
8 Post – 33 Comments
Joined 1 months ago

Very nice, Open Street maps are very good! I support this.

There is nice tutorial here - simple steps how to get rid of the Google on Android Phone: https://www.jumagazin.cz/How-to-protect-your-self-on-Internet-part-II_468.html

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Well, I hoped Qualified Kitten 😺 would not cheat with Google Images but yes, he was also right.

It´s the Rügen beach, near the city Binz - there is summer vacation resort near the Ostsee :)

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The bot should be fixed, that would help as well.

It's not so bad and you can follow some normal people or channels - there is whole spectrum of channels and the video upload is not bad and you can listen to videos in background but they don't have any mobile app.

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Brave Search and Brave browser is my favorite.

What is Simplex?

No Telegram or Signal or Mastadon? That's little bit strange, considering the amount of USA surveillance 👀

Are there some websites or lists of interesting channels?

The article is from MishTalk.com - that's Russian Propaganda and Conspirency theory website or what?

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IRC is still alive?

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Encrypted like Proton Email - it means they don't read my emails by default like Google or Microsoft

What about Rumble or Odysee?

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In what sense? The Google and other companies are censoring extensively. Maybe it started already in 2016 but now there is tons of evidence and it's properly documented. So the discussion is appropriate.

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Hm, but this has nothing to do with your belief of some deadly virus. If you would read the article, you would see it's about why it was all so strangely coordinated and synchronised.

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Leninist? What is that? So the covid was Marxist conspiracy theory? 🤔

That's the correct attitude! We need more people like this to enrich discussion and show others how it's done.

Hm, but Twitter started with the censorship. It was published under Twitter files - that they actively banned anyone who didn't supported their worldview and it as on order from the Government.

It's documented in Twitter Files (how it internally worked) and also recently Mark Zuckerberg admitted the same type of censorship.

It's this url - The Epoch Times

Try Brave Search for better results.

Hm, and the original source is from where? Maybe from MishTalk.com - that's as well misinformation and propaganda? 🤔

Hm, let's expand on this. I was living through it since day 1. So for you it was deadly, I didn't seen that anywhere else then in virtual reality. Life as it was wasn't affected, even the elders are still living now (80,91,78,82) and I talk with them. What happened wasn't normal and it wasn't about disease, there was nothing exceptional from normal life perspective. Only strange think was why did people acted so "strangely" in symultaines way. You won't see that with any other problem anymore...very strange.

Can you more expand on it?

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I have the same feeling, the wave have shifted.

I think nobody really cares what you think any more.

I would call them socialist with hard sense for nationalism. It's kind of extreme left, something like Woke movement this days.

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I mean he was supporting libertarian party for more than 10 years. He probably have some insight there..

Hm, that's not very accurate. They use verified sources like Statista or World in The Data. See here: https://www.zerohedge.com/personal-finance/venezuelas-plight-numbers

I am interested, how it relates to Mark Zuckerberg censorship of Facebook content on behalf of government?

Rightly mean after request from Biden administration?

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That's kind of interesting - you say that they do pseudo science, what exact claims weren't verified? Also many other websites even here spread any stupidity like flat earth but nobody put effort to censor them. What is the reason? I mean, could it be reversed, that the pseudoscience need censorship to suppress the real data?

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Interesting, just to check, do you know from where the term Nazi (National Socialist) came from?

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When we already engaging in discussion, what exactly about censorship of communication technology is shit post?

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That's for sure interesting opinion.

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