5 Post – 44 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Yet more reasons why people should stop using LastPass... I finally switched to Bitwarden after getting tired of having to choose between using it on mobile or desktop. Got out before the hack. I'm going to work on transferring my data again to a self hosted Bitwarden

Read that as EPCOT at first and was really confused what a theme park in Florida had to do with the storms in Texas haha

It always annoyed me how the ads were formatted to look like posts, always felt like they were trying to trick people into clicking on it (which honestly that probably is the intent). Feel the same way with ads on Twitter. It's one thing to show ads and another to format them to try and trick users into clicking on them

Did you already send Ernest a message? I've noticed he's really good at responding to messages he's just really busy at the moment for obvious reasons haha. Also weird that you can't add others to be mods on the magazine I haven't seen others have any issues with that yet, wonder if it's a bug on that one magazine for some reason

"Being honest is too hard" What a joke of a company, we really need more competition in the ISP space. Comcast has had a near Monopoly on the space for far too long

I loved subredditsimulator, I always forgot I was subscribed to it until a bizzare unhinged post popped up on my feed though that would also sometimes happen on non AI generated subs lol

I've heard other similar tools only grab the first 1000 comments/posts does this grab everything? Or does it have a similar limitation?

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Wow OP, that's super rude of you to call me out like that. /lh /npa

Somehow Mannarino wasn't marked on Shinigami eyes so I went ahead and reported him as anti trans

Same lol, I was like "why is it going to have a small battery? That seems like an odd choice"

On Kbin if the community you want isn't showing in the magazine list, what you need to do is go to the search bar that searches the whole site and type in the Lemmy community name followed by an @ followed by the instance name. For example:

After searching it should come up and you can subscribe to it. It only shows up in the magazines list once someone on the instance subscribes to it, so if you are the first to subscribe to it you have to do a manual search first

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I honestly could see the characters saying this lmao. Obviously wouldn't happen directly in the show but that seems like a very on brand thing for Sweetie Belle to say haha

Welcome to the threadiverse!

I self host Mattermost it's a Slack+Trello alternative. But they do also have just the Trello alternative if you don't want the Slack functionally it's called Focalboard

I think I've contributing factor that's likely is that the users that care already bailed and aren't on there anymore

There are mobile browsers that support scripts. For example the Firefox browser on Android let's you install tampermonkey which your can install scripts with. For iOS I've heard there's a way to do it but I'm unsure since I don't have an iPhone. But I do agree that this is a feature that should be added to core functionality

Oh gosh right wing TikTok sounds like a nightmare.

Yeah tags are hashtags I haven't figured out what the badges are yet

@NotAPenguin I can get the domain to show at: but none of the communities

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So apparently it is on their end, they had some network problems but said the federation should hopefully be fixed soon:


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@NotAPenguin Yup! Hopefully it starts working soon!

I contacted the lemmit devs via their github and they aren't sure what the issue is either. Maybe @ernest knows? I'm pretty sure we aren't defederated from any other instances. When I try to search for any of the communities from lemmit Kbin seems to load for a minute and then nothing comes up not even the "empty" that shows up when nothing is found. For example searching in the search it will load for a second and then stop. Not sure if this is an issue on Kbins side or on lemmits side. Also tried using and the same thing happens. If it is something with Kbin itself and not the instances I can go open an issue on codeberg


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Has anyone made a Doggles community/magazine yet?

I mean I'd prefer more trans memes showing up on my home page but I don't mind the stuff here, there is definitely some funny stuff that pops up


That foon is so cursed lol

Site seems to be down for me

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If you search: ! on Lemmy it should show up as a community you can subscribe to in Lemmy. Someone on your instance needs to manually search it for it to start federating, not sure how it works with pinned comments though. Hopefully those will eventually show up even though they were posted before federation started. If not bringing it up on Kbin and copying the link works too.

I might need to create a Lemmy account just so I can learn more about how to use it, I've been using Kbin since last week and am really liking it so far

I think a lot of it too is people don't want to lean a new system. I've seen multiple big influencers on Twitter basically day they had no interest in using Mastodon because they didn't want to learn a new platform and so instead the begrudgingly keep using Twitter. People don't like change and will sometimes torture themselves to avoid it

Ah I see, seems to be WIP then. If done right it could be a good tool, we'll see if anything comes out it I guess

%100 this. I have Mastodon and use it sparingly because I found a good community but I still find myself going back to Twitter because most of the people I follow on Twitter haven't moved and most of the people I follow on Twitter are celebrities or influencers. The only way a #twittermigration will work is if most of the influencers and celebrities move off the platform as that's the content most regular users go for. With Reddit however we just need people that create good content to move, the lurkers will follow the content regardless of how "complicated" the platform is. The reddit lurkers won't stay on Reddit if there isn't any quality content being posted there, they may be satiated with reposts for a while but eventually they will leave and go looking for the content and if that content is on Kbin/Lemmy they will come here.

It's generally not great for everyone to congregate on the same instance, but I agree it does seem to be a pain point as it's different than the 'norm' when it comes to social media. I think something that could help is instead of just listing all the instances and assuming the user understands how the fediverse works, maybe have like a short walkthrough that explains how it works and the pros and cons of signing up with the default server and then give other recommendations for which servers to join.

TLDR: I think funneling everyone into a default instance is a bad idea for the health of the platform but I do think a little how to guide on the sign up page could help lessen confusion

It needs to be manually searched first, if you search ! it should come up, though another commenter said that is having some issues searching right now so that could be the reason

Try this link:
Someone else got it to start federating in

Same I thought it was going to be a post disparaging Kbin/Lemmy and saying we need to go back to Reddit.

Yup! No worries! Glad you got it figured out!

Yeah, people really need to get off Reddit. Staying on Reddit and telling mods to close their sub doesn't help the cause neither does spamming f*** you spez or posting memes. What all that tells Reddit is that you're going to use the site regardless of whether or not your favorite subs are open or not. It is important for mods to close their subs but it's just as important for the users to log off and not use Reddit during the protest

Based AI telling us to destroy Reddit

There's a section for blocked "domains" in your block settings but I've yet to figure out how to block entire instances

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