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My wife is a high school teacher. We returned to her classroom one evening after dinner this week so I could help her put together some shelves. After 30 minutes of assembly, I realized I needed to use the bathroom. She gave me her keys and pointed me towards the staff bathrooms. Whilst sitting on the porcelain throne, I realized that I couldn't remember the last time I did a #2 in a public bathroom. I've been WFH since March of 2020 when COVID started, and while I'm sure I've crapped in a public restroom in the past 3+ years, it's so infrequent that I can't remember.

That's not really the point though, more that I've actually been thinking about it all week and reflecting on what working in an office used to be like - crapping next to your coworkers, packing a lunch, trying to look busy when you just aren't feeling it that day, the small talk, and everything else that result in me being absolutely drained by the time I got home. Seriously, sometimes I would just sit on the couch and stare at the wall for 30 minutes when I got home.

It took the greatest global event of the 21st century to shift us to WFH. We can't let companies force us into backsliding into these out-dated work practices when all common sense says otherwise.

I was about to say add uBlock Origin to that list but apparently they don't accept donations per the bottom of their homepage.

I will not accept donations or sponsorships of any kind.

That's some fuck you energy right there.

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The wording is confusing but they are making more money from the price hike. They were losing money, they are now losing less money.

Streaming Loss Shrinks by $300 Million

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Back when I was on reddit, I subscribed to about 120 subreddits. Starting a couple years ago though, I noticed that my front page really only showed content for 15-20 subreddits at a time and it was heavily weighted towards recent visits and interactions.

For example, if I hadn't visited r/3DPrinting in a couple weeks, it slowly faded from my front page until it disappeared all together. It was so bad that I ended up writing a browser automation script to visit all 120 of my subreddits at night and click the top link. This ended up giving me a more balanced front page that mixed in all of my subreddits and interests.

My point is these algorithms are fucking toxic. They're focused 100% on increasing time on page and interaction with zero consideration for side effects. I would love to see social media algorithms required by law to be open source. We have a public interest in knowing how we're being manipulated.

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So legally speaking, what happens if it was my 8 year old son, who clicks buttons with no regard for human life, that agreed to this BS TOS? How is that legally binding?

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I would like some of your plenty of examples.

For the uninitiated, as someone who's looking to move from Windows to Linux and Ubuntu is probably my first choice, can you share what's not to like about this?

Edit - insightful answers. Thank you

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No, everyone pays the bill.

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Serious question, what about Ubuntu worries you in terms of privacy?

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Thank you. Besides the profit comment I made, I struggled to articulate what else bothered me about that comment. You put it into words.

Oh don't worry, you'll hear about that vulnerability in two years.

So the people that elect the asshats that run Texas get a pass?

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Bet you think you're enlightened or something.

"Because profits above all else." -NHL

Hah, well time to tell our CEO I'm shutting down our prod servers.

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I can imagine it.

I can imagine the next jerk off administration rescinding that goal in the name of private enterprise or whatever bullshit excuse they choose.

His book Ghost in the Wires is a fantastic read.

If it is, it's news to me. I co-owned an education data consultancy (before realizing there was no money in education) that used a .org; we were for-profit.


It's definitely a slur the way you used it. I say that as someone that grew up in the 90s and called my friend that everyday.

Things change.

Umm, you're the only one here talking about communism.

The other guy just said capitalism, in its current late stage, sucks and is unsustainable.

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AudiobookShelf does more than audiobooks. You can do epubs, etc.

Wow you really have to suck to bomb at roasting Trump... there's so much to work with.

Now do reddit

while showing how many users they forced into their app where ad blocking is harder.

Laughs in DNS-level blocking

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My beef is that they want to act like banks, but with none of the oversight and regulations of an actual bank. Ever had a real problem with PayPal? Say what you want about the banking industry, but I can get a real US -based person on the phone within 10 minutes to help me solve my problem.

Haha this is up there with having to explain why opening a csv in Excel and then saving means that I don't want the file.

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They offer multiple products and services. Each of which can have a respective monopoly.

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Honestly, she's so dumb she might be doing it for free.

That makes so much sense. I swear I remember a massive jackpot being a once every 1-2 year event. Now it's every 1-2 months.

And it works. I played during the last huge jackpot craze. I even thought to myself that I swore there weren't this many numbers.

Not just probably, they've literally done it. Look up the Sony rootkit scandal.

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Generally speaking, serif fonts make it easier to distinguish between visually similar characters like o, O, and 0 or 1, I, and l.

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Humans rarely bite as a defensive option.

Tell that to fucking Kyle from Mrs. Ventura's second grade class.

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Nintendo doesn't mess around in the court room.

Don't forget that on-demand is being reduced as well now that many platforms are trickling out episodes for their marquee shows at a weekly rate. Looking at you Apple.

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Orange Pi 5 Plus

Not sure about EU sellers or WOP though.


Zimaboard and Zimablade are good too, but I'm not sure if they're open source. The Zimaboard has PCIE.

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She's also the only person to lose in the same presidential primary twice!

She lost as a candidate, and then after she conceded, lost again as Ted Cruz's VP candidate.

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I wonder if this is the motivation behind removing the auth-gate on mobile. Previously, if I browsed the mobile site on my phone in a non-signed-in state (I deleted my account), I could view 5-8 top-level comments and that's it. Clicking "Show more comments" or trying to expand child comments would show a modal asking me to sign in or download the app.

That changed last week along with a complete rework of the mobile site. I'm betting that they saw a huge increase in unauthenticated mobile users with a far below-average time-on-site metric and decided to open it up.

Overall, I appreciate the change because I still lurk in many of the niche subs that I still haven't found a good replacement for. self-hosted, datahoarder, webdev, 3dprinting, et al. have analogs here, but the content isn't as deep.

Not to mention that not a dime would go to individuals. Companies like Reddit, Getty, Adobe and Penguin have all the data, we already gave it to them a long time ago.

This is one of the big reasons I never did 23andMe. Don't get me wrong, I'm super curious about what it has to tell me, but giving (paying to give it actually) my DNA to a private company that's amassing a huge repository of human DNA is a terrible idea.