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If CBS suddenly disappeared, Colbert could go anywhere he wants I bet.

You’re making me look forward to it. Kinda. Let’s say I’m looking forward to the instant replays by the Daily Show.

Oh I had that book, and Scary Stories to Tell In the Dark, so I just assumed that story was in the latter. Funny what you misremember! I definitely remember that one clearly. Now I want to go look at the list of stories…

Even if that phrase hadn’t been used ad nauseum already, this would be the right time to use it. This is truly a WTF move.

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If your normal breathing is really that audible, it might be worth checking with a doctor. You could have something going on, even as simple as a deviated septum or something like that.

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It’s a hard balance, being parents right now. I’m going to make an assumption and guess you mean you see them in public, yeah? The thing is (I say this as a parent of currently 9 and 7 year olds), our society — at least, my society in the US — still feels a bit like it expects children to be “seen and not heard” while in public. If even seen, to be honest. I don’t see it as much here on Lemmy but I saw anti-kid posts on Reddit all the time. I don’t mean childfree; I mean they constantly complained about other people’s kids. Yes, sometimes that can be due to a lack of structured parenting, but kids are also just little socially-inept, impulse-driven creatures who are still figuring the world out. The urge to hand them a magical little device that will occupy them and keep them “seen and not heard” while you are out somewhere is perilously strong.

All that being said: just last week I was sitting to the side at my son’s martial arts class, and next to me was a mom on her phone who had a young girl, maybe 3 or 4, next to her. The girl was squirmy but quiet. I could not help noticing that the mom barely looked up from her phone the whole time. I felt really bad for the girl.

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For the first two decades of the century, what it meant to be Texan—as explained by the state’s politicians—was largely wrapped up in a feeling of competition with California.

As a Californian, I can’t help but think of that Mad Men meme: “I don’t think about you at all” or some such. Do all Texans really think this way or does this author just have a huge California-shaped chip on his shoulder?

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Marie Antoinette was way more of a sympathetic character than this asshole. At least in her case you could explain it away with her being young and sheltered.

As someone who uses it a lot: you don’t need it. But it is nice when you’re waiting for someone, which I do a lot of because sigh I’m basically a soccer mom now. (Kids don’t play soccer and I don’t drive a minivan but…yeah, the comparison is sadly apt.) These days, my kids use it more than I do, since a few times a week they are stuck with me waiting for the other sibling to get out of their activity. Can all this be solved by just handing them my phone instead? Sure.

As of yesterday, pretty sure my Disney+ app was still there, maybe because we’ve used it before, per the article. My daughter would be upset if it disappeared, but if it does I’ll just bring a iPad and hotspot it. Whatever. Maybe I should be more upset about this but I’m kind of resigned to Musk being an asshole man-child and honestly kind of depressed about being linked to him even if I’ve had the car for years and generally love it.

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In California we use wood because it flexes during earthquakes. There may be damage during a big one but at least the house is less likely to collapse on you.

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Bottom of my feet. I’m really klutzy and the slippery floor is already a bit of a hazard for me without adding soap to the mix.

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Hopefully the Democrats. No seriously, I hope the Dems become our more conservative party and we get a more progressive party. But… I’m not holding my breath, honestly. Feels like wishful thinking.

Purses. Yes it sucks.

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Divorced birds

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I’m from California so my wealth meter is broken beyond all reason. Is 1.1 million euros really considered “rich?” Everybody’s making jokes about wearing a monocle or not asking questions about flooding and I’m sitting here thinking about the house on my street that sold for about that much recently…and is a tear-down. 😭

Edit: actually wait, it was more like twice that much… it was like $2.3 mil and there’s no way they do any less than strip it to the framing.

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Music nerd here so bear with me.

I liked Third Eye Blind when I first heard them, probably as a teen? (I’m an older millennial.) But then every song they released afterward sounded the same and I couldn’t stand them anymore. I took enough music theory (read: too much, I have degrees) so I was able to figure out why. They lean hard on singing on the third scale degree over a IV chord, which I suppose you could claim is a IV7, but their melody is always on the third. So yeah. I think they’re hacks without any ideas except that one. I get why people think they’re catchy though.

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Musk thinks he already did that with the model 3, right? Billionaires have no concept of “affordable” after all.

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That’s not what they’re saying. It’s essentially a “door ajar” warning. The sensor is what’s failing, rather than the physical part.

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I (maybe, kinda) miss what Facebook was like in, er, 2008-ish. But then again I was also 25 so maybe I just miss what life was like back then.

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Knew what video it was before I clicked the link. We bought one because of that video!

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I’m not convinced Reddit will die. I think it will continue to limp along in its zombie state. But I kind of wish you were right, just because I’m still a bit mad about it.

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My final straw was when my boss quit. Not only did I really like her, but she was also the only thing left between me and the top exec who was part of, if not the only, reason most people left.

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I’m in the opposite camp. What are the reasons you don’t like Rivian? (I don’t like VW because we had not one, but two vehicles caught up in Dieselgate. They’re dead to me. Which is a shame because I really liked them.)

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Remember when the country came together after 9/11 because there was an enemy that was not a different half of our populace? We could have had that again with covid, but nooooo, we had to turn to infighting instead (and villainizing China while we were at it).

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I was about to ask if I could be transferred to that alternate universe, but maybe I’d actually like to be transferred to one where 2016 went drastically differently.

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I won’t

I would not say there is specifically an upside to keeping a serial killer alive, but there are many downsides to the death penalty both ethically and in practice, not the least of which is the chance that you would execute an innocent person. For those of us who are anti-death penalty, that is usually where we’re coming from.

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As a Californian, I’m always surprised when people think Newsom has a chance. Don’t get me wrong, I wouldn’t say I’m a fan but I think he’s done a lot of good (just wish he’d distance himself from PG&E especially) but I always rather assumed that in today’s political climate, anyone from California is considered toxic. Is that not the case?

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I tend to wonder how these polls are conducted and who is answering them? Does anyone get polls via email or text? Are they still just calling people? I’m in my 40s and basically no one I know my age or younger answers numbers they don’t know anymore, and texts are ignored or flat out blocked because if you respond, they barrage you later, or at least that’s what we all assume.

So I’m not convinced polls have any bearing on what will happen anymore. VOTE!

I live in a major metropolitan area, drive a model 3, and almost never use autopilot.

I am lucky enough to rarely be in stop-and-go traffic, but when I am, I don’t even use cruise control, because it’s too reactive to the car in front of me and subsequently too jerky for my preference.

As for autopilot, I was on a relatively unpopulated freeway in the second lane from the right, when a small truck came around a clover leaf to merge into the right lane next to me. My car flipped out and slammed on the breaks. The truck wasn’t even coming into my lane; he was just merging. Thankfully there was a large gap behind me, and I was also paying enough attention to immediately jam on the accelerator to counteract it, but it spooked me pretty badly. And this was on a road that it’s designed for.

Autopilot (much less FSD) can’t really think like our brains can. It can only “see” so far ahead and behind. It can’t look at another driver’s behavior and make assessments that they might be distracted or or drunk. We’re not there yet. We’re FAR from there.

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Ooh man, I’ve driven a lot of rentals for work…

I hated hated hated the Nissan Cube. Thankfully the check engine light came on within two hours of me picking it up so I got to swap it.

But I think the one that takes the cake is actually a vacation rental car. My husband and I rented a car when we went to Belgium. It was an Opel Corsa. It struggled to even reach the speed limit on highways and definitely couldn’t go above it. The funniest thing was that all the Audis and BMWs in Belgium didn’t even bother to tailgate us; they saw us ahead of them and moved over to pass well before they got to us. They knew. That thing was hilariously bad at being a car. I was also a new stick shift driver and it was very difficult. We then went to Switzerland where we got a VW Polo and suddenly I got a whole lot better at driving stick, lol.

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The Black Cauldron

Apparently PG&E, a company with literal blood on its hands, has us and our lawmakers by the balls. Fuck them for San Bruno, for Paradise, and for my energy bill.

I’m not saying it’s always the right idea to stay with someone in this sort of situation. But the fact that you did was probably a major reason she could be successful. She knew she had support and that is so, so important.

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/s not necessary. They’ve messed with numbers before and just got a slap on the wrist. Why wouldn’t they lie again?

I’m 41. As a college going-away gift I suppose, my dad bought me a basic screwdriver where the bits can be flipped for larger and smaller Phillips and flat heads, all stored in the shaft. It’s got a floral handle. That thing is both my husband’s and my favorite screwdriver despite having acquired many more tools in the interim, and it probably cost four bucks back in 2001.

I’m so irritated because I allowed myself to get out of the habit. I worked at a place for eight years where the marketing department insisted on not using it as part of their style guidelines and we were all supposed to follow suit. I disagreed in principle (and actually I’m pretty sure the marketing director agreed with me, but was overruled by the executive director) but still had to adapt, and I guess eight years was long enough that I don’t automatically put it in anymore and it pisses me off that I now have to think about it.

The dachshund was bred to scentchase, and flush out badgers and other burrow-dwelling animals. The miniature dachshund was bred to hunt small animals such as rabbits. >

Yeah, I think dachshunds are gonna have an easy time with a cat if they were bred to take on badgers. Ultimately, hunting dogs were bred for the purpose, whereas house cats and feral cats weren’t bred for anything beyond looks, even if they were utilized for their mousing skills. Dachshund /= mouse

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Regarding stickiness, perhaps it’s because the internet is ubiquitous now. Fifteen years ago, those of us on Fark and Digg and Reddit came to the internet for a lot of things. Notably, we kept in touch with friends that way (MySpace and Facebook) and in particular, we got our news that way. My parents were incredulous forever and still kinda are that I “don’t watch the evening news.” Now everyone uses it for everything. The big difference is that the early adopters are naturally more open to change because they adopted something that was a change. The rest of the population was slowly pushed into it. Now they don’t want to leave the sites that they’re used to (e.g. Reddit and Facebook) because they aren’t that open to change in the first place.

We’re about to cancel Netflix despite my kids’ protests and start rotating. My husband just wanted to watch the new Castlevania and then we’re cutting and running — for a while at least. It’ll end up on the rotation again at some point.

If streaming services ever make us sign up for more than a month at a time, we’ll be hard-pressed to keep doing it the “right” way.

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