2 Post – 15 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Try OrganicMaps ( on Android. It's awesome!

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No, it's completely independent, it does not rely on any third-party APIs or anything else. It can function entirely offline once the models have been downloaded.

Whishper uses faster-whisper in the backend.

Simply put, it is a complete UI for Faster-Whisper with extra features like transcription translation, edition, download options, etc...

Made me think of the TVs in Idiocracy.

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Whisper models have a very good WER (word error ratio) for languages like Spanish, English, French... if you use the english-only models it also improves. Check out this page on the docs:

It's "sign up" not "sign in". It creates a separate account cloning all your Mastodon data (follows, profile pic, username...)

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Unfortunately, not yet. Whisper per se is not able to do that. Currently, there are few viable solutions for integration, and I'm looking at this one, but all current solutions I know about need GPU for this.

That's a great idea! I'll attempt to implement that feature when I find some time to work on it.

Whisper+ had some problems, that's why I rewrote everything. This new version should fix almost (maybe there are some bugs I haven't found) everything.

If you take a look at the docker-compose file, you'll see it is already using bind mounts. The only special permission needed is for the LibreTranslate models folder, which runs as non-root with user 1032.

And Monero!

There's Clipious for Invidious on Android:

I've self-hosted my own single-user Piped instance for about a year. However, I sometimes encounter problems with video loading times, and some subscriptions don't display new publications until I manually visit the channel. The main reason I chose Piped was because it had LibreTube for Android, allowing me to sync my subscriptions between mobile and desktop.

Recently, I've been testing Invidious and I'm liking it. I discovered that using it on Android as a web app is quite efficient, especially in combination with UntrackMe to automatically open YouTube links in my Invidious instance. Additionally, there's Clipious, an Android app similar to LibreTube but with an Invidious backend. Although it's early in its development, it performs well.

I'm still weighing my options, but I find Invidious to be more stable in terms of loading times and subscription feed updates.

I'm glad you were able to solve the problem, I add the comment I made to another user with the same problem:

Didn't know about this problem. I'll try to add a MariaDB alternative database option soon.

Didn't know about this problem. I'll try to add a MariaDB alternative database option soon to solve this.