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Joined 2 months ago

one TOTP app more

You say this as a bad thing.

It's hunter2

That was the moment I decided to selfhost my email server.

So now the hosting you use will share the same(or likely much more) data if some government requests it.

Well he probably is making the biggest advertising for them in their history. No matter how this war ends, there will be thousands of people with a grudge against Israel.

From the outsider perspective those aren't sides but teams going to the same goal with slightly different tactics.

Isn't it legal now? Did the US government nullify any Boeing contracts because of the first murder? Any of the Boeing heads and their government stooges in prison?

I wish. But it says it's not available in my region. Which is really weird in the current globalized world.

I'd easily argue that the average AAA game from a decade ago looks just as good on a 1080/1440p display as the average AAA game today - and I'd still bet the difference wouldn't be that noticeable for 4K either.

If you just count pixels, yes. But what really made a big step forward in this decade was the realistic animation. And it does require a lot of effort and time to make it right.

So the meme isn't "give the brilliant guy what he deserves" but just "let's shit on Musk".

Just wondering why would you want to ban anything? Does banning something solve any problem that a normal person has? I mean if the ban wave is on it would be fair to ban anything that's not open source but I do think censorship is cancer.

I doubt he even reads the bills.

To be fair it's probably the same for Biden.

If you ever do switch I suggest something with KDE, I love keyboard shortcuts and I find anything other(Windows the most) extremely lacking in that field.

It's impossible though. The whistleblower has to whistle to someone from the government. Corps like Boeing pay a lot to many people from the government. In case of Boeing they also pay with the taxpayers money that the government gave them. Which is funny because those whistleblowers likely payed for their own murder.

Warhammer 40k obviously.

Windows is just more trouble than it's worth nowadays.

To be fair that's exactly how Microsoft management feels. For half a decade now Microsoft is a company that sells Linux and opensource judging by their yearly reports, other departments either don't grow nearly as fast or are just straight detrimental. So they do want you to dump that shit, preferably gaining some cash before it happens naturally.

I'd love to be eating my words here, but I think Microsoft would rather pull all the marketing tricks out the book to force everyone into Win11

Windows is not what Microsoft gains profit from, they clearly say that in their yearly reports for like a decade. They don't want you to upgrade to Win11, that's why they set the upgrade requirements. They don't want to make Windows, they want to sell cloud Linux and other opensource because it brings money and raises stock value. They want you to drop Windows without any lawsuits against them. Preferably gaining some ads money before you do.

Counterpoint. There was one whistleblower killed, there are lots of people on this case like Boeing staff, government employees, the police, senators, the president, who haven't done shit. Now there are two murders. Any of the people who SHOULD be doing something about it doing anything? No. Now there are 12 brave people against the thousands of shit people.

That's such a ridiculous promotion. We'll definitely beat you, yes, but they'll probably beat you even harder, so vote for us, you already used to our beating. That's domestical violence in a nutshell. And people even upvote you wtf.

Like how? I mean do you and people upvoting you really think there will be some trial for Israel leaders? Right now we in the situation where military support for them is increasing. And the tendency is it will increase further. What do you imagine might change?

Did something change? If not, then no.

I don't know a thing about that but isn't it just stealing money? And if they are already stealing money why not steal all of it?

all other studios are doing layoffs

That's not true.