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think you might have grabbed a slightly tilted takeaway from this…

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my read was that by putting “banning” in quotes, there was a subtext to the comment.

no one is “banning” words - the milieu is that we don’t use certain words for certain (in this case obvious and terrible) reasons.

by pushing the focus to the “banning” and not the obvious dog whistle, this comment seems to be shifting the convo away from people being racist shits to a discussion on language.

hence this entire comment chain.

i just want people to get the takeaway that jesus fuck people are racist, not “liberals can’t ban words, see?”

i’m pretty sure the subtext of “woke” is “there are women and non-white people here”

same with “dei,” i suppose - all goes back to not liking women and poc 🙃

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maybe a middle ground -

he (ie trump) and his team have done the slow walk and delay for everything we’ve seen publicly regarding legal matters. everything takes so much longer than it needs to (and then it’s a problem), so perhaps years of empirical evidence leads to an educated guess.

really depends on what “dissenting views” means to you, though, doesn’t it?

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just to tack on come context from wikipedia -

“"Cowboy" was first used in print in 1725, and was used in the British Isles from 1820 to 1850 to describe young boys who tended the family or community cows.”

not to say it might have taken on some racial connotations later (or, in fact, if we believe swift’s words literally), but i’m not sure it’s 100%.

i had forgotten all about Alloy and…was it Lara Croft?…and people “correcting” their appearances, good point!

i disagree - the word sliding can imply a passivity in things that current republican intent certainly counter-indicates.

i’m not generally pulled down slippery slopes against my will, original wording of the phrase aside.

full disclosure i do not grow - but i do consider myself an avid gardener/nature enjoyer.

assume you’re talking about outside - i’ve heard good things about pest repellent plants to keep…more important…things safe. things like cilantro, parsley and dill are supposed to have pest repellant properties. edit to fix typos

flowers like chrysanthemums and marigolds attract ladybugs and other pest killers.

things like chives also allegedly have antifungal(?) properties.

if you’re talking not outside, i agree with shareni - cover crops are great. i buy a 1lb bag of mustard seed every year and sprinkle that shit everywhere and then let it grow/die/fertilise the soil.