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Joined 1 years ago

I absolutely love Hyprland but have no respect for Vaxry beyond his coding ability.

I really hope someone starts a good fork of it, I haven't found another wm I like as much but I hate to be seen as supporting that awful person.

How does this compare to wlroots?

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Why doesn't my keyboard have a thumbs-up key?!


Maybe it could be "Installed size +44.6MB" to clarify without taking too much space.

Have one of the original dk1 units in storage gathering dust. I was so excited for it until they pulled Linux support and Facebook buying them out. Never touched it since.

Deep nested menus were also much more common (including the start menu itself), and the menu items were often cramped closer together too. I used to turn the delay to zero because it was "cool" to see all the sub menus flying out everywhere as you moved your mouse up or down to where you actually wanted to go, but as they often popped over due to limited screen space it was actually a poor experience as you mentioned.

Still felt leet though.

Looking better and better. Unfortunately I need to work directly in CMYK so hopefully they integrate that better soon. I find illustrator to be a bloated mess, but until Inkscape supports this properly I can't use it to replace it.

You can also play with it in a virtual machine. It won't give you quite the same experience for your specific hardware, but you will get a feel for how it works, especially the package manager etc.

Some environments use super+rmb to do that. If yours doesn't, maybe see if it can be set as an option.

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Considering they specifically removed Linux support of the earlier headsets, I doubt it too.

HD650 rocks. Getting close to having to replace the pads again but the hardware is rock solid and sounds great.

Took me a few goes here and there but now I love my minimal tiling setup. Never really got it but just played with them here and there out of curiosity. Last time I tried it something clicked for me and now I've no desire to go back.

That's just the way you write the rules being deprecated, not the functionality.

There is move left/right within a workspace, move to specific workspace and then move to next/previous workspace (from memory using e+1 as the workspace name in the command but might be misremembering). Admittedly this isn't exactly the same as what you want; I replied from my mobile and checked when I went back to my desk. I usually use meta/shift/[num] to send to a specific workspace though as I make heavy use of them.

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The AUR has everything. It is a repository of Arch users, so is bound to contain a community here and there.

Thanks for the summary! Good luck with the project 👍

I have workspaces pinned to monitors in Hyprland and have none of the problems you mentioned. I use odd numbers for left screen and even numbers for right.

Edit: just took a look and can't find mention of the depreciation; where did you read that?

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Could you try it on Wayland? It would likely use xwayland anyway but maybe it gets the geometry reported differently and scales differently? Or even try the Valve compositor to rescale things? Thinking it loud as I've not tried them at all for something like this but maybe worth looking into.

Arch user here (by the way). I agree - ignore us.

It is probably your NVIDIA driver. Version 545 has this kind of problem. Rolling back to 535 solved it for me.

Been trying out Zoho for my martial arts club and it works great. Want to convince my partner to move our home business away from office 365 to it as I have no end of trouble with Microsoft's offering. Just this week she couldn't access our main inbox because of a known issue with shared mailboxes. No solution but to wait it out. Great feeling to rely on something like this for your income...

### Multiple binds to one key [](https://wiki.hyprland.org/Configuring/Binds/#multiple-binds-to-one-key)

You can trigger multiple actions with one keybind by assigning multiple binds to one combination, e.g.:

# to switch between windows in a floating workspace
bind = SUPER,Tab,cyclenext,          # change focus to another window
bind = SUPER,Tab,bringactivetotop,   # bring it to the top

The keybinds will be executed in the order they were created. (top to bottom)

The first distro I feel in love with was Debian (potato I think). Before that I had dabbled here and there but never had something click. Played with Gentoo when it first landed (try a stage one Gentoo build without the internet to go to for answers to really learn it!) and after getting tired of compiling all the time tried this new Ubuntu thing. Stayed with that for years until snaps and decided to try Manjaro to learn about this Arch thing. Got sick of the problems and but the bullet and went "pure" Arch. Feel in love again like I did way back with Debian.

Now I use Debian on important servers and Arch on servers I can afford to play with and my day to day machine.

Never looked back. Debian for stability, Arch for everything else. Never been happier.

Beryl was a fork of Compiz, and then was merged back later on. The desktop cube was basically Compiz' first big show off feature, along with the wobbly windows.

You should take your own advice, okay?

Try accidentally emerge world on a full desktop environment with open office and said browser on a Pentium 2 after changing some base level compile flags... Oh, and I was on dial-up. Didn't do that again.

I got Gentoo on a DVD with instructions in a magazine for a Stage 1 build. No internet connection at that stage so I had to work through problems myself. Took a few goes but I learnt a heck of a lot about how Linux boots.

Been a very long time so apologies if I got some details wrong.

The good thing is that most distributions have live images that you can basically put on a USB stick and run without installing anything. It won't give you quite the same experience as an installed instance but will at least let you play around with things (especially Gnome or KDE etc.)

The latter.

You could also do a run rather than waste time commenting on here. Obviously you are enjoying your free time in some way, so stop gatekeeping what others should be allowed to do in theirs.