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Joined 1 years ago

You'd need exactly two skyscrapers actually

We require additional desert power

If you absolutely have to hand over your phone, turn it off completely, like hold the power button and then tap the off icon. That will dump any keys out of RAM, which is why it always requires the full password to unlock when you turn it back on. Both in terms of how your phone works and the leaks we've seen, the cracking tools the police have are overall significantly less likely to be successful when used on a phone that's been turned off and not unlocked since.

Also, IIRC iphones have a feature where they will dump at least some of the system keys from RAM if you push the lock button five times. I'd still trust fully off more but that's easier to do covertly.

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I'm adjacent to the industry. This is dumb but I understand the reasoning. We're getting left behind in the electronics world. Nobody is creating hardware startups because every few months there's a viral blog post with a "hardware is hard" title on HN and none of the VC assholes want to fund anything but web based surveillance capitalism ad tech because it's a surefire way to make money. Even if you do get funded and you're US based you're absolutely doing all your manufacturing in China if you're remotely consumer facing (b2big-b has different rules). That means Chinese companies get all the benefits of all the labor from your highly trained engineers when they get the design files. If you try to build anything at volume in the US you have strikingly few options for boards and parts. Everything is whole number multiples of fucking PCBway and half the time it's lower quality unless you're paying aero-defense prices which is the only business anyone wants.

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Yeah, a surprising number of people don't want these hyper complex cars with thousands of microchips and millions of lines of code operating them. Give me an electric 2012 Honda fit/Toyota matrix equivalent that just fucking works and costs $20k or less new.

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Recommendation: report the pop-up as a bug with the provided link. Just act confused and claim to not be using an ad blocker. Muddy the waters and make life hell for their devs.

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You wouldn't download an island

This...isn't how the current paradigm of ai works at all. We've built glorified auto-complete bots, not something that can make a physical robot behave at a human level. Best case, they build something that can carry on a conversation long enough to excite a tech journalist and aimlessly meander like the Boston dynamic bots but without the pre-programmed tasking (assuming they don't cheat and add canned routines).

So that leaves one option: it's a moonshot project to convince the tech illiterate public to take them and their stock price to the moon long enough for a few people to make an obscene amount of money.

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AGPL just in case they try to put your brain waves into the cloud

The unspoken part is that unless Gabe has a very strong plan involving some sort of employee co-op, when he retires or dies the company will likely get sold by the estate to private capital which is 100x worse than being a public company.

Yeah but the people running this seem to only be interested in pivoting between whatever the current grift is. We should come up with a word for people who do that, maybe something like "grifters".

IME those groups aren't very libertarian, they're closer to American Taliban religious fundamentalism.

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Don't use TikTok, don't really care too much either way, but watching this whole thing unfold is starting to open my eyes to the ways these companies can shape public opinion.

They're apparently sending notifications to people to contact their reps and it seems very likely that they're promoting content that advocates against the ban.

I'm not a fan of censorship or blocking internet services but TikTok really seems to trying to make a good case for it.

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And she's right. Can we listen to her instead of the braindead celebs?

I'd argue the year of the Linux desktop passed years ago and now it's just a saturation game. Most serious SW development is now on Linux laptops/desktops, Android owns the mobile space and versions are starting to make huge inroads in the laptop space. You can buy gaming systems running it trivially now.

Conversely, casual users of windows are dying off, fewer non technical people are using desktops for anything at all. Only institutional users are buying Windows keys and they're some of the easiest to get on Linux because of the cost savings, particularly if you run Linux server infrastructure, a fight we already won over a decade ago.

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Its like we've adopted the economic policies we forced on third world nations, and found ourselves with a third world economy

Foucault's boomerang at work, just like US counter insurgency tactics now being employed by US police.

I look forward to running their shit in an Android emulator that feeds it bullshit until my rates go down

Making ai more efficient will just mean more ai

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I got screeched at for covering up a super bright blinking light on a red eye. Their FAs are next level stupid.

Fuck HDMI. The committee makes doing custom hardware near impossible unless you're a mega corp

Literally all of the alternatives are open and much more capable for it. You can go buy a pixhawk and basically any frame and have something much more powerful for much less money, you just have to be willing to bolt two or three parts together.

I hate that it needs to be said but love that they said it so plainly

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They mean the Bluetooth MAC address. It'll capture your phone's and can tell who the manufacturer is but the rest of the address is randomized. That said, lots of watches/earbuds/assorted smart Bluetooth things aren't randomized because manufacturers are lazy.

Yes, but there's already a steep tariff, it would be nice to let them light a small fire under the us automakers so they make better products for us, instead were kinda just letting them be evil and lazy.

There might be a few layers to this one. Drones are becoming a central part of strategic production and the US doesn't really have many competitive companies manufacturing small ones at volume.

They need to force the domestic market to build up local expertise and manufacturing capacity in the event that small drones are the direction warfare ends up going more broadly.

The us defense apparatus is still on the fence about this given that their volume of use in Ukraine could be more of an aberration due to the respective industrial bases and static nature of the war. That said the numbers are insane enough that they warrant some action just in case.

I can't be the only one who wants a 1990 Ford ranger sized pickup for moving materials around. The only options on the market are absolutely massive. The CAFE standards had the compete opposite effect from what was intended...

Buy a large computer monitor

At an absolute minimum 20. We aren't seeing any useful systems that work on any scale at all yet. The iphone made smart phones pseudo mandatory but they were preceded by decades of development with several generations of usable devices. If I had to guess it's probably closer to 30 years if tech decides to go in that direction which itself isn't guaranteed.

This seems like an odd move. Let China pay money to use ClosedAI hallucinations instead of using the money to develop their own hallucinations that the US has no insight into.

There's no technology transfer if they just using the hallucination outputs, it's just free money for trash.

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I didn't ratify my city's bullshit zoning laws but they're still a threat to me

I can hate on the boomers because they had every opportunity to not be shitty. I think in the case of gen z, society ultimately failed them. They have no bright future to look forward to, just rampant inequality and a dying planet. When some loon comes around and tells them all they can go off and be little apes venting their frustration on society with violence and bigotry there's less reason to ignore them than there should be. That's not to say everyone's blameless, but it's not like 20% of the cohort was born evil and will forever be that way; something external influenced this situation and we need to fix it.

Not if it's electric (for emissions)

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Those words sound cool and mean literally nothing

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As a SWE you have responsibility for what you do. "Golden handcuffs" isn't a cover to help wage wars against users. If it becomes an undesirable posting, they'll either have to pay more or worse engineers will end up working on it.

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Please god I hope so. I don't see a path to anything significantly more powerful than current models in this paradigm. ANNs like these have existed forever and have always behaved the way current LLMs do, they just recently were able to make them run somewhat more efficiently with bigger context windows and training sets which birthed GPT3 which was further minimally tweaked into 3.5 and 4 among others. This feels a whole lot like a local maxima where anything better will have to go back down through another several development cycles before it surpasses the current gen.

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That's a complicated one. Military tech tends to all be 10+ years old at time of deployment and the ones stockpiled are probably late 90s designs that went into production in the early 2000s. Most of the parts for the control and guidance systems are likely no longer produced at all and haven't been for a decade+ (think the kinds of computer chips you'd find in a SNES, maaaaybe an N64) so it's not that they don't have the blueprint somewhere, they would have to re design large parts of it to work in a modern supply chain. Yes, they could do emulation/simulation shenanigans to get some stuff to be compatible on modem COTS hardware but they'd still need to re qualify everything because nobody wants a 500lb ballistic warhead going stupid and killing someone in the wrong country.

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I want a 1995 ranger that's electric, those things were great

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Looks about right. Should be an AGM-114 though, ideally the one with the pop-out knives.

Installed it in k3s and then pulled up the Android app but all it does is say every single file is a duplicate and overload my notifications tray while not uploading anything

Why the popularity in Yemen? Weird laws or something?

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