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They rage in favor of the machine Rage Against the Machine rages against

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In Montana, I believe, write-ins for president are always invalid

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How could you not include the classic printer lp0 on fire!

I actually got that one around 2010 on Ubuntu. The printer wasn't actually on fire. If I recall it was caused by the network attached printer losing connection during a job

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We've had 46 presidents and 91 total indictments. 91 ÷ 46 ≈ 2

The mean average is 2 charges.

It's a joke because all of the indictments are for Trump himself

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As someone who primarily used reddit with accessibility apps (RedReader) this would have been awesome.

Sadly, reddit doesn't find me valuable enough to even let me try to use the site in a way that is comfortable for me

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TIL about error 418:

"I'm a teapot This server is a teapot, and it cannot brew coffee."

Apparently it was originally added as an April fools joke way back in 1998 but technically it is a valid error message that sites can actually use!

The -p option can be used to specify the port number to connect to when using the ssh command on Linux. The -P (note: capital P) option can be used with SFTP and scp.

Why is it that the switch on ssh is -p but in scp/sftp it is -P?

This has caused me a real headache in the past as ssh doesn't throw an error message when you use a switch like "ssh -P 8080"

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It's doublespeak, a la 1984. In this case many of the words used are inversions of their usual meaning.

I'll provide some translations:

patriots -> seditionists

biblical -> cloaked in the authority of God – which here must be explicitly stated because their actions are opposed to any God of justice

open boarders -> following legal and ethical principles (remember, these people oppose ethical principles)

peacemakers -> those who use violence, or the threat of violence, to obstruct peace. See also, terrorists

besieged by dark forces of evil -> opposed by morality, ethics, or the law. The addition of "on all sides" changes the 'or' to 'and'

As a bonus, "globalists" is antisemitism. There's an old canard that justice for minorities = communism = Jewish conspiracy. This is particularly common among nazis. The convoy organizer is signaling that their group is accepting of these ideas

lol get rekt traitor



I misunderstood what "war machine" meant.

I heard phrases on TV like "it cost $1 billion dollars per month to keep the war machine running" and "the US captured 100,000 barrels of oil per day to feed the war machine" and I thought this thing must be some epic beast.

The terrorists better watch out! We're sending the war machine! It must have, like, sawblade hands and tank tracks and breathe fire and have machine gun turrets.

Imagine my disappointment when I learned that THE WAR MACHINE was just a metaphor and not a Mecha Godzilla

This sounds like Reflexive Control. They're testing the waters to set the groundwork for him being locked up. He wants it to not shock his supporters back into sanity.

In other words, he thinks he might actually end up in prison.


Hosting video content must be insanely expensive so I have some amount of sympathy for YouTube. However, ads earn such a paltry amount that I can hardly fathom how anyone can put up with it.

The total amount of ad revenue between all sites is only like $12 per user per year. So IMO it is a net benefit to block all ads (save your sanity!) and simply pay the creators of content you like.

Even just one $5 Patreon sub is worth more than all ads I'm likely to see so I block everything I can and IMO my conscience is clear

One of our two parties wins more when more people vote.

Therefore, the other party must oppose voting by the largest groups, such as young people and people who live in cities.

The less popular party also has disproportionate control of government policy.

Which is to say, they oppose democracy itself. It is only a question of degree

Good point. Many of us didn't get to choose whether we "are political"

Lmao so he's just swimming back across the river with the goat!

Someone should try animating these solutions. I'm picturing close-ups of the goat wondering why the man has lost his mind

The title for the sequel could be some kind of pun on how the film is faster and/or more furious than what would be reasonable under normal circumstances

Not to mention, OP didn't specify where they live. Who knows defamation law for the whole world?

Does it not make tons of noise?

We have an ice machine in the freezer and often it is the loudest thing in the entire house. I also have a mini fridge in the office and the compressor on it runs every few minutes. It would be awful to try to sleep in there

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I did something like that once. I noticed my sister's wireless keyboard was still paired to her laptop, so every once in a while I'd hit the CAPS LOCK key.

I was suppressing laughter for about an hour until her temper boiled over and I had to come clean, as she was about to smash the laptop to bits!

This is a good point. We need the message sent to be that nobody is above the law.

It matters that he committed crimes, no matter how wealthy he is or who he knows. He should be treated like any other leader of a criminal organization.

Making it too much of a spectacle would feed into conspiracy theories about political motivation

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Haha that reminds me of the time I helped my upstairs neighbors move. They were super annoying, always shouting over each other and leaving trash bags in the hot sun on their balcony, where the stink could waft into my open window.

I was very excited when I saw them packing their furniture, so I offed to help and we managed to finish it all in only one day. They didn't catch on and just thought I was being nice! They even tried to pay me but I refused - being rid of them was payment enough

TIL that term is considered a slur. I remember learning about them in anthropology class ~15 years ago and that was the term used.

So is the respectful terminology today to use whichever modern LGBTQ label is accurate, or should I use two-spirit in historical context?

I believe his current number of felonies (at time of writing) is actually 91

Yep the common name is regional. "Daddy longlegs" can also sometimes refer to crane flies, aka mosquito hawks/mosquito eaters

Your sweet aunt René well deck you in the fuckin' face!

Few things will get an adult to hit a kid as quickly as that kid questioning their religion. This, from people who insist "God is love"

I think I understand how it works.

Remember that LLMs are glorified auto-complete. They just spit out the most likely word that follows the previous words (literally just like how your phone keyboard suggestions work, just with a lot more computation).

They have a limit to how far back they can remember. For ChatGPT 3.5 I believe it's 24,000 tokens.

So it tries to follow instruction and spits out "poem poem poem" until all the data is just the word "poem", then it doesn't have enough memory to remember its instructions.

"Poem poem poem" is useless data so it doesn't have anything to go off of, so it just outputs words that go together.

LLMs don't record data in the same way a computer file is stored, but absent other information may "remember" that the most likely word to follow the previous word is something that it has seen before, i.e. its training data. It is somewhat surprising that it is not just junk. It seems to be real text (such as bible verses).

If I am correct then I'm surprised OpenAI didn't fix if. I would think they could make it so in the event the LLM is running out of memory it would keep the input and simply abort operation, or at least drop the beginning of its output.

Disclaimer: this was a long time ago so things might be different now

I flashed the "international version" of Cyanogenmod on what turned out to be the AT&T version of my first android smartphone (Samsung Galaxy S2) and nearly bricked it.

The install froze but I knew I should never interrupt a flash, so I left it there for about 2 hours until the battery died. However, the flashing process also replaces the battery manager firmware, so it was not possible to charge the phone until I flashed the correct ROM, and I couldn't flash the ROM because the battery was dead.

Thankfully, that phone had swappable batteries so I solved it by buying a second one online (and waiting for shipping). But today's phones' batteries are usually soldered onto the board, so if it happened today I'd be SOL.

I personally wouldn't chance it unless someone with the same device confirmed it was OK

That's actually not what copyright is for. Copyright was made to enhance the public culture by promoting the creation of art.

If these record label types impede public culture then they are antithetical to copyright

Good news! RCV already solves that problem

If Bernie didn't get enough votes to win, the votes for him go to the voters' second choice candidate (Biden – few voters would want Bernie-Trump). If those combined votes are enough for him to win, then Biden wins in that state. In RCV, Trump would only win if people actually preferred him over Biden

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you aren't necessarily yet violating GPLv2, but you're removing a technical protection measure which is a violation of the DMCA.

Isn't overcoming a technical limit a violation itself? That's what made DeCSS illegal. They didn't have to prove anyone was actually copying DVDs with it, just that DeCSS could allow you to copy a DVD

Human Centipede is a tour-de-force

I remember watching this one in about 2003. I watched it in its native Shockwave Flash format. I think it was either on albinoblacksheep or maybe newgrounds.

No doubt somebody sent me the link on MSN messenger

Don't have to wait in line if you can't afford to go in the first place

Taps head

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I got it to launch but I only got about 15 FPS.

So it is at least possible. My PC is pretty outdated so it might work for you if you have a good graphics card with good drivers

I was going to suggest Direwolf20 for the exact same reasoning

I was going to disagree with you by using AI to generate my response, but the generated response was easily recognizable as non-human. You may be onto something lol

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Also, Mussolini didn't make the trains run on time. He forbade the press from reporting the trains running late

A mutation that severe might indicate chemical or radioactive contamination. Fry's home in 1999 was a real dump

God bless America