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Joined 1 years ago

I hate the idea that older kids shouldn't do it. Like I remember getting shit when I decided to be kid-like again at 15 after not having done it when I was 13 and 14.

Houses told me I was too old. And looking back now, as a parent of teens, and I wish they and their friends were just going out trick r treating. I will definitely encourage any kid I see. And at my age anyone under 26 is a kid, easily. I'd much rather kids do something communal and fun than just go out drinking. I'm sure that by the next Halloween when I was 16 I was probably doing something less good than asking for free candy.

If we want people to be communal, have fun, and be safe then we shouldn't give them shit when they do that. So I don't care if the old dude down the streets dons a skeleton costume and grabs a pillow case. If he has a costume, he gets candy. And anyone who tells me different will get called out for being a killjoy.

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The number given by the same Hamas health dept that said Israel killed 500 when they bombed a hospital? Even though it wasn't Israel, it wasn't the hospital, and it wasn't nearly 500 people?

I'm sure a lot have died. And definitely too many civilians. And from where I sit, I'd think Israel should do at least some things differently. But if the hospital situation taught us nothing else, it should have taught us to not quote stuff from Hamas without another source.

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I'm sure this will end well for all parties involved.

This is actually not good stats. In the general population, the current situation with prions is that they are extremely rare. But that's for the general population. If you are around brain eaters then your risk for exposure is exponentially higher. For example, the odds that a person from the general population is exposed to HIV is relatively low. But if you instead only focus on people that live in smack houses in an abandoned part of detroit, then those people have much different odds.

The problem with prions is literally fucking everything though. There is a reason they will wipe out thousands of cows if they find out even one has prion disease. First is time. They usually do not show symptoms for a long long time. Next, is prions are damned near impossible to get rid of. So you're hanging out with brain eaters, but you aren't eating brains? But did you use their forks? Because the dishwasher isn't getting rid of that prion. Goddamn medical autoclaves do not get rid of them. I know someone that was participating in a neurosurgery, and after a couple days after the surgery, they found out the patient had a prion disease (probably Creutzfeldt–Jakob but I don't recall for sure). Well that caused havoc because of possible exposure and the lag time between the surgery and finding out. They destroyed a lot of things, had intense decontamination for others, had to inform some people in the hospital about possible exposure. Even with the low risk, just imagine being one of those people. For the next 20 years, the thought is probably just lingering in the corner of their brain that a dumbass protein that couldn't follow directions and decided to make its own rules is also lingering around a corner of their brain.

But yeah, cannibalism in general tends to lead to increased rates of disease and new diseases. Which is logical. Most diseases aren't interspecies, but if you are eating the same species then you can catch anything that has lingered. Parasites, bacteria if you like your human flesh medium rare, viruses, and prions. So I highly suggest against hanging out with cannibals.

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It's 500,000 liters. You don't just get to say that doesn't matter. Especially when the fuel the UN brought in was also stolen by Hamas. If Hamas is stealing and hoarding all the fuel, then they do carry the blame for the lack of fuel. What good is it doing anyone if everything there will just be stolen by Hamas and then used for further attacks?

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Hamas is an offshoot of the Muslim brotherhood. Egypt has a long history of issues with the Muslim brotherhood. Some of it, in fact, just happened. They are not keen on more of that trouble.

Yeah because why let facts get in the way of your alternative reality, tankie. I'm a very lefty guy and not a fan of the Dems. But splitting votes is real and a real strategy. Say something when she doesn't focus only on battleground states and her funding is all grass roots.

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Honestly if I could play all of the game without having to grind like a fucking mad man, I'd probably regularly buy expansions and pay for a season pass.

I love the coop. I love the gunplay. I love most of the game except the grind.But I have kids and real life shit to do. I tried getting back into it during witch queen, but the amount of time I had to spend daily on it made it damn near impossible to play the dungeons and stuff. I had a little extra free time when I did that too. By the time I managed to hit the cap, I realized I was not having any fun doing it. So I quit. Had a clan I liked chatting and playing with. It was cool. But I'm just not going to keep paying for and playing a game that just feels like a tedious as fuck job.

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Yeah this doesn't bother me. And I tend to be a somewhat paranoid person. But I got convinced to do one of these by my partner. And so far, no regrets. They had some family surprises, but they don't regret it either. If they make some cool new meds with my DNA (honestly even if I have only the knowledge that they made meds from 23andme) I'm just going to go around saying hey that might have my DNA in it.

Just wait until you guys find out what they're really doing is cloning us all to replace us with mindless worker drones. I accidentally met mine. They were nice. Bought me a coffee. Then I got real sleepy and woke up half buried in the woods. Real strange day.

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Nah this went really bad for them. Even if they do make more, it will almost certainly be short term. Godot got so much free advertising. It firmly sat itself next to unreal as far as who should be choosing it, but it is definitely the inferior engine if you are making AAA. It's going to get cut from the high by unreal and the low from Godot, defold, and even gamemaker.

I don't get this weird apologist attitude. Let us not forget Unity just spent over $4 billion less than a year ago buying the malware ad service ironsource. They are not profitable because they make bad business decisions. This was one more. And in all likelihood we will see the sale of unity before too long. And it will probably be less than the $20 billion offer they had prior to the ironsource purchase.

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It would seem to be the case. And I'm not sure what Hamas thought would happen.

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This is why my pimp always makes me get paid up front.

I'm not a military mastermind. More of an armchair 5 star general. But I feel like there are probably more effective ways to mine hunt than this. I get it was a mine hunter, but perhaps if they found them without blowing up in the process it would be a more sound strategy. But this does seem to be their consistent philosophy. It seems to be how they find anti tank mines as well. Unarmed soldiers to get rid of bullets. I wonder if they will start using jets to run into drones next. It's almost like a reverse war of attrition.

Personally, if I were in charge of the military, I'd probably at the very least compare costs of the average mine to the average Russian navy ship.

But I suppose it does offer a good morale boost when they show their mine hunter successfully finding mines. For Ukraine.

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I absolutely loathe Otzma Yehudit. They are like MAGA, Vox, National Rally, and the rest of the far right religious assholes. While I understand why Israel separated religious courts and authority from the government (don't like how they did it though), they should have, at the very least, tied voting and government eligibility to national service. So much of the ultra orthodox functions like the extremist Mormon FLDS does in the US. A fucking stain on my people.

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Always has been. Heh. Actually hosting your own email server is a pain in the ass. It is absolutely possible and back when I first started using linux I think it was automatically installed (sendmail -- security nightmare, that thing) for a lot of distros. But there are some issues with self-hosted email getting flagged as spam, because some of the big servers like gmail use a whitelist to help fight spam. They basically expect you to be using a server hosted by a big company. And it isn't just one type of server, last time I looked into it. You have your inbound which can be multiple types but I believe imap is still the most popular, because it has instant update features for your client. Then you got your outbound smtp server. And keeping these things secure it kind of a big thing. I changed careers so haven't worked in the sysadmin area for a long time, but I do believe it is still an absolute effort to keeping all of this running, not being flagged as spam, keeping it secure, etc. But it is absolutely possible. I think I'll go read up on it now, because you made me curious.

edit: I forgot. You also have to set up your own spam filter. Which, at least in the past, was also a daunting effort.

edit 2: Yeah reading this makes it seem like it is still a bit of a bitch to do. Especially if you click that blacklist link. But definitely doable.

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That article has such a stupid take. It takes tiny pieces of quotes from a couple of ex-Israeli officials and with one of them is clearly omitting context. Did Israel permit Islamist groups to do stuff like build mosques and have charities? Yes. Did he also say, but it is not mentioned in the article, that they were completely peaceful at the time and that Israel didn't want to be viewed as attacking Islam? Also yes.

See, what you are saying is that Israel created Hamas by not using more oppression to stop these groups at a time when they were not attacking Israel, but the PLO was. And that is just such a simple naive take that it is ridiculous. Yeah if Israel could redo things, they might have decided that was a good idea. But then again, what if it just caused more attacks from the surrounding countries after they were claimed to be "attacking Islam." Then would we also blame Israel for those attacks due to them repressing the Islamist movements?

It even does the same by using cherry picked foresight about Afghanistan. It entirely ignores the situation in Afghanistan and just implies that the US caused Al Qaeda. Things just aren't that simple. It's entirely possible that had the US and other countries not interfered in Afghanistan that the soviet union would've lasted longer and Afghanistan might've been another Chechnya.

At the time, Israel was having to fight against the PLO. They were not fighting against the religious Islamic groups. And knowing the history of the time period and the politics in the region, the very religious groups were not nearly the force that they are now. So they made choices for reasons that absolutely made sense at the time. And we have no way of knowing how things would be different if they made different choices.

We can say that places that aren't Israel still have issues with the Muslim brotherhood or are friendly with them all over the middle east. And Israel certainly didn't create the Muslim Brotherhood. And if Israel didn't exist and it was all a Palestinian state with a secular government, it isn't a stretch to say that they would be in that area too, calling for an Islamist government. As they have done in Jordan, Syria, Egypt, Iraq, and more.

They are talking about Gaza.

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Zombies really just hit some of that snoop dogg good good.

I mean, I don't play pachinko, but I think it'd be more fun if the balls had the birds on them and you knocked some piggies down as you bounced down the machine or at least knocked them down at the bottom depending on where you landed.

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Because they'd be attacked, kidnapped, and/or killed. Seriously what kind of question is this? How do you propose they go into Gaza, distribute the aid, and not get attacked. Hamas is rolling right up to the aid and stealing it. Are you suggesting Israel completely occupy the region and maintain security in order to distribute aid?

12 more...

Honestly this is an awful situation. But the reason you don't see more harsh criticisms from world leaders (and there have been criticisms and statements calling some of what they are doing as illegal) is because the world leaders know that they may need to same option if something similar happens to them.

Do you have a better suggestion for what Israel should do in order to respond. And saying "free Palestine" doesn't count. They completely left Gaza and it got worse. I can't stand Bibi, but he absolutely called it when they were planning to leave Gaza. The blockade of Gaza didn't start until Hamas took over. And do recall Egypt is also blockading.

If Tijuana started launching rockets and attacked thousands of civilians in California, what do think the response would look like? Or if Morocco did the same to Ceuta?

I don't see how this attack ends. I mean it has absolutely destroyed the chance for Gaza reps to be involved in peace talks. Not that there was much chance of that. Honestly, if I had to guess, Israel plans to wipe out all of the higher up Hamas this time in an attempt to bring Gaza back under the PA/Fatah.

But, given the situation is what it is, how do you think the Israeli government should respond?

35 more...

This is a very juvenile view of the world. You make laws to create the most ideal environment. If someone is here illegally, is it better that they are able to show they can drive, get car insurance, etc or drive without those things and be incentivized to run off if they are in an accident?

7 more...

So back when I was in school, I took home ec. For some reason close to the end of the year, the fairly religious teacher said if we all were able to not take her exam (allowed by the school if you had an A), then we could pick a movie to watch for the last couple of classes. We did it.

So some context, I fucked with this teacher all year. She'd bring up some religious shit and I'd press her on her religious ideas. She had a project where we had to carry around a fake baby, when I was supposed to return it, I had a friend watch it the hall while I told her I had an abortion. Clothes we had to make? All black. Sometimes I was a little teenage asshole, but sometimes she maybe should've left Jesus at home. And while sometimes I got to her, she mostly took it well. But she definitely knew I was one to fuck around.

Day before the movie she is definitely already on summer vacation in her head, because she asks what movie we wanted to watch (we have to supply the movie) and I instantly said Half baked. It got some laughs and a couple of girls saying yeah! That one. But I figured she'd go "haha but really pick something I'll let you watch."

Nope. She says OK. Whatever we want. I do a double take. Ask if she is sure? She makes sure I can bring it and gives me the all clear.

I watched her face more than I watched the movie. It was amazing when she realized what she had allowed. But to her credit, she let the movie roll on. And nothing happened. We didn't have smart phones to post it to a Twitter that didn't exist yet. No one had furious parents calling for her head. Shit, I don't think news of it even reached administration. In spite of me telling the story to literally everyone with ears. If it did, they didn't give a fuck. She was still the teacher when I visited some family in town years later.

I forgot about that until this post. Thanks op for helping me reminisce.

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How are you ignoring the fact that Hamas takes the fuel. The UN just said they had their fuel stolen. So those babies will die, more Israelis will die, and more Palestinians will die.

If the UN had forces guarding supplies and stopping theft, that might be different. But you are asking Israel to allow in supplies that are be and will continue to be stolen and used in attacks against Israel. Ignoring that it will not save civilians.

28 more...

I mean, Hamas did launch one of the biggest terrorist attacks in modern history. So they are kind of to blame for Gaza getting attacked now. And they are holding a lot of civilians hostage. So they are kind of at fault. And they have refused any peace negotiations since coming in to power. So yeah they are kind of at fault.

I won't say Israel is blameless, but there have been multiple opportunities for a Palestinian state that the Palestinian governments has rejected. But there are some in power on the Palestinian side that prefer the current situation, because it benefits them.

Well maybe not this time. Israel really might kill every high ranking Hamas official this time. But historically.

Counting it towards to number of people is a little silly. Checking how long a generator can run off of a liter of fuel makes much more sense.

On top of that, not only are they hoarding, but they are also stealing what comes in.

Palestine has never been a recognized country. You are showing your ignorance. Prior to 1948 it was controlled by the British. Prior to that, controlled by the surrounding countries.

Now correct me if I'm wrong, but this is the same group of people who, on video, showed how they dig up pipes to use for rockets right?

They had complete control of Gaza and the whole Sinai Peninsula. Which quadrupled the size of land Israel controlled. But they gave control back to Egypt to make peace in 1978. Then in 2004-05 they completely withdrew from Gaza and dismantled and (sometimes forcefully) removed all settlements and settlers in an attempt at making peace.

Now in the first situation since for 45 years, the two groups have maintained peace. The other Arab nations were less peaceful with Israel, however. Islamic jihadists even assassinated Sadat. But there has been peace with Israel.

In the second, they used it an opportunity to essentially become a terrorist controlled territory. And increased the attacks. And reject any peace negotiations.

So what should Israel do? What solution might you suggest.

10 more...

Yes. Pakistani troops are definitely better trained and more controlled than the Israeli military. That sounds right. Also, you are overlooking some big differences. The civilian population could "easily" leave and did. And the Pakistani Taliban were an organized group of militants more easily separated from the general population.

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What do you mean when you say "a people"?

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No it won't. They would lie while watching a video showing it is a lie. And later they would lie that any of it ever took place.

And his true believers would accept it all.

Where did I say anything about them having carte blanche to oppress? Where did I say their oppression gave them any rights? I didn't. I said that why9 was disgusting for what they said and explained why.

And no. I do not think Hamas is only in power due to things Israel has done. Beyond existing. The Muslim brotherhood existed before Israel. They have spring up in most countries that have a major Muslim population as Islamic extremists. They want a unified Muslim state under Sharia law. Even if Israel did not exist, Hamas would likely still exist in the region in some form telling the ruling powers they aren't Islamic enough. And killing people. Gay people. Women who want to have equal rights. Atheists. People who decide they don't want to be Muslim. World leaders who sign peace treaties.

Yeah it's pretty accepted now that the harsh punishments post WWI created the perfect environment for ww2. But it is also accepted that appeasement to Germany to prevent ww2 was a really bad idea as well. Parallels only go so far. I was not drawing a parallel in my above comment. I was explaining how very different the Holocaust was from the Palestinian territories.

Umm violence ended pretty much every war. Civil war and slavery and all that (in the U.S.). WW2 (that ending was real violent). Non-violence is definitely preferable, but it isn't always an option.

Ah there it is. So ethnic cleansing it is then? That's what you're supporting. And where do you suppose the almost 10 million people will go?

You absolute antisemitic little fool. How will that make peace? What will happen with the people? What is the history of the region and those people? None of that matters, huh? Just all of Israel should fuck off. It isn't that you want peace. It is that you've decided one group is an outsider and they have no rights to be where they are. And how do you imagine that will play out?

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That's what escrow is for

Illegally took land given to them by the countries in control of that land after said countries lost a war against them? Do you even know the history of how Israel was given control over the territories?

Lockdown 2: WW3 edition

Are you fucking stupid or just full on tankie? What she said is the equivalent to when someone starts a statement with "I'm not racist but..."

She says it was a mild response? A response to what? What forced Russia to invade? Did Ukraine start pointing nukes at Russia? Fuck no. That was Russian apologist propaganda.

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What do you mean by fuck off?

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McCarthyism targeted people for possibly (and often not actually) supporting a legal political movement. Supporting terrorist organizations and that being made public isn't the same thing. And an individual or group using a website announcing someone's public actions isn't the same thing. McCarthy abused his authority as a member of the federal government to harass and and punish. Canary mission has no such authority. It just turns out a lot of people don't like people who side with terrorists.

That being said, I am not really a fan of canary mission. I think more work needs to be done on education and understanding of the entire situation instead of a few of the most recent events. If I were still in the US, I would probably try to organize such groups. But it is definitely a much harder goal to accomplish.