Parculis Marcilus

0 Post – 40 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

A Linux nerd who loves anime, manga, history, and philosophy. Devoted FOSS proponent and socialist with international tendency. He/Him

I'm glad that Signal choose to be transparent about its spending instead of hiding it from obscurity.

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Now having Linux install in my machine, I don't have to deal with wins bs ever again. It's great that I made the right decision 5y ago

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You stress it like it's a bad thing

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Yeah yeah, let's unite together into a union then

Neuralink hasn't address the security complications, hopefully their engineers know what are they doing

I honestly don't know what's the problem here and I'm speaking from a person coming from ASEAN which is the one of the most discriminated group of people in the Asian. You have to place the term into the context to determine whether it is racist or not. If you're describing an Asian product a ricer with the point that it is load, this is racist. Otherwise, ricing shouldn't be a problem here. But then again, if you find it offended despite not being an Asian, just use other terms that suit your taste. The "master" shouldn't and must not be used with "slave" in the same text to refer to anything that implies subjugation. But then again, how about the master who is highly skilled in their own field? What do we have to refer such people? And interestingly, not a lot of people have any feeling over the words "monkey". This term is generally used in a pejorative way to describe people from ASEAN, implying that we haven't evolved. Should we stop using the term "monkey"? A lot of these are depended on the context, if you have any little sense and basic on linguistic. In the end, I'll be still using ricing to describe my extensive customisation and you will be using other terms. If your proposed term becomes the dominant term, then for the sake of making people easier to understand what I'm saying, I will use that term too.

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How is this tech-related?

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Don't pressure yourself to become an active monthly user. Just take it easy. I came here to have a peace with me not constantly shitposting to gain karma.

While we are adapting our organizational structures and streamlining our decision making, we are continuing to invest in strategic priorities for our future and to ensure we continue to deliver value for our members and customers

Translation: We are greedy and we are not sorry

Nah, in the case of Spotify, I've ady lost all my faith on the music industry and remain on the sea for a while now. I rather take times to listen to the music instead of giving even a quid to those mf.

Oc the og based gigachad PhD holder didn't just force through a RFC which causes thousands of regressions in the main repo. Nix community is sure healthy under this kind of leadership.

Freedom for me but not for thee

It's fine tbh, but YouTube is really running out of great contents these days, and you have to constantly check the sources before being gaslighted. I would rather take my pace and search up things when I wanted.

Ur already a Linux user, being niche is kinda of our character

Never saw such many buzzwords in my life

I'm happy that I sailed to the sea earlier than being frustrated by this stupid music industry playing money games again.

Slick rice and a plus point from using ufetch!

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Mb, seems like he's a really deep down into antivac and Jan 10 rabbit hole.

Based and emacspilled

Ah yes, kid safety from the "woke" ideas, and sells them to the tech oligarchs instead.

They've said that they are not going to implement it so not a great news

It's ok as long as they're not genocidal Zionists.

Sail high on the sea mate

Well, ig it's time to rustify my machine now

I mean private movement is a thing. Of course it could be turned into a political movement if we're vocal about it. As long as we keep the public inform about the movement's vision, I'm pretty optimistic about we'll gain public support

Tbf, I don't use prefer clicking thro a series of folders. I rather have a fuzzy finder that help me open any important documents regardless of its format.

Finally, a good step from US.

And yet they call communism is too utopia

New version of newpipe can already do that tho, glad that these projects are giving each other inspiration to work on the features that user want, unlike certain company

May u elaborate on the allegation where he is a conspiracy theorist?

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I'm a pirate with proper moral compass, unlike those music label people

Good for them, I'm waiting to see what features it'll introduce into the ecosystem. Imo, MIUI is one of the non-suck UI/UX for a smartphone.

Not a fan of her, but I do share a sentiment with her about the current state of tech industry

Then let me crack open ur head then

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Wish them a farewell

"ricing" means customisation, that's it. That's the context. It's not about the origin of the word, otherwise the "f"-word that ends with "t" should be used in your own logic. "gay" was used pejoratively during medieval time, does it mean when we're calling homosexual people that proudly label themselves as that is being homophobic here? It's about the meaning of the word in the context where it's being used. If "ricing" is being used in the context of de, then I don't see a problem here. If you use "ricing" to describe anything that appears loud to you, then for sure you're being racist.

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Particle physicists had their chance on trying prove the existence of any new particles with CERN and their newest project but ultimately they failed to discover any. First, it's too costly. Second, their theory on bridging the major two theories (relativity and quantum physics) with the assumably new particles is simply too complicated that involves a lot of constants compared to other theory models. There are better way to advance the progress of academic physics, but building a new collider would not help.

Never understand the hype around building another larger particle collider. It's basically a huge money pits that produces limited results.

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Fuck your streaming music and cuck my pirate torrenting flag into your throat. Btw, pls support indie music with your money, buy their album and share them with your friends and circles. Streaming services is never going to be profitable and music industry fucking sucks hard.

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So pls don't use the term "monkey" ever again since it's been used as a racist term.