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Joined 12 months ago

Check out all the variations jammed into this tune! Netherton went on to win the fiddle championship in Winfield the next year in 2016.

The author seems dead set on a tauri calendar implementation. I came across what is apparently a scheduling toolkit in rust:

Which I guess could be used to build a desktop calendar app. One flaw in the ointment is that a calendar program really needs email integration. Downloading an ICS file and manually transferring that over to your calendar app isn't going to cut it.

Which brings us to the lack of solid calendar servers. I've searched but I haven't found anything popular, OSS, easy to install, and useful for groups. Radicale exists but multi user support is a janky hack, while Nextcloud has unreliable sync. I'm looking for features like:

  • reliable calendar sync
  • sharable calendars.
  • scheduling help - when to have a meeting?
  • how many attendees for a group event, how many invited etc.
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Hot take: tire particulates are a conservative anti-EV talking point. "My V8 mustang weighs less than an EV, therefore its better on pollution than a EV because tire particulates". Totally disregarding the impact of tailpipe emissions.

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proof-of-work blockchains. instead of a utopian decentralized currency we have a utopia for scammers and day traders, and uses a ton of energy at a time when we need to conserve to combat global warming.

The debate site is stormed by fascist militia, most democrats in the building are killed. Trump survives thanks to far right connections and mainstream media plays him up as a profile in courage.

Because the Fediverse itself is a response to enshittification.

another key I can map to something useful in linux!

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FYI: bond girl Caroline Cossey

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aw, he may be a genocide loving nazi, but at least its from the heart. won't someone give him some money?

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To me a main use case is transporting windmill turbine blades. Blade size is currently limited by rail and truck capacity, but with an airship transport you don't have to fit the blade through tunnels and around corners.

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call social programs 'entitlements'.

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superconducting below 10K or -263C. a record but by no means room temperature.

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Its a continuing mystery to me why people want these vehicle-integrated tents. If you want to go into town for a burrito, you have to break down your camp. If parking is only by the road that's where you sleep. If parking isn't level you aren't sleeping level. Your tent is exposed to road dirt and water all the time. They are way more expensive than a regular tent. They are locked in to one vehicle. They make your gas mileage worse. They are hard to install and remove.

If you could have HVAC in the tent then ok. But sounds like that isn't a thing here either.

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The thinkpad-x13s-snapdragon is fanless and uses a qualcomm snapdragon processor, so an ARM like the macs use but lower performance. Batttery life is reputedly in the 20+ hour range.


  • kinda pricey, 1K

  • this arm chip is slow compared to macs.

  • out of the mainstream so better do your homework on whether linux is well supported.

Laptops based on the snapdragon elite processors will come out this year, and performance should be comparable to the Mx macs. So maybe better to wait. Although, those may be considerably more expensive, and who knows what linux support will be like, especially at first.

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payday loans

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The consequences are 100% on him and 0% on you.

He chose to be a douche and is presuming on others to keep this under wraps so he can continue being abusive. Playing along with his secrecy game only helps the abuser. You have absolutely no obligation to keep this private, and moreover you have digital evidence in the form of a text message.

In some religions walking away from the church means being excluded from family, social, and business contacts. So cutting ties with everyone you know basically.

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I dunno about the qualilty but I do yt-dlp -x and it downloads and extracts just the audio portion.

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Wow turns out loan forgiveness is a great idea after all! For corrupt republican shitbags.

I dunno but see for lots of classical sheets if that's your thing. lvl1 piano

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Personally I delight in blocking all youtube ads. I won't stop if I have a choice.

Uhhh after you Elon

I like this approach of having a model locally and running it locally. I've been using the firefox website translator and its great. Handy and it doesn't send my data to google. That I know of, ha.

Equal temperament, where all the keys have basically the same intervals rather than having different characters as in just intonation. Enabled modulation from one key to another as in Bach and Jazz.

Lesson learned: don't name your surveillance tool EvilFaceRecognition.exe

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yay, how many nations worth of electricity is it consuming now?

I still don't know how to find people with similar interests on mastodon. There may be lots of interesting stuff happening there but how would I know? Plus posting on there feels like shouting into the void since I only have a handful of followers.

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I saw Get Out without knowing anything about it. Very effective movie if you were expecting a romantic comedy like Meet the Parents, lol. If I'd seen a trailer I wouldn't have been nearly as blindsided by the horror turn of events.

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There is controversy in the nix world because nix flakes were (some say) merged without proper vetting first. OG nix diehards don't want to taint nix documentation with 'experimental' flakes. But probably the majority of nix users are all in on flakes. So you have documentation from the OG camp that doesn't include flakes, and you have innumerable unofficial guides for the flakes way. This on top of the quirkiness of nix the language and the multiple ways to do things. Unfortunate.

IMO nix-env was a mistake. It feels like an imperative package manager which may be comfortable to new users who are used to apt or similar. But really what you should be doing on nix is maintaining *.nix files which document/specify your system setup, and nixos-rebuild to update your system to that configuration. Similarly, nix channels are an imperative holdover, which can be done away with if you use flakes, which results in your current nixpkgs version being documented in a system level flake.lock file.

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Questions from someone still on xmonad/x11, with 3 computers that have nvidia cards:

Do all nvidia cards have trouble in wayland currently, or is it just some subset?

Is it really unususable, or just really annoyingly flickery?

Would my card be usable now (without this merge) if I was using the nouveau driver?

Once this is merged, will all nvidia cards work in wayland? Or do we not really know yet.

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  • noisy mouse sensor
  • threshold setting.
    • above threshold: must be a mouse movement.
    • below threshold: its noise, ignore.

You'd usually want the threshold to be low to get more mouse sensitivity. But too low and it starts doing stuff like moving to the left with no input.

IPO -> billionaire purchase -> enshittification -> never dies but sucks forever

Interesting point with adjectives vs nouns.

'a Frenchman' would be more correct than 'a French'. Because French is only an adjective, while American and German are both nouns and adjectives. But Frenchman is not gender neutral like German or American.

Could go with Francophone, but that's any french speaking person so that includes canadians, africans, etc.

And, it would seem to make sense to go with Frank, but the Franks were originally germans, then expanded their territory to include France, and the name stuck there but not in their original territory, so is it really correct to refer to the French as Franks? Since no one does it, I would guess not.

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no because its not in my home. good luck hacking my mechanical thermostat.

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Trucking in ballast would work for the case where roads exist, but aren't appropriate for a 100+ meter turbine blade. If no roads exist, you'd be stuck filling sandbags on site, pumping in water, or maybe shipping back felled trees or boulders. A hassle but not impossible. Worth it?

Where huge turbine blades will come into their own (if they do) initially is in ocean based turbines. They can be manufactured at a port and go directly to a ship without navigating roads, so they won't be limited by overpass height and so forth. If the large turbines are that much of an advantage, it should become apparent as sea installations evolve.

Love it

We don't know. But if there were well known backdoors to mainstream security practices we might see more companies that depend on security shutting down, or at least shutting down their online activities. Banks, stock trading, crypto exchanges, other enterprises that handle money, where hacking would be lucrative.

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Nixos got this and then some

I use keepassxc to generate the code.