propter_hog [any, any]

@propter_hog [any, any]
0 Post – 39 Comments
Joined 2 months ago

Post hog

No, it's affirmative action. It specifically removes bias.

I side with you. I've donated over a gallon of blood and blood products throughout the years. You're helping someone. The reason they pay you is to incentivize coming and doing it. It's painful for the donor, and it takes a while for your body to recover. The company doing so is (in my experience, anyway) a non-profit organization. They exist to help people. They do make money, but that's because they have to pay their employees and donors, as you've mentioned.

Ok, I see now, the signing certificate changed, so f-droid hadn't installed it yet.

I was thinking the same thing; I don't see any changes. Are you guys getting yours from f-droid?

Have you considered TorrentFreak?

That's why the current state of open source licenses doesn't work. Commercial use should be forbidden for free users. You could dual license the work, with a single, main license applying to everyone, and a second addendum license that just contains the clause for that specific use, be it personal or corporate. Corporate use of any kind requires supporting the project financially.

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Learn emacs

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Yo I'm gonna need some details on that library so I can seed with you. Keeping obscure media alive is my favorite.

It's been close to a decade and I'm still traumatized by it. Fuckers almost cost me my marriage, my family, my home... Have never hated a company more. I can't wait for the revolution.

There's some good medicine, but it doesn't "fix" ADHD. It only fixes, like, one symptom of it: your inability to pay attention. Time blindness, rapidly shifting interests, executive dysfunction, etc. are all unaffected by medicine.

Someone have a local clone? Post it to a different host.

I believe System76 laptops come with Coreboot installed, or at least have it available as an option. Seems nice to have the vendor support versus hoping and praying that your hardware will work with it.

President Trump. Lost my fucking religion at that point.


Love that game. The dlc stuff is basically just to support the creators. I paid for all the add-on civilizations but still almost always pick Bardur.

What does usenet provide/do?

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Mazel tov

Obligatory "systemd was a mistake, they played us for absolute fools, yadda yadda yadda"

They have the new cantina chicken menu, but I haven't tried it yet. Looks good, though.

System 76

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Android app made by the lemmy team is named jerboa

I thought accountiversary was another name for tax day



Based 🙌

Stand of the tide seems different than the midpoint. At the midpoint the tide is definitely changing in one direction or another.

Commenting because same and I want to easily find this in the future

Oh I definitely agree with you there. I just think GPL is close but not close enough.

Khan Academy

Edit: nm, didn't see you already use it


Fucking pie, hell yeah

Asking the real questions

I am so sorry for your loss

I use SearxNG and Ecosia

Thinkpads are a special kind of hit; love it

Fidelity is good, but Vanguard has lower fees. Stick in all in their S&P 500 index.

I love this, reminds me of when I first found StumbleUpon and the OG Yahoo that was a hand-curated directory.

Cursive and manuscript are two for english


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