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Joined 12 months ago

You do understand how large of a number a billion is? To work only for a decade and have that kind of networth is insane.

Relevant Tom Scott video https://youtu.be/8YUWDrLazCg?si=EawoESj6ftACGnHN

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I think you know exactly why they hired her ๐Ÿ‘

But how is it feasable to smoke 80 cigarettes per day! A cigarette takes like 10 minutes to smoke if you don't huff like a dragon. 80 cig x10 min = 800 min = ~13 hour smoking per day. You would not be able to keep any kind of job with a smoking schedule like that.. Except maybe onlyfans..

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It is a bit unfair that only drug addicts get this. Assisted suicide should be available for the general population.

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Are you guys ok over there? I know there is a political division in your country. But this is some kind of braveheart speech before starting an actual civil war. It can't be that bad, you are the richest country in the history of this planet what kind of reality is these idiots living in?

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I assume you mean the clear plastic around the pods that gets sticky when you touch it with wet hands. Relevant YouTube short with Hank Green https://youtube.com/shorts/mm997MpLNeA?si=ZdBiX7ZTjbpLQMLS TLDW: you don't have to worry about this kind of plastic it is water soluble and turns into water and carbon dioxide when burned I believe.

Yes I am worried about microplastics in everyday things, for example drinking water from my tap. I am also worried about using plastics for anything food related that is heated up. As such i have removed all plastic containers in our kitchen that would be used near or with heat. Any containers remaining is only for cold foods and dry storage.

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To be fair, he must meet thousands of people in a day when he is doing events. Nobody remembers every npc, some people are just to dull, uninteresting or just fall into the background noise.

With that said, given his age it is probably not wrong in that he has severe memory issues. In other news the sky is blue...

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Research papers in creative cloud? I am guessing she is using something like InDesign or illustrator to make pdfs or maybe Acrobat? I think you need to clarify what her workflow entails to get better answers.

But going with my assumptions, it sounds like she can get away with using some kind of Office suit instead, maybe 365? not that it would solve the enshitification of apps problem.. But I do consider it a stable program both as installed apps and on the web. There are also endless tutorials and support to get if she is running into issues.

With that said, it is probably not worth it if she is a boomer. It would take a long time to get into a new workflow and it would affect her output. If she is used to adobe she should probably stick to it.

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I think it makes total sense, it is a gift to the USA to be able to weaken another military superpower without having to send a single American. Instead of an expensive cold war style arms race during peace time, they can just send the material and "win" the arms race by proxy. USA and NATO should send military aid as long as there are Ukrainians willing to fight.

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Confusiong riches and fame for brains. Classic mistake

That has probably only ever helped her gain more. There is a good reason why rich people like to start charities and give money. It's for publicity and as a tax write-off.

USA is the perfect country for getting rich and staying rich and getting richer. She could never have that kind of networth in any other country in the world as a pop act.

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I think so. As I understand it, Tesla have produced to order before. Every car off the line went directly to a customer.

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Yes, I understand how it seems like I refered to the person and not the artist.

I still don't understand how you come to the conclusion that the net worth should be at least double? Based on what? My point is that it is extremely impressive to have a billion dollar company as is, in only a decade

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Why do these guys always rely on donations for their lawsuits? I also saw Trump getting funds. Is it because they can't liquidize their assets fast enough? I though they are multimillionaires and billionaires? Or is there another reason?

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Or the complete opposite, we will realize that AI is hard and LLM s will probably not take over the world. Self aware AI is probably much further away than we think. But who knows! ๐Ÿซฅ

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Aha ok. Thank you for clarifying ๐Ÿ™Œ

Even the beta is considered a level 2 system still. Level 3 would require the system to conditionally take over in certain situations, you will quickly win a Darwin award if you consistently trusted the fsd for any given situation.

If you are interested you can read the prospect: https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1713445/000162828024010137/reddit-sx1a1.htm

Page 13 is "the offering"

Page 80 is a table of how the shares are divided

LGR is always good ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘

Some of these are a real longshot. I'd wadger to say most of them even. Sure, some companies will try to do this. But in three years alot of those companies will realize that humans are very good at certain tasks and much more reliable than a superbot that will probably still be prone to hallucinations and also have issues with maintainance, because in the end, nobody can look at the code and say "oh here is a bug, I'll have that sorted by Thursday". Just look at Google, one of the most successful software companies in the world, they can barely figure out how to solve the issues with their ai search. They just blame it on being a new feature and have to manually block the ai from saying stupid shit. It has become this strange game of whack-em-all but instead of being harmless it is backed by these massive corporations that only care about their stock price going to the moon.

Yes it is aaw. I love it and your dog! But also.. maaaybe think of the children who made the snowman. Bring your own carrots if you need to make a video for TikTok (I will assume this is what happened anyway ๐Ÿถ)

I can see it being an option for some people. If you print low volume but regularly every month. And you need a printer that always just works. The problem is the monthly limits! The base package is 20 pages per month, just printing out a pdf manual or something would eat that up in a minute. I would want unused prints to be added to next month.

Otherwise it is very similar to how it works for businesses having larger office printers.

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Where I am from It is very common that people break in and only steal the loose valuables inside the car. Not the car itself. If you don't even have to crack a window i would imagine it is very enticing to do so and specialize in Teslas.. with that said, I can't magine Teslas are more prone to this and other brands. What makes Teslas a bigger target is that their fleet is large and use very similar components and tech. If you hack one, you can hack into alot of them.

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Thanks for the answer. That makes sense... Horrible people

Yes completely agree. Especially the price, most people don't want to pay or can't afford a 45-50k usd car after subsidies. (This is the minimum pricepoint to get something comparable to an average gas car, both trim wise and to get an at least acceptable range)

And let's be honest about the subsidies, they just allow the car companies to charge a higher price in the first place.. I expect the price to be about the same after they are gone.

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I do it already at work! Windows runs great in qemu.

There is a few things that we still need to move away from, app wise, that requires windows. But already I solve 95% of my work tasks in Linux. We will soon move all terminal computers in our production lines to Foss software and new stations run Ubuntu. Linux runs lighter and cheaper and easier to maintain and update and replace. We are super happy about it.

Best thing is, it will only get better!

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This is already worked in through mathematics, it is its own mathematical field. We can optimize packaging through formulas that are very fast and accurate. No need to train a AI for that. Especially not for space flight, AI are prone to hallucinations that is not something you want anywhere near any space mission that requires precision and predictability. I believe Johannes Kepler started this field in the 1600s, it is not something new. It is definitely a complex problem, but not new and not unheard of. Amazon is not exactly inventing something new and amazing here..

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Ok thats a good deal. Exception to the rule ๐Ÿ˜… Sadly it is discontinued since the end of 2023.

Thanks for your answer, interesting read ๐Ÿ‘

That does seem wasteful of course. But I also wonder what will happen to the EV batteries in the end, and what will happen with cars that are too dependent on software, will the cars be unusable when the manufacturer does not want to support them anymore. All products get old and "worse" over time, but with EVs that seem to happen alot quicker just because of battery and software. Will there be brand new cars, 10 years from now being bricked because because the app is not supported anymore or the battery is not holding a practical amount of charge.

I find EVs outside of metropolitan areas in Sweden being very unpractical too. Not because there are no charging infrastructure, but I find it very unreliable. I never know what I am going to get when I stop at a station, are there any unused chargers, how much power delivery, is it working at all, what kind of app etc etc. Keep in mind i drove around the holidays where, of course, alot of other people also drove, so my experience is not the most positive in that sense. It works better for everyday commuting, because of the simple fact that you can mostly charge where at home.

I am a experienced Linux user and I just use Ubuntu. Community support is good and it just works and gets out of your way, with that said I probably fiddle more with it than I realise.. Depending on the system you install it on there is also a possibility that the hardware is tested and supported by the manufacturer. In my case I use it on a Thinkpad p52 workstation and a Dell XPS 13, both of which was/is sold with Ubuntu versions. And if you don't like it just distrohop and go crazy, it can honestly be a lot of fun and a learning experience in itself Edit: Ubuntu 22.04 LTS (Long Term Support)

Very noble of you but most environmental issues with cars are not related to what kind of fuel they are propelled forward by. Rental cars are arguably a better option for the environment, because it is one vehicle used by many, regardless of fuel type.

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Thanks, that's a better way to put it. It is all in the interest of business. It obviously works great, because here we are discussing it, and some of us praising it.. !

Yes a car is definitely not something that increases in value siting on a shelf ( if you don't believe Musk). But they made the same car for years, so it is the same car as a few years ago? Does it matter if I get one from the shelf or one a year from now really?

Thats must have been horrifying to experience, very tragic. My thoughts go out to their families and the people of the village.

I don't know. I know some older midrange phones tried it out. I wonder if the main benefit is to heal the crease from the screen being unfolded or if it is to protection the softer screen surface. I hope it solves the former issue.

Ubuntu does it automatically from the software app. But DellXPS 13 might be natively supported..

Yes, and often incomplete or not maintained.

Anyway, OP read different sources about OOP and still needs to ask the definition... At some point it is better to just do something than to keep banging your head at the theory. If learning to code is your endgoal

I think you have found a nieche to fill. Problem is when you don't really deep dive the topics or it is strictly educational, you might get bored if you are a somewhat technical person, that is not a great recipe for a YouTube channel. You will probably also have to remake the videos as software gets updated.

Also most viewers รคr linux nerds. The average person don't spend all day at a computer at work just to go home and 'work' more by spending time watching a videos on how to work more. That means you should probably target companies and organizations directly with your content, that could be a hard sell if you expect to make an income.

With all that said, I like the idea and even if you only make a few videos you will probably learn alot, try it and see how you like it!

That's logical in a way, I never thought about it that way ๐Ÿ˜„ I understand that you weren't, I hope you can find a solution for her!

Thats one way to read it ๐Ÿ˜„ but at least retired

I am also convinced that diamonds are a scam. If you like the stone and think it is worth it, by all means, go ahead and buy it. I fucking love shiny things too. But really? Have you seen the price for a tiny 1 karat stone on a ring? That is ridiculous, there is no way in hell those stones are rare enough or warrant that kind of price, and even if the cutting process was the reason for the price ( as if it is not completely fucking automated by now). Fuck the diamond industry.

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