless of whether it sets a precedent or not. This isn’t even playing dirty - Trump pretty flagrantly - committed treason or at least assisted those who did - just like a 25 year old can’t be president, trump can’t be president.

Lord knows the dude needs to eat more since he’s the picture of health unlike that Chris Christie guy! Am I right?!

Gotcha. That seems much less open to interpretation then.

Not true if you have a high quality n95 mask

So were the kids and babies that were intentionally killed and abducted last week by Hamas militants “the oppressors”?

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Then what?? We’re waiti

Because I did when do the it yeah

Citation needed

Seems like they could just hire the fresh prince. I heard he’s got a mean slap and that he’s looking for work


You have a very weird obsession with this

You need to read about the history of the civil rights movement and who was involved in allyship.

You’re shifting the discussion. This thread started with OP saying Hamas is a necessary evil 8 days after they slaughtered 1300+ civilians in cold blood and abducted 100+ more.

Ah ok so please tell me which middle eastern country is morally superior to the U.S.

I’ll wait.

No I don’t mean that story which is of questionable veracity. However are you denying Hamas targeted and killed and abducted children eight days ago? Because they have said so themselves.

Actually it’s not bullshit. Most office buildings are designed with large core space where the elevators and stairs etc go. That’s not at all how apartment buildings are designed. Changing that is extremely expensive.

“ In parts of the country where land is relatively cheap, it's far less expensive to build housing from scratch than to convert old offices.”

And you know that.. how exactly?

Tell that to the Jews at the Pittsburgh synagogue.

What is the other option here other than Israel surrendering to Hamas?

How do you know

You clearly don’t want to be gentle. What is the solution here? If Israel doesn’t defend itself than its residents will continue to be the subject of attacks by Hamas. What other option is there?

What country do you live in that would tolerate constant rocket attacks as well as now terrorist raids from their neighboring territory?

If Israel is committing genocide against Palestinians why is the population of Palestinians growing exponentially?

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Who elected Hamas? It’s interesting you say Palestinians have no other choice. Who governs the Palestinians in the West Bank?

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What does that even mean?

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