1 Post – 35 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

A bot giving a summary of an article about people doing the work to train AI bots is some real snake-eating-its-own-tail shit.

Whoever the Not Republican is.

Well, duh of course they wouldn’t have seen it before if they just found it

It's still too complicated for the layperson to have to navigate. Anything beyond "I have one login at one site that everyone else has" is too much for most.

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Has no one ever taken one surreptitiously and dismantled it? Like ever?

While he obviously has some intelligence, he's still very much an idiot. One just has to look at his immature and mostly incoherent public relations and business decisions to see that. Further, as smart as he thinks he is, he's not designing rockets. He pays much smarter people than him to do that for him.

People will often say that very rich people MUST be extremely intelligent, after all - they have more money than you!

I would counter that sociopathy and the ability to work with a complete lack of morals is what allows people to truly become wealthy. There's no such thing as an ethical billionaire.

Please define passive misandry

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Yeah, I'm not buying it. The Patriarchy is real, and whatever imagined neglect you think is happening is so far removed from the reality of what women have to deal with all day every day that it's laughable. Won't someone think of the poor dominant class?

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We ban hate communities on sight no matter whose side they are on

Can you please give examples of liberal or left-leaning hate groups you have had to ban?

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It's one of those "season of your life" kind of things. There's just a certain period of time where the family takes priority because of what the kids need. Just like everything else related to kids, at some point it will change and your time management will as well. They will become more independent, and you'll have more time, but you may even find that your interest in gaming has changed.

Games will always be there, but your kids are only kids for a very short amount of time. Treasure it while you can!

Can elaborate on what that means for a dummy like me

Don't threaten me with a good time

Big oil hates this one weird trick!

How to build a Dyson sphere:

I’d love to see a new version of the Master Sword trials with all the new mechanics.

Offer draw

Another comic written specifically to be a meme template, hooray

That was my take on Brexit (American here)

Similarly, I think there is a correlation between how not-decent a person is and how loud they are.

Do you have kids? I do. My boy has more than enough unstructured outdoor play and comes home scraped up all the time. I've volunteered as a lunch / recess monitor. They're doing just fine and doing young boy things.

Sure, they already got theirs. They know they'll be dead before any meaningful changes would be made that affect them. "I got mine, good luck losers"

What functionality are you looking for that goes beyond opening the bookmark manager and, you know, sorting them into folders?

You’ve just accidentally described the plot of 1970 sci fi classic Ringworld by Larry Niven! Great read.

My son was PISSED when I explained how his older sister would, in fact, always be older. He was sure he’d catch up.

Lol they aren't leftists

“Why do you look like Caesar Romero?” “Because ju don’t know what Caesar Chavez looks like.”

Yeah, that's what I was getting at. Note the lack of response.

It helps to shift your mentality to "how can I do the most damage as fast as possible to minimize the number of turns a fight will take"

Real success, especially at higher ascension levels, comes from maximizing draw and energy so you can play more cards to do more damage more faster

Or people could go on the other hundreds of websites that exist and talk about him there?

I'm an engineer and I run on decaf coffee. There's no such thing as good decaf coffee. I'm also not a very good engineer.

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Is there a significant difference between something like Obsidian and OneNote?

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Did an AI write THIS comment??

Thank god someone is here to stand up for the richest asshole on earth.

I'm glad to see FocusWriter is still being updated, I used that a ton while I was in college. Great developer.

So you're full of crap, got it

After quitting all caffeine cold turkey it just gives me awful headaches if I accidentally have some. XD