
2 Post – 50 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

I sure am glad we get these large corporations so much in the way of legislation, relaxed regulation, and financial incentives. Surely these will guarantee loads of FUTURE hiring when it will all start trickling down.

Right? Right?

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Exactly. Example: on the Tesla Model 3, many of the panels (such as the rear quarter panel) are glued on instead of bolted/clipped on. So if you graze a stationary object and damage that (it happens), you're on the hook for a very expensive repair since you need a repair shop that specializes in how to deal with that (plus the actual time to do the repair, which is more complicated). Update the designs to make them more repair friendly and the cost of ownership comes way down.

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I genuinely dislike TikTok (might be just old-man-shaking-his-fists-at-the-sky syndrome), but a complete ban on an app like that seems uninformed and quite the overreach. I think banning it on government devices is a good move, and I also think having everyone make informed decisions on who they give their personal information to is paramount (in this case, tin foil hat or no, you’re likely giving it to the CCP), but this seems like a clear case of a bunch of old timers making a pretty uninformed decision based on knee-jerk reactions to public opinion.

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What really baffles me is why he totally ghosted his battery swap station idea. That completely solves the range and charging time issue all in one fell swoop. Demonstrated it on stage even. Guessing it either wasn’t profitable enough for him, not s3xy enough, or he wasn’t smart enough to figure out how to scale it up.

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Try to incite an insurrection and steal an election: you'll walk away with no consequences.

Steal money from the rich: you will burn.

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Healthcare worker, chiming in:

Yes please.

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Are people actually using ChatGPT as a search engine?

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Although it’s rare now, it’s nice to come across apps that do something very well that haven’t followed the standard big tech path of mega enshittification. Sounds like this one was decent a while back (but maybe lacked features), and then - holy shit - actually improved over time.

Good post - my heart is warmed.

Or for the youngsters:


So uhhh, you gonna want that clear coat?

Hi honey, here’s Despacito…

New Classic Teams for Work, Professional Edition (New)

What's the offshoot going to be called, "Soup"? Not like Alphabet is operating any more as "separate organizations" than Google was previously. Nothing changes there.

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Shit username though

I believe that’s meat popsicle.

Smoke you very much.

Why are we still posting screencaptures of stuff from Twitter/not-X/Twitter?

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I heard they just ran out of coffee though...

Here’s the billion dollar question: why do we need a Facebook alternative? Perhaps just walk away from the idea altogether?

It’s pretty clear to me that many companies are jumping on the layoff bandwagon right now since so many others are doing it too (doesn’t look as bad if your layoffs are drowned out in the noise). Easy way to increase profitability (on paper) and not look quite as bad if “everyone else is doing it.”

Well, it’s just not supposed to happen.

That would mean you would be indefinitely supporting and sending traffic to X. Why not tell your million followers "I will only be posting on Bluesky now - please check out my profile there [link]" and dump X? If you're worried about your numbers dropping moving to the other platform, then your "followers" probably don't mean much or weren't that interested in what you have to say anyway (so what's the point other than a score)? Maybe I'm just doing the old man shaking his fist at the sky routine.

Just as long as you factor in DtF.

Chevy seems to be offering a $0 cost installation of a level 2 charger if you buy OR lease a Bolt or Bolt EUV: https://www.chevrolet.com/electric/ev-charging/home-charging/installation

We’ve tried nothing and we’re all out of ideas.

Well that’s not typical.

Since 1P switched to subscription only (which is a dealbreaker for me), I switched to Strongbox. It's based on keepass, you can store/backup/host your own vault, and it also supports both passkeys and passwords. The UX is almost as good as 1P (few little minor annoying things, but no showstoppers for me). Been great so far.

Auto makers "slashing prices." With perhaps one or 2 small exceptions, can you actually go out and buy an EV for under 40K in the US? Didn't think so. Seems to be a whole lotta confusion about "demand" and the manufacturers actually making an electric car that normal people can afford.

Moss seal of approval.

Wow - didn’t hear that but sounds like something he would do.

You’ll rue the day you crossed me, Trebek.

Yeah - putting it behind a proxy or restreaming it from something else would be perfectly fine, but I'm trying to figure out which combination of hardware would get me to that point. So far, it seems like most solutions would involve having to have a dedicated computer running at that location to handle some of the aspects of the whole setup.

Mid late nineties, WC was my favorite. Felt like it had the best results.

I don't think OP has been to risa yet. My new favorite place on the web:


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I would drop insta in a heartbeat and switch to literally anything else, but unfortunately no one putting up pictures or video of my hobbies (the only thing I use insta for) uses anything else. Frustrating, but at the moment, my only option is to just quit insta and not switch to anything new since there's no content out there. Still considering going that route though, since insta has become super annoying to use.

I disagree. I know cross country road trips isn’t the norm for most, but at the moment, it burns an hour (at least on my car) to recharge if you need to during the middle of a trip that out-distances your car’s range. A quick battery swap would solve that and give you the same ease/downtime as filling up at a gas station. I’d think some people have a hard time swallowing having to wait an hour to fill up if they’re trying to get somewhere.

Why not just use Strongbox? All of that’s built in and don’t have to store your vault on their cloud.

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Man - that comma in the second sentence murdered my brain. Excellent synopsis though.

Interesting responses here - perhaps I’ll add it to my daily rotation as a science experiment.

That would mean I'd need to run a web server at that location, which I'm trying to avoid. I have the background to do that but want low/no maintenance and minimal fuss - administering a server is more than I want to do for this project.

I think wyze forces you to use their apps to view streams, but perhaps I've missed something there?

EDIT: Looks like it does support RTSP, but only accessible from a local computer (so I'd need to have a machine on that network that then restreams that out somewhere): https://support.wyze.com/hc/en-us/articles/360051619871-Does-Wyze-Cam-v3-support-RTSP-

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