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Joined 12 months ago

By your logic, if you're a good person but you spend your disposable income on a form of recreation that inefficiently brings positivity to the world, you deserve to be ridiculed and your suffering is justly celebrated.

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Because the points only relate to the post, not you. You can't see your aggregate total from all posts combined, which would otherwise incentivize you to post things that will add to your total "high score".

You still have a minor incentive to post a high scoring comment, but it's only per-comment. If you feel like pleasing the masses, go ahead and play to their wants and needs. You might get a lot of points for it, and it'll feel nice.

But if you wanna tell em how you really feel and put them in their place, you can just not care about your points for that post. It's whatever. There's no danger that your -478 points is going to drag down your total, discouraging you from ever posting something that upsets the status quo.

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"Information known for half a century that nevertheless didn't mean jack squat because it couldn't be legally explained in such a way that would convince a layman court to break past precedent; but that we've now reframed into a compelling interpretation that much more obviously meets the standards required for a court to rule something as 'predatory pricing''; thus, any future cases brought are much more likely to succeed."

tldr: We think we've found a way around the technicality VCs have been hiding behind all these years.

I think he was just explaining what the other person meant. You're inferring or assuming a subtext of disagreement or antagonism that I'm just not seeing.

Please join both political parties.

Uh I haven't but isn't that written by Gary Webb?

Politely disagree, in that I suspect this is a hypocritical sentiment. Most users who get off of Elon news will agree with this position now but then cry foul when this community is spammed with a subject not to their liking. And as much as the ideology of free speech (rightly) resonates, just like with free markets, some minimal regulation is needed in practice; otherwise some fanatics could choke this feed up with, I dunno, 99% Microsoft news, all the time, and you wouldn't be able to say shit because you "strongly believe people should be able to post whatever they want". I doubt that you would stand by your lofty convictions so strongly then.

Beyond that, there is nothing wrong with expressing a desire for more or less of something—it's just an opinion. It's a bullshit argument to say, "If you don't like it, instead of articulating why, just use the limited non-descriptive tool provided to reduce your passionate sentiment into a trivial binary value and cast it into the sea of thousands just like it; or else, like, go create an entirely new community or a custom feed or whatever you want. But mainly, just fuck off."

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You're saying you think conservative Americans want to stop him?

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It's not uncommonly used in Buddhism. I don't see it all over the place, but seeing it is completely unremarkable. Just from anecdotal experience I can still say pretty confidently that nobody gives a fuck.

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I would add to the extant conversation by saying that many food ingredients in powdered/granular form are prone to clumping (usually with no ill effect other than inconvenience), and are prevented from doing so by the addition of various anti-caking agents. I can't speak to the food safety of those agents, but personally, I'd rather deal with the clumps.

I guess they aren't aware all Muslims are fanatics. /s

If that 3% is made up of an outsized share of power users they might be ok. I'm more worried about the power structure shenanigans that have been going on the past few years.

A figure of speech in which exaggeration is used for emphasis or effect, as in I could sleep for a year or This book weighs a ton.

Even if the value of money goes up, it's by a paltry 1-2% and it still wouldn't seem to make sense to hoard rather than invest, unless I'm missing something. In what scenario would any rich person just sit on their money? Likewise, the impact of 2% deflation on a bank loan is well within the variance in rates we see today, and I imagine in such an economy the rates would be adjusted somewhat to compensate.

Simply put, the difference between an inflating vs deflating currency doesn't seem enough to drastically alter people's behavior. In the short to medium term it seems almost a non-issue, at least for regular people, and in the long term people won't get fucked out of their life savings. I imagine the vast majority of the population doesn't invest their money. Which policy would they prefer?

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For money laundering?

Late to reply, but generally Lemmy users are advanced/veteran Reddit users, and advanced Reddit users more or less share a pool of common knowledge based on topics that often come up or were significant, etc. Aspartame is up there with things like fluoride in the water supply in terms of notoriety. Not saying people agree one way or the other, but it should at least be well known that it's controversial.

You could scan it and that would easily be the fastest way to actually deal with they problem, minified or not.

That's why you need prebiotics, duh.

"Comfortable Dragon"

Sadly, the humanitarian concern of Ukraine's use of cluster bombs is not the most important.

The real issue is why we're sending Ukraine cluster bombs in the first place.

We're not doing it as part of some strategy or for some kind of tactical advantage. We're doing it because we don't have anything else left to send them. We've run out of modern munitions and won't be getting much more anytime soon. That's why we're sending Ukraine cluster bombs.

And the reason this article exists is because Ukraine is almost certainly not using them effectively, but they want to convince us otherwise. Cluster bombs don't do shit to tanks or buildings. They were designed for targeting people hiding in the jungle. Why would anyone feel the need to write an article saying, "Hey, btw, these weapons you paid for are definitely working out really well. They're super good at destroying Russians, for sure!"? I suspect it's because they're doing jack shit.

You're knowledgeable and capable enough to sign up for Lemmy, but you don't know aspartame is bad?

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I understand what you're saying. It's just my opinion that you're woefully ignorant. Sorry if this upsets you, cheers.

Wow, not a single comment here acknowledging the documented prolific use by the U.S. of agents provocateur to infiltrate and sabotage anti-establishment groups and protests. The only difference between the historic infiltration of environmental movements, civil rights/BLM, etc., and this is that this is right-wing. I'll go ahead and say what all of you are too ignorant or cowardly to say:

Democrats are not your friend.

Republicans are not your friend.

If you're sitting here like a 12-year-old generating your endorphins from a "Yeah! The enemy is so stupid and we're the best!" mentality—and that's most if not every single one of you—you're doing it wrong and you're making it worse. You're the problem.

And Joe Rogan, in this case—not to diminish the culpability of Trump—is absolutely right, but you're all too emotionally stunted to be able to admit it. Get off your infantile, misguided high horse. Standing up for liberal and progressive values is cool, but the current Democratic party does not stand up for those values. Perversely—and it blows mind to say this and to see so many people remain willfully blind to it—the Republican party is currently more liberal then the Democrats. It may only be because standing up against censorship happens to benefit them, but call a spade a spade. Stop being such a bunch of incredibly gullible fucks and look upon the rot growing at the highest echelons of our government. It's not partisan, but its most insidious tactic is pretending to be.

Here's a conciliatory piece of advice to follow, a general rule of thumb that nevertheless works out to be pretty much 100% accurate: everything that Democrats accuse Republicans of is true; AND, everything Republicans accuse Democrats of is true. It certainly is in this case. Trump did and said what he did, AND the FBI and CIA did what they've always done to advance the ruling party's agenda for at least the last half a century. Hell, they fucking did it to Ukraine in 2014. It's not contested information, just obscured history, which you'd know if you'd only paid attention to what they didn't teach you in history class.

On an unrelated note I will say that it's refreshing to be able to write a comment that will likely get buried a thousand feet deep and not give a fuck. Go ahead and do your worst, but I hope Lemmy can be a different place and that you'll do your best to listen to a well-meaning alternative perspective (excuse the language).

I'm two weeks late but It needs to be said: fuck right off with that kind of talk. I don't know anything about you, but I know you probably won't agree when I say that that is a profoundly wrong, almost evil way of thinking.

My parents are American. My sister is an American. Japanese citizens during WW2 were American. Muslim citizens are American.

Jewish citizens of Germany were German.

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They unequivocally are, yes.