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Joined 1 years ago

Absolutely agreed! I really hope it succeeds exceptionally so the developer keeps pushing out new content: they deserve it. Vanilla already feels more than complete and has an incredible foundation for more. As I was falling asleep last night, I was thinking about how cool and well things like rivers obstacles, bandits requiring seasonal 'tithes', trove-to-trove quests, possibly 'hero' characters or specialists for buildings, stat-improvement via education/training, hearth upgrade paths, and even events that would force you to wall off the trove. The gameplay loop already feels complete, but it also has so much room for "optional 'extra' decks".

Heck, they could even add different gameboards to the bread-earning overworld and do some cool grand 4X things incorporating resources gathered inside the city builder aspect.

I'd say I'm probably about 7-10 full maps in and not a single one has felt repetitive or the same (I don't think I'll mind it when they start meshing together).

It looks fantastic, thank you for the recommendation.

Yeah! My first several settlements took a long time until I figured out some very minor adjustments. I'm completing settlements in a fraction of the time that I was on my first couple and am beginning to learn my resource priority, but there's still room for improvement. As I said, I'm totally still playing on pioneer mode 'cause it feels cozy and exactly what I wanted.

In my first few settlements, I totally snowballed out of control before reaching the victory conditions. There's been a couple lately that feel like I achieved victory as soon as my resources allowed, so it was pretty satisfying crossing that threshold for the first time! I had a pretty brutal multiplier (double the yearly hostility increase, but hostility decreases by xxx when a villager dies) in that playthrough and had I waited another storm, I may not have survived.

I have a few very basic early game hints that I overlooked. I will say that the tutorial did an incredible job at drastically overhyping the danger of 'dangerous groves' by making them seem like "final battle" that is "too dangerous" to enter.

I decided to spoiler further beginners information, but all tips are fairly basic and would be learned in probably less than 5-10 settlements.

::: spoiler 'When to' dangerous grove and an embarkment supply tip to make it easier Pay attention to what dangerous groves require and figure out what embarkment supplies may help you :::

::: spoiler Concerning planks/bricks/fabric, gears, and your warehouses. Rush planks and build whatever star improving plank/brick/fabric buildings you can ASAP, in the order that makes the most sense or addresses your biggest shortage. Priority number one should be getting the most out of these. It might not seem big, but two and three star buildings makes less go further. Feel free to build a second warehouse ASAP in your first dangerous grove and abuse them for other resource caches. Gears that are spent can always(? - pending level handicaps) be recovered by destroying a building that uses one, including warehouses. :::

::: spoiler The last tip concerns when to build a specific, valuable early-game building, which opens a lot of strategy options. Trading outposts are extremely cheap (5 logs?) and should always be built ASAP. I always throw it up as soon as I have my first grove room. I wont say much more, but explore what it opens up and which shortages it can address. :::