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Joined 11 months ago

How quaint!

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I can’t see how he’s anything but a liability.

I will die not understanding the allegiance this man has among his followers.

The Google Ara was supposed to be exactly this. I think it has since been abandoned.,planned%20consumer%20launch%20in%202017.

I’ve never had the use of two emojis make me this uncomfortable.

had me sweating like Michael Jackson at at 10th birthday party

Oh my.

This is not true.

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You’re holding it wrong.

This is the year of the Linux desktop!

Did the US automakers nuke all of their small, inexpensive offerings due to lack of demand or their inability to sell those vehicles for prices they deemed ‘acceptable’?

The only thing keeping IL from turning into its neighbors to is everything north of I-80.

Check out the “New Illinois” movement. As a guy who lives in the metro-East, its scary stuff.

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190k miles and I feel the same about what my next purchase will be like. Bought this current car when it was 11 years old and had 75k on it. I can sell it now for as much as I paid for it in 2016.

Absolutely this. Find them online for $10 all day.

Google Music was the only place I bought music digitally other than iTunes, and I used it religiously. I downloaded all of my personal music uploaded to Google Music before it closed with the intention of running my own Plex server. A friend who works IT security scared me into not running an externally-accessible Plex server.

So I fight with the YouTube Music app being complete dogshit on CarPlay. If you think the app is bad on mobile, just try the CarPlay version. Unusable.

I’m also running an Ifixit battery and have had zero problems save for the original battery being DOA out of the box. 3 in a row is really bad luck.

One you get out of Madison and St. Clair counties things get different pretty quickly.

also on LG smart TVs

St. Louis Cardinals started selling blue ball caps. Not sure if it’s related to the 2016+ phenomenon, but I like to think it is.


There’s no way.

More and I are in this exact boat. Want to find something - ANYTHING - else but can’t risk losing that pension. Eggs in one basket and all that.

She can also see North Korea from her house.

Any semi-competent CEO

This is the important bit right here.

And isn’t in the top 10 for these guys.

Interesting. All the local shops here are far and away more expensive than the chains. I want to shop local, but everything looks to be 20-30% higher. I can’t justify it.

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This is not a false statement.

It went according to plan.

When consequences are for others it isn’t ‘brave’.

Hunter’s laptop started the fire.

Absolutely yes.

People are saying…

And no pop-up add bs.

Nice username.

Donny would need little makeup to be a fantastic Borg Queen.

We all know the answer.

Teacher for 20 years. No, it isn’t.

I’m not responding further as this person is simply spreading misinformation to spread misinformation.To anyone else reading this, a simple web search will prove these statements about teachers being paid when they aren’t working false.

Those roundabouts are causin’ all these tornaders! /s