Pope-King Joe

@Pope-King Joe@lemmy.world
1 Post – 231 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I hate pants. Founder of The Ungodly Geeks Podcast, coming back some time in 2024!

I play a lot of Destiny 2. Reddit refugee.


Primary Alt Account: popekingjoe[at]lemmynsfw.com

It is wild to me, even as I have one work app on my phone. It's only there because it allows me to clock in and out, and my personal phone is significantly higher spec'd than the work provided phone.

Even so, I cannot be contacted via this app and cannot perform work with it outside of the geo-restricted area.

Final Fantasy VII. The PC port is kinda bad and PSX emulators are very very good.

Yeah I fell for that Symphonia port. Big sadge.

It's apparently gotten better with updates, but I've not tried it in awhile and I'd rather just emulate it.

Man yeah I'd love that so much.

That would make for an excellent YT poop.

I stay the fuck away from anything Meta/Facebook, so absolutely not.

Go choke on a bag of cocks and die.

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How pathetic. Humanity sucks man. :(

It's seriously hilarious to me that something like Linux will literally let you uninstall the bootloader and reboot without installing a new one and won't say shit about it. :D

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It doesn't.

OP is claiming that disallowing the connection to Facebook is stopping the log in, but it might be blocking the connection to the ntp server instead.

Good human.

The Internet is for porn. R34 rules that roost.

Hell yeah Framework deserves all the goodness coming their way. I have an ASUS that's serving me well for now, but I think when I go to replace it next year, they're the ones I'm going to. Hopefully by then, they have AMD boards in the smaller sizes.

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That's beautiful. Simply beautiful.

Solitaire oddly enough. Just sit there, throw up a YouTube playlist on my second monitor, open up the game on my main, and just unwind.

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I have three extremely good condition $2 US bills from the 50s before they started printing "In God We Trust" on them.

I have never identified with a meme more.

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Fuck you.

The post I saw was Chevrolet.

Who are you, who are so wise in the ways of science?

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Oh yeah the game is great. Get both of em so you can transfer your save from the first to the second.

I never played the DS game so I have no comment on it, but the GBA games are really good classics.

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The same thing we do every night Pinky.


I mean... Yeah.

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Don't tell me how to live my life. You're not my real dad!

The original Korean Old Boy from 2003 was pretty fucked up. Great watch but the ending was uh... Yeah. Kinda messy.

Right? I'd love some decent trainage in the US.

🎶 Generals gathered in their masses 🎶

I've seen so many dog shit/brain dead takes on Reddit about various topics that I don't think I can even remember any of them specifically.

So instead, I'm choosing this take on climate change by Ben Shapiro.

It doesn't matter what side of this argument you fall on. Who is buying a house in an area that is slowly being flooded?

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Your face is a shit post.

What a wildly weird time we're living in.

25 million? They made $514 billion in net sales last year. 25mil is a fucking rounding error for them.

Yeah it's pretty awesome.

Frame.work is the same way, and they sell basically all parts, including the webcam module and screen hinge!

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Because it just works. No bullshit. No bloat. Just fast and efficient.

What a beautiful quote.

Me too, Tyrion. Me too buddy.

Will they also shield us from their data breaches?

I fucking knew it.

When I was a kid, I was playing with some friends who had managed to get a big plank of wood up into a tree, balanced on just two branches.

I climbed up onto it and walked out onto the board between the two branches and it predictably collapsed. I fell, landed on my feet, and the board landed in front of me completely vertically. My nose went down onto it completely and hit hard.

Had a nosebleed for several hours. Was not a good time, but I can look back and laugh now.

That exists (apparently)!
