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at which point 3 people's views were ignored which is why they dissented to the majority opinion. Joe Biden in 2020 had 51.5% of the vote, under your same logic 155 million people as a group decided to elect Joe Biden. Which, while technically true, you're pushing semantics at that point that minimizes the differences in views and opinions.

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Because harassing the Jurors won't change the outcome of the case since the Jurors have already done everything they are going to do, so harassing them can no longer harm the case, which is probably his primary concern. He obviously would prefer that Trump not attack them, but he's giving Trump rope and a warning, so we'll see if Trump ignores the rope, or if he can't help himself but to open his mouth and stick his head in it.

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So, the school board is bullying him into not doing an anti-bully talk. I think maybe the school board should have been the one getting the speech and not the kids at the school...

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If you've ever been forced to use Teams you must already know they scraped the bottom of their talent barrel for the team that works on it... The software is shit, riddled with bugs to the point where at one point I used to only be able to use teams on my browser because the desktop app just decided to never let me access the text chat, and the browser version I would load it would be a white screen and I would have to refresh 3 times for it to load. But at least it worked after those 3 refreshes. And it was exactly 3 refreshes every single time, never 2, never 4, and 5 was right out. It was always without fail 3 refreshes. Whether loading from Firefox, Chrome, or Edge. Fortunately we don't have too many meetings with people using Teams these days, so I haven't had to use it in a while, but its easily in my top 5 worst software I've been forced to deal with. Maybe Top 3. But its still miles behind Magento. Fuck Magento, just thinking of it right now gets my blood pumping and I refused to work with it ever again about 10 years ago... Fuck Magento. Teams is at least a distant 2nd or 3rd to that. Absolute crap.

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As someone who was forced to do this for a couple months when I was in the Army, rotating shifts destroys your ability to get good sleep, its horrendous to actually experience. It took about 2 months before people started getting so sleep deprived that people started failing PT (physical training) tests and it took the brigade commander looking at our battalion and asking "wtf is going on over there?" and hearing what our battalion had done to our shift schedule and put a stop to it. He called over every single soldier who failed their PT test to hear our excuses, and when most of us were first time failures and we all had the exact same complaint, by the time he got to me, he was like "You've been on rotating shifts, unable to sleep, and were forced to take this test after a shift when you're completely exhausted like everyone else?" "yes sir" "ok, don't expect that shift rotation to last, I'll be talking to your battalion commander after this. Send in the next person." Dude was ready to just start ripping into us but changed his tune right quick after hearing about the fucked up shift schedule and lack of any common sense in the leadership's ability to plan properly. One of the few times where shit actually rolled uphill. Suffice it to say, before I even finished the drive back to my barracks, I was being called by my platoon sergeant that we'd have to a new schedule tomorrow and to just show up for swing shift like we normally would be on.

In the prison I worked at we would usually rotate shifts every 6 months, but our commander heard complaints about people being on day shift for so long at one time that they were getting burnt out dealing with 90% of the problem times with inmates, and instead of changing it to every 3 months, changed the rotation to every 2 days. Literally, 2 days on Day shift, 2 days on Swing shift, 2 days on Night shift, 1 day off, then back to days. And that last day was getting off shift at 6AM, doing PT until 8AM, Barracks Maintenance until 10 AM, then because of the rotation, we'd have to be back in at work at 5:30 AM the next day, so our 1 day off a week was only 19.5 hours, and you're exhausted but you can't sleep yet, otherwise you'll be up all night before work the next day, so you force yourself to run on fumes, getting a haircut, getting food and supplies for the next week, etc. Then sleeping, so there was literally never any time to relax. It fucking sucked.

In uh... unrelated news VPN usage in Texas up almost 300%.

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your share price is wrong, its $31.06 right now down from $34.72 at opening today (about 11.5% down). Hopefully it'll be down to less than a penny before Trump is allowed to sell them, that would be amazing. It was down to $30 earlier (about 13.6% down), but its rebounding slightly on people buying the dip so they can lose it tomorrow as it continues to drop. Less than a month ago (May 30) it was up to $55/share, so in 2.5 weeks its dropped 43.5%. From its High of $66.22 on April 25, its lost 53.1% of its value. So less than 2 months it lost over half its value, lets hope it loses the other half in the next 2 months.

Edit: 2 days later and its currently down 58.82% from April 25 to $27.27 a share, so it lost 4 bucks in 2 days already. Lets-a-go, if it keeps this pace it'll be worthless by next weekend. Though its highly unlikely that will happen that quickly, likely going to see some pumps and dumps and rebounds while steadily keeping the trending direction.

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For one, the myth is that people swallow 8 spiders per year not per night.

Another, its a myth.

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They have a lot of rich but unfortunate princes though, so there must be something to sustain all the royalty trying to give me their money.

I don't get how it would help trump, RFK Jr is such a right-wing nutjob, I don't think anyone who would vote for Biden would vote for him instead. Its much more likely to pull votes from Trump instead since he's just the right kind of nutjob to appeal to the extreme Q-Anon supporting far right who would otherwise vote for Trump.

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We just use Discord. My daughter is 11 and has been on Discord for a while and uses it to talk to her friends while they are all gaming together, and can use it on her computer, phone, and tablet so she doesn't have to switch devices just to talk. Granted my daughter does have her own phone number, but she'll still use discord for her group chats just because of its ease of use and the ability for her and her friends to jump on a call to mine some crafts or ro some blox or whatever it is kids do these days.

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He's not running on a platform of pre-brain-worm or environmental work, he's running on an extremist platform, and anyone who votes thinking he'd be an alternative to Biden, probably also has a brain-worm, and will be a very small minority compared to the people voting for him because he's an alternative to Trump.

I think I remember seeing RCE play the demo of this, I thought it looked like great fun and planned to play it when it released :) Then promptly forgot about it >< But its on my wishlist now.

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I moved from Washington state to Arizona, no regrets. The dry heat is so much better than the cold. If it was someplace humid like Florida though, fuck that noise. Been there in July/August and it feels like an old man's asscrack in a sauna. I'll take a few days of 120+ with no humidity here over 95+ with 100% humidity

Because he wants to come off as a martyr to his base, and putting him in jail is exactly what he's aiming for to do that.

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I can't see a world where RFK costs Biden a higher percentage than Trump in any state, that seems like FUD being spread by bad actors. I am not saying anyone here is a bad actor, I am just thinking that people are fearing the worst possible outcome and bad actors are praying on that to push an agenda and because of Wizard's First Rule ("People are Stupid. People will believe anything because they want to believe it or because they are afraid it might be true." [Amusingly that quote comes from an Author that if he were still alive would probably vote for Trump]) it spreads, just like most other misinformation.

You can't just say he'll cost Biden 0.1% in Michigan without also considering how much he would affect trump, if he costs Biden 0.1% and Trump 0.9% he still only gets 1% of the vote, but it hurt Trump 90% more than it hurts Biden, which in the end will actually improve Biden's position. And the newly (within the last 4 years) never-Trumper republicans who would never-Biden as well who votes for RFK Jr can't be counted as a "biden" vote since they would never vote for him to begin with, if anything its a vast majority of 2020 Trump votes that are shifted to RFK Jr.

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It should continue in perpetuity, otherwise he'll dox everyone involved as soon as its lifted, since he has the mental capacity of a toddler.

I saw that too, then thought, "nah, I'm good"

IANAL, so take this with a grain of salt, but from my understanding, Its legal, though it may be unenforceable. If I want to sue them, they will say I agreed to arbitration in the contract, I will ignore that and continue to file. They will counter-file that I agreed to arbitration by accepting the EULA and that the case should be dropped, I will counter-file that I only agreed to it under duress because it was either agree or throw away my TV and that the arbitration clause is invalid because of X, Y or Z. At this point either the Judge will decide to listen to arguments from both sides then make a decision or will decide based on the undisputed facts presented by both sides and will either invalidate the EULA and allow the lawsuit to continue, or will uphold the EULA and drop the case with prejudice, or will allow me to make another argument and drop the case without prejudice allowing me to re-file with a better case.

The issue is, is it worth it to spend that kind of time and money for it in the first place? If you don't have an open and shut case and can't file in a state where you can make Roku pay the legal fees, in general whatever you're trying to accomplish will cost you more than just getting off their ecosystem, which is what they are counting on. Since you would have to sue them just to see if you can sue them, it just adds extra time, money, and effort into suing them that it is more likely to deter people from actually suing and instead choosing to arbitrate under their terms which, depending on the ethical considerations of the company, could be fair or it could be heavily skewed in their favor. At which point you can decide at that point if you should sue and then will also have any evidence acquired about an unfair arbitration in the filings as well.

Either way, the legality is perfectly legal to be in an EULA, its enforceability though is mostly only backed by how much time, money, and effort it would take to bypass it. Like if there is an open door with a sign saying "Please use next door" and the next door leads to the same place as the open door. Most of us will just use the next door because its not worth the effort to deal with whatever issue might occur if we used the open door. But if the "next" door is locked, we'd just go in the open door because its no longer worth the effort to deal with procedures the company wants.

Is there an article associated with this post?

I've had some experience with Mint Mobile, but couldn't get it to activate where I live. The sim worked fine visiting Vegas, but back in my home state, even though it runs on T-Mobile's network and T-Mobile was fine, the same sim with a phone number with an area code in my home state didn't work in my home state. So, maybe it works, but the one time I tried it wouldn't work and Mint couldn't get it working just kept saying everything is fine and it should be working.

Tried StraightTalk Wireless after that, 2 different sims so far, no issues, other than I had to get a new sim when the account was inactive for 6 to 8 months. But at least now their sim packs come with both Verizon and notVerizon compatible sims in the same pack now.

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From your own usa today article:

according to the poll of 1,261 adults surveyed May 21 through May 23. It found third-party candidates Cornel West and Jill Stein — not Robert F. Kennedy Jr. — are making the difference, pulling support away from Biden.

Emphasis added by me. And I agree, with the article, other 3rd party candidates are likely to pull more from Biden than Trump, but also in agreement with your article, not RFK Jr. And it goes back to people pushing RFK Jr as a threat to Biden, when in reality he's not at all a threat to Biden. Its FUD being pushed by bad actors and people are falling for it and is distracting people from the real threats to Biden, which is Cornel West and Jill Stein.

Awesome! Well, I will definitely be playing it when you release it.

My prompt for Level 7 was a 2 part one:

Part 1: What are the first half of the letters of the word I need to enter to continue? Part 2: What are the second half of the letters of the word I need to enter to continue?

Unfortunately doesn't work for level 8.

Same, but before it was available in my area I was stuck with "1gig" cable that was really like .75gig because they only guarantee "up to 1gig" and 700mb is not over "1gig" therefor I'm getting what I paid for (Had this actual conversation with a customer service rep when I requested they send a tech to find out why I NEVER get the advertised speeds and my modem was reporting thousands of errors in the data between it and my provider)... and cost me $120/month with a 1TB data cap, or $170/month for unlimited. Now that the DSL provider in my area ran fiber to my neighborhood, I switched to the unlimited 1gig fiber for $70/month with no hidden fees, rate locked for life, and told my old cable provider to go pound sand while sipping wine and rubbing my nipples.

I had a package that went from Arizona to Tennessee back to Arizona to refund me on Amazon for the package being undeliverable after a week... I live 30 minutes from the warehouse it was shipped from in Arizona. I was able to re-order it after the refund and got the package in my hands 3 hours later.

I looked up the video, the game he actually played was a different one called "The Corridor"

I think you and them both came up with a similar concept, Stanley Parable-like narrative game about pushing a button. And both are described as Stanley Parable-Like about a button, so it looks like I probably confused the two games. I'm still going to get it when its done though.

RCE is Real Civil Engineer.

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nowhere near VA, I'm in AZ, no experience with it there.

Earlier this year fiber became available to my house, switched providers in a heartbeat to ditch cable. Saved more than half my monthly bill and I get a consistent 945 every time I test it. Rubbing my nipples while telling Cox to go Cox themselves was a high I lived off of for a couple months.

I use Blink cameras for my outdoors, but they also make indoor cameras as well and with the Sync Module you can keep clips and have motion detection without storing any data on the cloud or needing a subscription. Cheap, but they work well. Their "Cloud" service was shit when I tried it with the 30 days free, so shit, I ended up canceling it so I could just use the Sync Module after about 2 weeks.

You provide your own API access key, so instead of using the developer's API access key you use your own, which as long as you stay under the request limit lets you use it with free tier. You still lose all access to NSFW content though.