2 Post – 57 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

And they found them next to the accelerator tube on the floor. Imagine that!

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The tank-like robot has the ability to transport itself to a preset destination. It can also spot and avoid obstacles by utilizing dozens of sensors and an advanced driving system. Moreover, the platform can self-destruct if it falls into enemy hands.

It is not an autonomous weapons system. It is a platform that can maneuver autonomously.

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Split the vote. Please.

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Talk to your kids about Linux, before a stranger does.

World news indeed.

I see foxnews, i downvote.

Yup. If you care about ratio then it has some proper speeds and ssd. But most people use it as a hop. I stopped and switched the arr to a docker network that only uses proton vpn. Best decision ever.

If the erp is Browser based then a lightweight distro with a Browser of your choice. Like Debian.

Fatal Familial Insomnia

Mothetfuu that is scary

Edit: or the non hereditary version transmissible spongiform encephalopathy, TSE).

Must be a client issue. Are readable here

Okay then.

How much is that in bees?

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Please tell me how and why you are excluded. Curios I am.

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Pixel phones, the ones with a in the Name are cheap. Especially the older models.

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Hey thats where i download my ram

Sounds like security by obscurity to me. But still, nice result.

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I tried to understand your second sentence, but I might just be too stupid. Care to rephrase?

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Harmonoid is Linux native, not wine.

There is also a slide that comes in a few variations. It's basically a slanted tube with a bigger Tipp where the kids emerge from. It's normally a rocket or spaceshutte. They knew what they were doing.

I read your post without the this and it made me snort.

No it's declared in the compose file or the docker run command and you specify a folder as target. No fstab needed.

How do you know if its the legitimate gog installer and not some malware?

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Wasn't that a thing already? Thought it was part of the Snowden releases.

Seconding all of the above. Also tis 100 and exabots. All games by that developer actually.

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Alright, alright ...

Thank you! I really didn't see the problem before. Offended by merry Xmas instead of happy holidays, I get it. Offended by a product that is made for ham and is typically used around Xmas... No.

Ham. Mas. That's a good fuckup.

Not all jellyfish are harmful. These arent.

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He is lying. I tried it just now andall it did was make me cum really hard.

My spit doesn't smell that bad.

Yes, since you define a service in cloudflare by giving it a local ip and port when using zero trust.

With that you shouldn't be losing your local setup.

Well, your display server is rendering and you are being served content? I dunno

And was followed by the first intifada iirc. Its not only about the rights of Palestinian people but obviously about "chasing the Jews into the sea".

I hate the current government of Israel for being right wing, religious and downright populist. The settlers policies are plain provocation. That doesn't influence my conviction that the state Israel absolutely must keep existing and that the people are not the same as their government (also worth remembering this when you hear people speaking Russian omnthe streets right now).

Im sure he meant pass on .

Split the vote. Please.

The fuck ... But also very interesting

Nice! I would like to try it and also like to keep things isolated. So it's time to build my first docker Container I guess.

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Will do once I figure it out

Genuinely interested, what's the upside of using emby these days? Speaking as a lifetime subscriber of emby that switched to jellyfin.

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Same. I'll take dkms for zfs over snap every time.