
1 Post – 91 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Reddit is dead, long live reddit.

It sounds cooler than it actually is cuz it's mostly a text game (with a graphical interface) and very little graphics. You can play a port of it here. https://www.f-droid.org/packages/com.brucelet.spacetrader/

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If you're having fun and are aware of it, that's a sin.

Let them fight, and rock on with Debian.

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I kinda fail to see the problem. The GPU owner doesn't see what workload they are processing. The pr0n company is willing to pay for GPU power. The GPU owner wants to earn money with his hardware. There's a demand, there's an offer, nobody is getting hurt (ai pr0n is not illegal, at least for now) so let people what they want to do

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The foundation series by apple is pretty bad.

How bad? The absolute best part is a part not present at all in the books (the Cleons). Everything related to the book is bastardised, imo.

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Gaijing is Linux friendly overall. War thunder has a native linux port.

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And then there's the symfony console who tells you after each command "now get back to work" :(

Don't they have like 1000+ customers that still haven't received their crowdfunding orders?

Teach me how to know which process is hogging my memory or CPU, in less than 5 steps without htop?

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That sounds like you're missing a fuse driver. IE if you didn't have ntfd-3g back in the day, you could read NTFS but not write upon it.

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Weird edge cases. You would think that edge cases are a minority, but a setup without any edge case is the real minority.

From screens that decide to not power up (Nvidia !!!) to programs not wanting to start (Minecraft flatpak who doesn't run from desktop but okay from command line), sometimes when you want it to just work it's exhausting.

On my side I've totally given up on windows and happily run a full AMD household, it's fine, but still.

Yknow, I see two sides of that coin :

  • the one that person thinks about, pursuing a goal that you actually shouldn't have pursued (and that's painful)

But the one I immediately thought as I grew up in public middle school where so many children where doing nothing but fucking around

  • spending your young years doing jackshit and fucking around despite everyone telling you you should be more serious or at least stop annoying the others, then complaining the rest of their life that society is unfair.

Yeah I'm resentful.

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Idc if we are not on reddit anymore, this joke doesn't get old

Like the year of the linux desktop

I've seen this somewhere, I believe you installed some updates. Reboot the machine and it'll come back, iirc

Not much of a progress this time.

Still waiting for zorin grid.

To be an extent of this probably : removing an option "to not confuse the user" aka the Apple way, or the Gnome way. "What do you mean the user actually has a brain and may benefit from choice? Who actually needs a custom DNS?"

That game is deep into the uncanny valley, it will be TERRIFYING for a child.

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I've had on my mind for some months to create a company to build "the perfect phone"

Repairable, big swappable battery, headphone jack, pogo pins for modular extensions, rootable easily and open sourcing a maximum of it.

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To be honest.... Yes it's that complicated. I've read that, Apparently valve had to spent massive ressource to figure out the load order of librairies and what to include for the steam runtime.

Granted, all they made is open source iirc. But it was a massive pita

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Hottest would be 41°C, in 2003 and last year (France)

Coldest, -35°C, Québec Carnaval in 2016. I stayed about two hours in that temperature, I started to have cold burn in my fingers and my toes.

Would take -35 over 41 all day.

Both. My father used datebook6 by pimlico. He loved it and never was able to replace it.

Wait, I'm not the only one and it may be linked to neurodivergence???? I thought my body was just a fucker fucking with me, I'm on anti-nausea medications so I can sleep without throwing up at night !

Adding from communist's comment, if they don't stay efficient very long, how easy are them to recycle? Apparently they use common materials, but does that necessarily means it's common to recycle?


Yeah, you can't unharm the children that built their model, but maybe you can save thousands or more children by just... Flooding the "market" with cheap, unharming content? Like this with rhino horns https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2019/nov/08/scientists-plan-to-flood-black-market-with-fake-rhino-horn-to-reduce-poaching

My dad used to daily drive a Centro (the last ever palm os device, a phone) until like 5 years ago. He still misses the productivity suite and the overall responsiveness of the system.

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Yes sir ! The tribbles event is the merchant prince event. Nothing to gain here but pain.

The wasp is not super super hard to get, just trade to hell and back using the beetle and then the termite. The bumblebee is also a nice all-rounder ship.

Teach your grandparents about those scams. Insists on the "nowadays a computer can replicate a voice perfectly enough over the phone, it will really sounds like real" as well as the "the numéro that will call will look like it's from me. Just hang up and call me of you receive such a call"

  • Cuba
  • North Korea
  • China
  • Cambodia (Red khmers)

"But it wasn't real communism" ?


I have the official deck dock and when you put the deck to sleep and wake up you can face :

  • borked hdmi output requiring removing power and plugging back to fix it
  • this will sometimes cause the graphical driver to outright crash requiring a hard reboot of the deck
  • after time without removing power and plugging back, the audio will become desynced and would need to power down and back up the dock.
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Ah, it seems the elite version is not compatible for my modern phone. Looked nice indeed !

Last time I checked, it could run the latest Firefox, but it might have been the ESR. It's using a lot of the WINE stack so it should be more potent than windows xp. The main issue is drivers, not really application support

You can play apex for like a year now

I have rich parents and am still a failure, don't you deny me this !

Yeah but they're super fragile. Nowadays I'd go more for some akg clones over the porta pro. Sure they'd sound worse but they'll survive longer.

Google is still the GOAT for very specific questions. Like "docker network bridge partial packet loss" , throw it into bing/dfg/qwang and you just end up with "what is a network bridge in docker"

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There's a port for android available on both the play store and f-droid

I mean at that point, buying WD is asking to be shit on. Member that CMR/SMR fiasco some years ago? Yeah you shoulda boycotted em at that point

fairphone has no jack and has an underpowered chip. The librem is fucking hell expensive and even more underpowered.

For the pogo pins i was more looking like the pinephone(s), but they are not power-efficient

Efficient and useful report system. So far I've reported only one dude's soundboard which repeated the N word (hard R btw)
