2 Post – 68 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

He / him. INTP-A

"Hey, Wired, weird thing with our search algorithm. It seems to always put you on page 2 since your article dropped. I wonder why that is?" -- Larry Page, probably.

To ask the most obvious question first: Does the girl know you? Is she aware that you exist?

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Are you actively searching for things to be annoyed by? I mean, come on. That question is perfectly fine as it is.

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all dogs are bots

That's birds.

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That's why my password consists exclusively out of Assyrian cuneiform letters, e.g.

Assyrian cuneiform U12030 MesZL 293

Yes, that's one letter.

“I was telling Oliver all about the Big Bang and the evolution of life and he asked me how God plays into all of this,” recounted Dr. Tyson. “I laughed at first because that is one of the dumbest questions a kid has ever asked me... I said ‘Oliver, if God exists why are you in pain all the time? This must be a punishment, and you must have done something really bad.’ It was around that time his father looked like he was about to punch me, but cooler heads prevailed.”

The site claims to be satire, but I am 100% sure that Neil has this exact interaction with terminally ill children like twice a week.

Please take some of these, and put them at the appropriate places in your sentence: , . ?

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Darn it, all this time I thought I was on Lemmy!

Do spider webs count as decoration?

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Because Kojima had such a little role in his titles, the next game created without him, "Metal Gear Survive", was a full success.

Metal Gear Survive received a generally negative response ... selling 85% fewer copies than Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance, and 95% fewer copies than Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain.

The video is nothing but an unmarked ad. Not worth seeing. No idea why OP shared the video.

The video author is sneaky, though. There is one game in there that isn't an ad (it's even the highest in the list), and it's an ad for GOG, not the games itself.

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Who funds the Go Fund Me campaign? Certainly not tax payers...

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Copy this text 50 times to get a blue ICQ icon!

No need to log in, just open this post over there:

Is it too difficult to post some context?

The "ermäßigter Mehrwertsteuersatz" (reduced VAT rate) you pay for staple food in Germany is 7%. That might be less than what you pay in surrounding countries, but 7% is remarkably bigger than 0%.

"Weekend at Viktor's" sounds like a cheap knock off. 0/10 wouldn't watch.

What do we do now?

Just shut the company down. LMG peaked years ago, and went downhill from there. And even back then it was worst amongst the big tech channels.

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You don't automatically become a mod. You automatically get invited to become mod and you still have to accept the invitation. But yeah, it could be that they forgot they accepted an invitation.

Saved 0% of original text.

Has AI become too powerful?

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A semicolon ends a statement, and semicolon is a statement on its own. One that does nothing. That's why you can write

int i;
for (i = 0; i ᐸ 3; i++);

to set i = 3. You can use that pattern to find something in an iterator, etc. But I would prefer

int i = 0;
while (i ᐸ 3) {

for readability.

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That's a warning against drinking Cola, etc., not sparkling water.

This website is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

If I was a lawyer, I'd say that this sentence could be interpreted in a way that the audio stream is licensed as cc-by-nc-sa, too, i.e. you are sublicensing the songs to anybody. This is even more illegal than simply broadcasting music without licensing it. It's a fun and games until RIAA comes to break your knee caps.

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Why not upload another avatar? Maybe an empty black square or the lemmy logo?

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Why stop there? He clearly won against JFK and Abraham Lincoln, too!

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I guess taking care of a handful of plants is always a good first step in getting your life back together.

I think we overestimate how much people care about Twitter and stuff. There is not much news about him outside of our bubble.

I get 403: Forbidden from OP's source, so here's a translation of the German article:

Incident in the West Bank: ARD (German public broadcasting) team detained by Israeli soldiers

Last update: November 05, 2023 8:50 pm

An ARD team was detained and threatened by Israeli soldiers in the West Bank on their way back from researching violence by radical settlers against Palestinians. The ARD studio in Tel Aviv sees this as a clear attack on the freedom of the press.

An ARD team has been detained and threatened by soldiers of the Israeli military (IDF) in the Palestinian West Bank. According to the ARD studio in Tel Aviv, which is operated by Bayerischer Rundfunk (BR), correspondent Jan-Christoph Kitzler was already on his way back from an interview with a Palestinian employee and a German employee when they were stopped by Israeli soldiers south of the Palestinian city of Hebron.

As Kitzler reports and cell phone videos of the team prove, the soldiers behaved extremely aggressively towards the ARD team. Weapons were repeatedly held in the team vehicle. The soldiers repeatedly filmed the ARD team at close range - for Kitzler and the team a clear attempt at intimidation. Soldiers apparently conscripted reservists

According to the team, the soldiers were probably settlers from the area who had been called up as reservists. They were traveling in a private vehicle and were wearing civilian headgear.

"The soldiers threatened us with their weapons and asked us if we were Jewish. Our colleague was insulted as a traitor," reports Kitzler. The ARD team was there to report on violence by radical settlers against Palestinians in the Israeli-occupied West Bank. This has increased significantly since the start of the war and numerous cases have been documented. "We cannot accept this approach"

For Christian Limpert, head of the ARD studio in Tel Aviv, the case is an attempt to massively obstruct reporting from the Palestinian West Bank, and other international media are also affected. "This is the second incident for us within a week. Our team clearly identified itself as accredited press representatives and was far away from military security areas. We cannot accept the actions of the Israeli military."

The situation only eased after more than an hour, when additional Israeli soldiers and police were called in. The IDF's Foreign Desk, which is responsible for foreign correspondents, also mediated by telephone.

BR considers the event to be an attack on the freedom of the press. According to BR editor-in-chief Christian Nitsche, the multiple pointing of the gun is completely unacceptable. The Foreign Press Association (FPA) in Israel, among others, has also announced that it will take action in the matter. The ARD studio in Tel Aviv will commission a lawyer to examine a legal investigation into the incident.

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If half of the users who tried it out stuck around, then they're incredibly successful.

I'm the biggest The Walking Dead fan! I almost made it to the third episode!

You did that 17 years ago, good sir. Kindly go fuck yourself.

"Don't fool yourself into thinking you know why it is the way it is" -- Because we don't, neither.

Didn't we already go through this with Whatsername and her fake blood tests?

Maybe read more than the title before commenting? I know, it's a novel concept.

People quite rightly think of Elizabeth Holmes as a fraud for making false medical claims about what the Theranos machines could do. So why aren't Elon's claims at Neuralink being held to the same level of scrutiny?

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Landed rabble?

I suppose all these photos made by other people in the same location with the same two mannequins are AI generated, too? Also this video from August 2021.

Those are detrimental to human health, too, even if you can't hear them.

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We did. Because of that people are using their phones for too long without replacing them. This makes Samsung and Apple sad, so they make new phones fail sooner.

In what circumstances would you consider murder a smart choice?

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