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Apropos of nothing, there is research[1] showing that worker-owned coops are less likely to go bust than conventionally-managed firms, and that greater employment stability is likely one reason for their greater resilience. IE they're not as likely to use layoffs when times get tough and therefore don't pay as many of the costs associated with higher turnover and lower retention. Stronger, more invested teams = more resilient company. Or something like that.


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There was no bug to fix, the PM didn't keep up with developments in an (apparently) core dependency and was passing outdated arguments to ffmpeg. The fix was for the project to update how it was passing flags to ffmpeg. They'd rather spend the time opening a ticket on ffmpeg's bugtracker and spend thousands of company money begging ffmpeg to help them, when MS is a massive corporation, is apparently relying on ffmpeg, yet has hitherto established no support relationship and also has developed no internal expertise on ffmpeg

They easily could have opened up the code and looked around to find the problem, or checked the changelog since an update broke it, or just rolled back to the last-known working version until they had time to figure it out, instead they just dumped it on ffmpeg's doorstep like their hair was on fire. FFMPEG's development model is explicitly that they iterate quickly and there are very likely to be poorly documented breaking changes between versions. It's not one you pull a new version of casually.

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I've always taken this attitude towards pushy people and tbh this is more or less why. Being pushy like this is inherently suspicious as fuck.

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Depends on how you use them, I think. Magic boxes that are tied into the cloud and just give you an app to control your lights, dumb. Setting up a system that automates your home electrical appliances in a thoughtful manner can actually deliver savings and maybe even improve your life. Even as someone getting into smart home stuff, though, mainly what I'm seeing is the ability to save power by having some kind of intelligent control over your devices. Everything else is flashing lights and surveillance.

Problem is, your average user isn't going to be setting up a LAN-only, zigbee-to-homeassistant automation. They need the magic box type of interface. So as a mass market thing it seems kind of doomed.

Yeah, bullshit. People have been prophesying the end of the world practically since it started, and we haven't had ONE apocalypse. With our luck, this shit'll never end!

Fuck'em! Start a driver's cooperative!

nonono what you do is you suspend one tv above another tv. then she'll simply fall out of the first tv, into the second tv. then you flip the whole assembly so she keeps falling. then you only let her out once she agrees to teach you otherworldly magics and she signs a magical pact agreeing to stop with the killing people via VHS thing

That's not even the issue. Nobody cares that MS is using ffmpeg. It's just rude to have as much money as MS does, integrate ffmpeg into one of their core products, then apparently not know anything about it and file hilariously bad bug reports that are actually just support requests after never contributing anything back.

Like, I've used ffmpeg probably since it was released. I've never given the ffmpeg developers anything, and I expect nothing in return from them. They don't know me, they don't know I exist, they don't know I use their software. I could not reasonably file a support request as a bug like they did and expect to be taken seriously. Why does Microsoft get to have this expectation when they behave the same way? They're a big company who asked ffmpeg to do extra work to support MS's ignorance and laziness, and they didn't even offer an ongoing support relationship. They wanted to throw a few grand at ffmpeg once to make the problem go away. This is completely ridiculous.

If they release a software package with a license that explicitly states that they allow the whole world to use it freely without any expectation if return, they cannot complain afterwards that some particular people in the world end up using it. ... likewise for bug reports

Literal nonsense. If someone abuses my bug tracker to act like a clown, I have every right to decline their support requests, even if I licensed my software open source. Nothing in open source philosophy requires you to bend over backwards to cater to every MS project manager's poorly thought-out whims. You're literally just making things up.

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Anyone remember paying ten cents or honestly usually more per text until someone did out the numbers and we all realized we were paying more to text than NASA pays to beam data back from the goddamn Hubble? Like 5x as much on average? And only then did unlimited texting become common?

Who's going to be buying and using Bitcoin if it's not affordable?

Concept: unionized worker-owned co-ops using advanced, democratically-governed AI.

You're basically completely wrong about how AI is going to scale. We're not going to be stuck on, say tinkertoy models on our phones and gigantic mega-models exclusively in the cloud. That's insane. We have good language models that will run on an ordinary laptop already. You can scale models to more or less any size and there is amazing research coming out constantly regarding how to do AI more efficiently. People are running tons of ML code on their PC's already and the demand will only go up as companies -- like Microsoft -- bundle more and more features that rely on AI code into their software, more SDK's and libraries come out that support it, etc.

Also, the feasibility of deploying AI code to more users goes up the more users have them in their devices.

Also, the main trick of NPU's is efficient matrix math, especially the use-case of applying a single operation to entire matrices at once, which AIUI is foundational to tensor math. Plain old CPU's are trash at this because they have to iterate over each individual entity in the matrix and apply the operation separately. NPU's, as I guess they're coming to be called, are designed to do those operations massively in parallel. There are likely tons of applications for this beyond just ML code that we haven't even imagined yet.

It's a bit like asking in 1995 what the use case for a graphics card is when you can go to an arcade and gameboys exist. At that exact moment in time, based on the exact cards that were available in literally 1995, it might have been hard to imagine that by 2024 we'd all have dedicated graphics chips of some kind in our computers -- in fact, we'd be hard-pressed to imagine devices without them -- and that some of the biggest computing companies in the world would be graphics card manufacturers. Yet here we are.

You have to pay attention to the research as it develops, and you have to realize that they don't just show up to markets to satisfy pre-existing demands, they create markets and create new demand where none existed before. That's how the tech industry works.

We're talking about a hypothetical. I'm not the ffmpeg maintainer. The person got help in their thread and everything was courteous. I wouldn't even be rude about it, I just wouldn't hold their hand, and I might make a comment about the value of doing some legwork on your own when an update to a core dependency seems to break something. If this kind of behavior is considered sensible for a project manager at MS, then apparently I'm more qualified to manage projects than a lot of people at some of the largest corporations on Earth.

The maintainer always has the decision how they’ll respond.

That is literally the opposite of what you were just saying. You were saying that open source developers can't even complain when responsible people at gigantic corporations file dumb bug reports against their project.

Yeah, that's fair, there are driven people, and people who are pushing for something, right, but in this case, look at the language used:

Progress will not happen until there is new maintainer. XZ for C has sparse commit log too. Dennis you are better off waiting until new maintainer happens or fork yourself. Submitting patches here has no purpose these days. The current maintainer lost interest or doesn't care to maintain anymore. It is sad to see for a repo like this. [src]

Tons of emotional button-pushing and pressure, but not on technical grounds. Just trying to make the dev feel crappy about themselves.

I was joking in response to OP's joke about guillotining everybody who had been a landlord? Even in China, where I think it was 4 million landlords got killed during the land reform movement, there wasn't an intentional policy of just reprisal killing entire classes. (No really, read the history of the land reform movement, it was absurdly violent but even then it wasn't "let's guillotine every single landlord") It's a silly concept and I'm surprised it needs to be explained that murdering entire classes at a time isn't actually the point of revolutionary violence, but hey, it's Lemmy!

If they ever owned any land, they get guillotined twice. Reasoning: ultraleftism hasn't worked so far, so clearly we haven't gone ultraleft enough yet

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