5 Post – 77 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Engineer and coder that likes memes.

Eh, they can't be honest about wanting you to use the app to be able to collect your data better.

21 more...

While I certainly agree with you that discrimination based on sex is unacceptable im most contexts, I believe that gender exclusive spaces, unless they hinder people directly, sometimes are a good thing.

My dad is a mental health professional and founded a weekly 'only-men' self help group. He found that some things they talked about there wouldn't have worked with women involved. That group existed for about 5 years or so and helped quite a few struggling men.

So yeah, unless there's any maliciousness involved, I'd argue that gender exclusiity is not bad in every context.

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Ha! I'm partially looking at this issue in my bachelor's thesis.

It's not at all necessary to embed a browser, but it's really easy to transfer your web app to a "near native" experience with stuff like electron, ionic, cordova, react native or whatever other web stuff is out there. The issue is mostly that native APIs are complicated and relying on web views or just providing your own "browser" is a relatively easy approach.

Stuff like Flutter, Xamarin or .NET MAUI compile depending on the platform to native or are interpreted by a runtime. There's a study I use that compares Flutter to React Native, native Java and Ionic on Android and finds that unsurprisingly the native implementation is best, but is closely followed by Flutter (with a few hiccups), with the remainder being significantly slower.

The thing is. I don't think these compiled frameworks lag behind in any way. But when you have a dev team, that's competent in web development, you won't make them learn C#, Xaml, Dart or C++, just to get native API access - you'll just let a framework handle that for you because it's cheaper and easier.

Edit: To add some further reading. This paper and this one explore the different approaches out there and suggest which one might be "the best". I don't feel like they're good papers, but there's almost no other write up of cross-platform dev approaches out there.

Edit2: I also believe that the approach "we are web devs that want access to native APIs" may be turned around in the future, since Flutter and now also .NET offer ways to deploy cross-platforn apps as web apps. I'll get back to writing the thesis now and stop editing.

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Recently switched jobs from maintaining a 15 year old Windows Forms .NET Framework legacy codebase.

At the new job we stick to Clean Architecture, use unit and integration tests, have a code generation tool, actually make nice use of generics and use dependency injection. Also agile processes, automatic build tools, whatever. The difference is night and day and I'm so glad my ex boss fired me because I told him he's an asshole and his codebase is shit.

Bonus panel probably: Pig in super heaven with two halos above head.

Well done, here's your price: 🏅

You may redeem it for a star on a GitHub repo of your choice.

It all gets put into the main method though in this version 😄

You can have the best tool in the world and still find people just hitting their own face with it.

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The group I referenced had a paid membership. Scale that up and make it digital and you may end up with a gender exclusive social media app.

I get what you mean though, but I feel there's a bit more nuance than what you imply.

Waiting for the army of swifties to singlehandedly take down ISIS

These edits are one of my favorite thing going on on Lemmy.

I don't think it's okay to be toxic to newbies but there certainly are cases where the solution to problems was a google search and 10 minutes of reading away.

There are a lot of community heroes out there, that spend their days supporting users in forums, without having any monetary benefit from it, that in my opinion may have a reason to be upset if someone does not want to spend any effort on their own in trying to solve their problem.

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It's active users, not total users. I'm not sure on the exact metric, but users need to post, comment, vote or whatever to be counted for this statistic.

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It's sad that this works. You'd think especially software professionals would be the most vigilant about running unknown code.

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In case anyone is curious about the video. Here's a link.

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Yeah, they got really creative at our local IKEA. There are lots of creative displays like that everywhere. Not sure if it's policy or just a local thing, but I love it either way 😄

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Totally agree, I don't want to have to do research before or during playing and have to consult a build guide for every level up, just so I don't mess up my character.

Just let me fuck around, find out and do it better all over again in my own time.

Why anyone would spend 1500 dollars and 300 hours on a parody is beyond me but it's impressive work nonetheless for a solo dev.

The gameplay was fun to watch, but mostly just because the characters steps sounded like their shoes were sticky after they stepped into some spilled cola or zombie guts or whatever.

If the studios had the resources they could easily become independent. But the corporate side owns the rights to their works, so the now independent studio doesn't have any incoming revenue.

The average employee won't work for scraps or nothing. So it's effectively over if big corpo cuts them off.

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Introducing a Captcha on a form on my website basically blocked bots 100% of the time. It's arguably good enough from a practical standpoint.

If someone really wants to exploit my site, then they will find a way. You can only make it harder but never truly impossible if you don't want to dispose of all convenience.

Fair point. For me using a distro dedicated to making Arch accessible just is more attractive than having an installer and being on my own afterwards.

But yeah, EndeavourOS is pretty much just an installer with purple space theming.


100% that.

Especially that working software over comprehensive documentation part, which can be automated so easily if done right.

There's so much value in TDD and providing a way to do integration and automated UI tests early on in a project, yet none of the companies I've worked at made use of it.

Also automated documentation tools like Swagger are almost criminally underutilised.


Vibe check is pretty much the scope. Classes aren't a thing (yet).

Yes, it pretty much just wraps the expression in a "System.out.println();"

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I wholeheartedly agree, the rule is meaningless, but I still like sharing funny stuff I see with this community and hope you understand

I like the way you think! 😂

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Oh boy.

We had a class in the first semester of uni where we had to create a static html page based on a screenshot.

There was this one textbox at the top of the site, where the only way you could recreate the screenshot was by using a <br> in the middle of the text.

The prof was very picky about your HTML being semantically thorough and correct, so that was super weird that that was necessary.

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It's a tool for designing domain specific languages. Really interesting!

Valuable input! I actually am an undergrad student. There are a lot of frameworks out there that support writing languages, with MPS being one of them.

If I'd start from scratch again and had a little more time, I'd frankly try writing an interpreter myself, instead of trying to conform to weird framework syntax, which I won't be able to reuse in any other context.

Saying syntax design is fiddly is an understatement. I focused very hard on getting an abstract syntax somehow finished before working on generation in my first iteration. Then I had so much technical debt, that I couldn't get anything to work and had to rewrite a lot. So I scrapped it all and started again, starting with top level concepts including generation and only implementing some lower level ones, once everything around it worked properly.

Fortunately I generate Java source code from it. However MPS generates both source and byte code when you build the solution. For some reason I can't get the byte code to run though, but the source code does, so I don't care too much.

Thanks for the hint. I'm kinda curious about Arch, so I'll definitely check out EndeavourOS.

Unfortunately for work I'm still bound to Windows then because we use Visual Studio. I guess I can just use a VM if I ever need that for personal use though!

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Makes sense, I feel bad for the guys that were happy for a chance and got screwed over. (By the hackers, not you, haha)

6 more...

You're correct, but it doesn't really matter for demo purposes. In an actual use case (whatever that would be for this language) you would of course want to use some kind of variable or expression there instead of a constant.

Now your weapons break in just one swing! 😂

You better hope the sound is baffling when you're at a concert!

Found it:

Sippy sip

That made me laugh more than it should have.

It's very strange to have North Korean refugees send balloons up north with the state responding to it and also accusing Seoul of propaganda. Seems like they can hardly fathom that individuals have freedom to decide what they may do on their own.