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Joined 11 months ago

Just a PSA for those who don’t know… no shade against Odysee… I’ve just encountered folks here who don’t know this:

Veritassium and many others on YouTube make their living by the advertising shown on YT. If you’re a premium member, even more money goes to the creator when you watch their content. It’s this very money that allows independent creators to create more / better content!

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It’s in the article. 450g

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Didn't need it ;)

Same, but Apollo. I’m still grumpy about it.

Personally, I’m not surprised. I thought a 3D dancing baby was real.

Sorry if this is a stupid question, but what’s stopping tech workers still at Google from unionizing?

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I watch on my television tho

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I’m personally using Voyager and so happy with it so far

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Why so negative? Go outside and get some sun, honey

For those who might not know:

Settings > Face ID & passcode > allow access when locked >

Enable “Siri” and you will never have that problem because of the phone being locked.

Not sure why you’re getting downvoted on that. It’s factually accurate. You can easily run unsigned code from anywhere on a Mac, unwalled, no problem. I’ve got a SAB / radarr / sonarr / HASS server running on old hardware with a current OS and… it’s great.

Also isn’t Xcode free? So you can literally “simply“ download, develop, and run

How so?

  • I enjoy so many cooking shows, tech nerds, and drag queens that post videos that make me happy on YouTube.
  • I watch on my tv primarily
  • I’m so so so happy to support the individual creators who pour their life and so much love into their work, premium pays them more per view than ad-supported views.
  • I share with some friends, and they share their logins with me. Overall, my monthly cost for video services is low.
  • Usenet everything else ;)
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Edit: yes, you can

Just out of curiosity, do you avoid YouTube or just deal with the ads? I’ve been on a premium family plan for years and love it - we watch a lot of yt.

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I stopped reading after the second paragraph:

The Vision Pro looks sleek in an Apple-y way, but it also looks pretty ridiculous. The company clearly imagines us wearing this headset throughout our days and interacting with people as if there isn’t a large device strapped to our heads

If you squint your eyes, every single headset looks the same. Big dumb block goes on head. Arms flail around. And this imagined future he speaks of has been exactly the promise of what computing could be for decades. Longer.

I personally gave up there because I’m tired of reading so much negativity and hate for the sake of hate and clicks.

Depends on your RSS reader! I use “reeder” for Mac and iOS, it does an excellent job of sucking in RSS feeds just from a top-level URL (eg: theverge.com) and keeps everything synced via iCloud. Before that I used feedly in conjunction with a reader app (feedly would keep track of the RSS feeds and sync what was read/unread between clients) but honestly I just found syncing with iCloud faster/easier for me personally.

As for finding the feeds, it’s just a matter of curating from the news sites you personally enjoy the most. If you google a site + RSS you can usually find a link to their feed.

Side note: it drives me crazy if a site posts a ton of articles every day, so sometimes I’ll try a site out in my Reeder app, get a feel for it, and sometimes remove it if it becomes too much.

Or help create technology to detect it? Put some money behind that cat-and-mouse game since there’s evidently no way of stopping it.


When the deck emulates switch games, is it also able to emulate going online? Like if I wanted to race someone in Mario kart online…?

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3 finger swipe up - go to “home” (top of page)

4 finger swipe down - close window

4 finger swipe up - zoom

I don’t think I’ve seen iStat menus listed yet! Looooongtime favorite of mine. I have network throughput listed on my work machine (+bartender hiding everything else) and that + temp + fan speed on my old old home server

Nice! Ty for the explanation :)

Huh, didn’t know that 💪

I’m just curious of an example of a game or two you play that’s not available on Mac. There’s some newish tech that allows Macs to virtualize/emulate windows tech including DirectX 12. Not coming for you I’m just curious to test those waters.

(I don’t play computer games, sorry for not knowing)

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Thank you robot

Looks like CS-2 runs on a Mac fairly well with no extra hardware or virtualized OS installed. https://youtu.be/7g41rsoTlVg

Far cry 6 as well! https://youtu.be/UybZXgs-5a0

Apple’s game porting toolkit and their M-series hardware is pretty spectacular stuff. Honestly, it doesn’t matter at all that these games are not native as long as they run. And they run seemingly well even on first gen M-series hardware.

I think the point above about being able to run just about anything still stands.

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I’ve been curious so here’s a list of tested games that do and don’t work:


Kinda neat ;)

Yes to both!

Ily, Gaming Historian 😍

Please forgive my ignorance. Can’t you shut that shit off? Does shenanigans still apply?

This doesn’t work for me

I use BTT! What’s zero delay switching?

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I assume the response to this would be a pi-hole, but I just don’t personally have the patience, energy, or spare running machine to set that up ¯_(ツ)_/¯

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They use the chrome rendering engine but they are not chrome. You get the best of both worlds. Compatibility with your corporate g suite whatever with a security/privacy-first mindset (at least with Brave)

Brave and Arc for me! F chrome ;)

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They work great for me in chromium based browsers like Arc or Brave

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