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I’m not sure about Forza, but check out This guy. He makes out great engine simulation sounds that are close to real life counter parts

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FOSS CAD softwares. I know FreeCAD exists but it’s very unintuitive compared to the proprietary ones. I am thankful that it exists but it’s a long way apart to become a household name like Blender.

I wish I could start writing one but I don’t have a clear picture of requirements to plan and start writing one. If anyone is expert in this field please link some research papers and guidelines for someone to start fresh.

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Nested Tags for contacts. Ability to add sub tags like Friends/BowlingGroup or Acquaintance/LocalChurchContact

I seriously don’t understand what’s difficult to tag contacts like this and ability to use them to message a group. It’s a serious no-brainer feature but not to be found anywhere.

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I know. I’m just comparing the reputation and how polished they are wrt to each other. Given they have similar scopes with modeling and graphics and everything.

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Tunak Tunak Tun

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What did he even think the purpose of APIs were. Data scraping puts unnecessary load on servers only to scrape out majority of the content. It’s funny how he shoots himself in the leg and now complain.

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Hey look out for a certain scientific accelerator and a magical index as well.

It’s not a steam deck problem, if palworld keeps leaking memory. I have seen that issue in my steam deck, laptop and on my friends dedicated server.

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The irony

I am confused what would be the combined functionality of the merged product. Do you need to output of converted files to be added to git when a document is version controlled?

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I haven’t seen a company with as much as delirium as Google does.

It’s funny seeing Apollo and spez_ fighting on a topic regarding ChatGPT.

Can you please post the repo of your template for people who are interested?

I am really glad that “Oshi no Ko” threw light at the creepy behind the scenes part of entertainment industry and how prevalent the problem is.

Yeah. They do have their own data collection practices and privacy policies. IIRC, meta was crying over Apple implementing permission data for apps since it would allow people to back off from meta but Apple would be sole winner from that move.

Tires being products that can directly affect consumer safety have very stringent rules about safety factor, which usually allows close to twice of rated pressure or load before they fail. So unless you are ballooning it to uncomfortable levels you should be fine.

The more credible danger from tires are if you constantly use them under inflated, which can cause them to separate out during transit causing loss of control in vehicle. So keep check of pressure once a week to rated pressure and you should be fine

Don’t give them ideas

Looks very comfortable and cozy!!

Well data extraction from PDF is always tricky and there isn’t a defined way of how to translate PDF to EPUB 1:1 so I don’t think it’s calibre is the problem. It’s difficult to program how to reverse engineer automatically.

They absolutely do when their autism is weaponized. Like look at this

Release on steam/GoG or go bust being an EGS exclusive. I’m not compelled enough to buy from that shitty platform ever. And I’m not starved for content. I’m having fun w/ Helldivers 2

So something like eMacs with org mode and has pandoc under it to export to various outputs?

Micheal Jackson and his songs had a massive influence until the child abuse allegations came out. Then I didn’t care about his songs.

No Pandoc isn’t an editor by any means. It’s an document conversion tool. Think converting a Markdown file into an docx or html or epub or pptx or pdf (via LaTeX or ConText). That’s what pandoc does.

They are talking about Moment of Inertia. Inertia wrt to rotation changes with how they are positioned in reference to the spinning axis. Think slender bodies are easier to rotate compared to wider bodies with same mass. That’s what they mean when earth slightly flattens out its becoming less slender and more difficult to rotate

Bro I kid you not the way that crazy OS took advantage of AMOLED for pure black backgrounds in every screen and along with a fluid interactivity, that design style was like a blessing from god.

Holy shit I remember that quote from Ready Player One and never thought I would be seeing the same scenario in such a short time period.

It’ll be inconsequential. It’s like adding lit match stick to a dumpster fire.

I’m not sure why you are considering Toyota as evil for opting for Hydrogen Technologies. It is a viable alternate and clean fuel.

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Port forwarding is related to router forwarding all the traffic it gets on specific port to your computer. Port opening is just enabling to communicate via a new port on your computer.

Both can be done irrespective of each other and sometimes they do happens simultaneously. The router could forward the traffic to a new port that you opened on your computer. But they are not synonymous with each other.

Please check the video downloader. It only downloads the video part and skips the audio part. Also is there a way to subscribe by specifying multi Reddit link??

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Unexpected Win for lemmy I guess.

Day by day, Psycho pass dystopia is becoming real. Getting obliterated by cops who shoot at people for having thoughts outside the box is not stressful at all I swear /s

I think most of us are finishing all the content in the game and moving on to the next one. It isn’t bad that you move on to the next one once you finish this game.

Not that FMAB wasn’t awful, but Made in Abyss was a million times worse than FMAB. I couldn’t start to process the horror I just witnessed in MiA compared to just raging in FMAB.

Yeah I should look up some tutorials for it. I jumped in thinking I could figure it out after working with Creo, Solidworks and AutoCAD but I should have RTFM.

Welp who could’ve predicted this?? 🤔🤔

Wtf, why does this sound like precursor to premise of 86

Thank you. I’ll check it out.

“Oshi no Ko”